Mystery Bracelets

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Bakugou starts wearing ugly bracelets. He won't tell anyone where he gets them. Sero is nosy and determined to find out. He decides the best course of action is to follow Bakugou.


It started with one unassuming bracelet. It was nothing special, just random beads cobbled together on a stretchy string. It was the ugliest thing Sero had ever seen. However, Bakugou wore the bracelet like it was a token of affection from a beautiful princess. He treated the silly thing like the most valuable object in the world.

Bakugou's reverence for the bracelet caught all of Class A's attention. Aside from Kirishima, Bakugou had never shown appreciation for anything the entire time they had known him. One Monday morning he strolled into class with the bracelet on his wrist. It was a harmless action, plenty of students wore jewelry, but it was all anyone could talk about. Even more so because Bakugou dodged every question about the bracelet with a, "Fuck you, extra," added in for good measure.

Then it became more than one bracelet. Bakugou returned to the dorms every week after the weekend with a new bracelet added to his ranks. The bracelets lined his arms from his wrists to his elbows on both arms. They were all different, but they were all hideously ugly. They looked like a child made them with their eyes closed.

Bakugou infuriated his classmates whenever he smirked in response to their incessant questions. He had them all secretly convinced he had joined some crazy cult, and ugly bracelet-making was part of the initiation.

Sero lost all of his self-control when Bakugou walked into the dorms with a bright orange monstrosity on his arm. He didn't bombard Bakugou with questions like the rest of the Bakusquad. Instead, he started scheming. That was the eighth week in a row Bakugou returned to school with more bracelets.

Someone was making him those bracelets. Sero was sure of it. Bakugou would never make something so ugly. The question was: who did Bakugou like enough to tolerate wearing ugly jewelry for?

Bakugou left UA for the weekend around four p.m. every Friday and came back around eight or nine p.m. Sunday afternoon. Sometime during that short period, Bakugou obtained horrendous jewelry.

Sero was determined to figure out the bracelets' origins. Since Bakugou wasn't talkative about the subject, Sero's only choice was to follow him. Sero wasn't the most skilled in stealth missions - he had a hard time remembering he was supposed to be sneaky - but his quirk allowed him to swing through the air or across rooftops. Most people didn't think to look up.

It was easy for Sero to stalk Bakugou after leaving the dorms. Classes were over and students were encouraged to visit home. It wasn't unusual for him to leave the dorms at the same time as Bakugou. To keep up appearances, Sero parted ways with Bakugou at their usual spot outside UA's campus.

He walked a street away, then doubled back. He was confident he could find Bakugou again if he scaled a building and leaped across the rooftops. It was a tactic he'd deployed in rescue training. He had yet to try it outside of school. It worked well enough. It took a few minutes of aimless wandering for Sero to spot Bakugou, but it was smooth sailing once he had him in sight.

Sero had never been to Bakugou's house, but he knew its general direction. Bakugou went in the opposite direction. He walked with a purpose. This wasn't a last-minute stroll or snack break. Bakugou didn't lift his eyes from his cracked pavement. Not even as he passed multiple cafes and fancy restaurants that slowly turned into run-down houses and grungy grocery stores.

Sero was baffled by what Bakugou's intention was. He would assume Bakugou was meeting a friend. But he didn't have those. He barely even had acquaintances. What reason did Bakugou have for being alone in the afternoon in a crappy part of town?

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