Bakugou Understands Female Pain

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Bakugou helps Mina when she has feminine emergencies.




The Bakusqaud spent Saturday at the mall. Bakugou only agreed to go under the promise that they did not invite Midoriya.

They spent most of the evening dodging makeup stores that Mina begged to visit and keeping Kaminari out of trouble. Everything went fine until the group stood from their lunch table. Kaminari was his usual eccentric self, trying to see how many food boxes he could balance in Sero's arms. Kirishima was distracted by a nearby Crimson Riot display, raving about how manly it was.

Bakugou glared at everyone around him until a flash of red on the back of Mina's shorts caught his attention. At the risk of seeming like a perv, he took a second look. Indeed, there was red seeping through the material. Without thinking, he pulled off his black sweatshirt, leaving him in a tight black T-shirt. He slung his sweatshirt across Mina's shoulder.

"Put this on," he mumbled into her ear.

Mina gripped the sweatshirt in confusion. "Why?"

"Just do it," Bakugou shifted his weight so his body hid the stain on Mina's shorts.

Mina scowled at him. "If this is about you thinking girls should cover up or some shit, you can shove that thinking up your ass!"

"It isn't about that. I don't give a shit about the way you dress. You're having a" he paused, trying to find the best wording, "feminine issue."

Mina gasped in understanding. "I bled through my pants?" she whispered, horrified.

Bakugou nodded.

Mina quickly wrapped the sweatshirt around her waist and tied it in a knot. "What do I do?" she asks.

"What do you mean? Just do whatever you normally do."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

Mina cursed her luck for having this problem with only boys around. If one of the other girls were with her, she could handle this issue quickly."I don't have any pads or tampons with me. I wasn't supposed to start for another week."

"Oh... go buy some?" Bakugou was way out of his depth. The only thing he knew to do was let Mina know and help hide it. He figured she'd take care of it by herself after.

"I didn't bring enough money! I only brought enough for the pants I wanted and to get lunch. What am I going to do?" she wailed.

"Calm down," Bakugou harshly whispered. Mina was gathering attention with her dramatics. "I'll buy whatever you need."

"You will?" Mina dabs at the corners of her eyes, wiping her tears away without ruining her eye makeup. "I'll pay you back when we get to the dorms."

"Like hell, you will. Go to the bathroom and text me a picture of what you need."

"Thank you," Mina whispered. She checked to ensure Bakugou's sweatshirt covered her backside before speedwalking to the closest bathroom.

Her abrupt departure caught the attention of the other boys. "Where's Mina going?" Sero asked.

"She really has to poop," Bakugou blurted. He winced immediately after the words left his mouth. Mina wouldn't want the boys to know the real problem, but she probably wouldn't want them to think she's taking a massive shit. He shrugged off the guilt. He was only a teenage boy, after all.

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