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UA hosts a Valentine's Day dance. Iida and Kaminari are the only two without dates.


IidaKami (Main)








 The announcement that caused class 1-A to lose track of their lesson and go crazy came just after lunch. "Attention, students and staff," Nezu's squeaky voice crackled from the speakers. "I have an announcement."

"Well, no shit," Bakugou muttered. Jirou, the only person who heard his comment, snorted into her hand.

"As you all know, Valentine's Day is fast approaching. The holiday falls on Saturday this year. UA is hosting a Valentine's Day dance for those who wish to attend. More details will be revealed at a later date. That is all."

Present Mic couldn't regain control of his class after that. He gave up trying and slumped in his chair as his students babbled about dates, dresses, and whatnot. He was relieved when the bell rang. He was so ready to be rid of his class.

It made him feel like Aizawa.

The dance was a spontaneous decision. Mic hadn't heard of it until then; Valentine's Day was that weekend. The staff barely had time to teach and decorate for the dance, and the students didn't have long to find dates and plan outfits. It was pure chaos in the days leading up to the Friday evening.

Valentine's Day dance invites happened all week.

The most memorable of them all was when Midoriya pinned Bakugou during training, and the latter blurted, "Go to the fucking dance with me, stupid Deku!" Midoriya was so flustered that he lessened his group on Bakugou. Bakugou seized the opportunity. He flipped them over, sat on Midoriya's legs, and held him in a chokehold. "I'm serious. Let me take you to this damn dance," he said, releasing Midoriya's throat so he could answer.

That wasn't the only proposal that happened during school hours. Uraraka asked Tsu to go with her during Aizawa's lecture. She melted into her seat at his glare, apologizing for being too nervous to hold it in longer.

Mina popped the question for Sero, her boyfriend, during a squad night. Everyone but Bakugou was excited and supportive of the two. Bakugou rolled his eyes and told them to keep in their pants. He exploded Kirishima's face when he reminded Bakugou of how and when he asked Midoriya out.

Ojiro asked Hagakure during lunch by giving her a bouquet of her favorite flowers. Momo didn't bother with a big scene. She asked her girlfriend if they were going together in the quiet of her room. Kirishima, the bravest of them all, asked Todoroki to accompany him. Surprisingly, he agreed.

It was the day before the dance, and Kaminari hadn't found a partner! He had asked everyone he could think of. His first instinct was Jirou or someone in the Bakusquad, but they all had plans already.

Then he panicked and asked Shinsou. That didn't work out because Shinsou was going with Monoma. Monoma. Of all the people in the school, Shinsou picked Monoma. How could Shinsou prefer that rude blond over Kaminari?

It didn't make sense. Neither did Kaminari's lack of a date.

He was an attractive, charismatic guy. Who wouldn't want to go to a dance with him? Apparently, everyone. Every person he asked said no.

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