Problem Children x 2 P1

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Summary: MHA/PJO +

A chance meeting between demigods and Pro-Heroes in training spirals into a plan to introduce the two groups. 











 Will and Nico finally got their shit together, with the help of their friends, after the war with Gaea and confessed their feelings. They didn't have long to enjoy their new relationship before Zeus banished Apollo to Earth, and they had to deal with Nero. Once Apollo earned his godhood back, things died back down.

Since then, Nico shadow travels them to a different place every week for a date night, only if Will deems Nico fit for the strain of his powers. Nico hopes against all odds that they might have a relaxing day for once, but of course, the gods enjoy fucking with their children, so everything goes to absolute shit.

This week, Nico surprises Will with a trip to Japan, a country his boyfriend has always wanted to visit. It is a slight shock to see people walking about with unusually colored skin, horns, or other extremities, but both demigods have seen weirder things, and no one on the streets seems to find it odd. Neither sense monster vibes from the strange people, so hoping to have a peaceful date, they ignore anything unusual they see.

Everything is fine until an orange-skinned man bolts past the two on the sidewalk, a purse clutched tightly to his chest. Will loses his balance and stumbles into the path of an oncoming car. Nico barely takes the time to yank Will out of the way before he sprints after the man. He doesn't give a shit who the man is, or why he's running, all he cares about is that a car almost hit his boyfriend, and it is this man's fault.

It's an attestment to how battle-hardened Nico is that he doesn't comprehend the sounds of a struggle sooner. If he were a mere mortal, he would no doubt turn and run from the sight that greets him as he turns a corner, but Nico is a demigod who has lived through multiple wars and many life-endangering events. He jumps straight into the fray.

As all demigods are, he's aware he's impulsive regarding battle. It registers in his mind that he doesn't know who the bad guy in this situation is or if the good guys would even appreciate his help. Still, he recognizes the orange man among the many people flitting about in flashy outfits.

Nico's protective instinct kicks in. The orange man has no chance once Nico sets his eyes on him.

A blonde guy, surrounded by explosions, glares at Nico and shouts something in a language Nico doesn't know. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce that what the guy said could have been more polite.

In response, Nico flips the boy off as he dives headfirst into a nearby shadow. He ignores the other fights around him as he reappears on the back of the orange man. He doesn't care why the rest of these people are fighting. His only concern is catching the person who put Will in danger.

He clasps his hands around the man's neck, sharp nails digging into the soft flesh, and gives him the Death Touch. Nico maniacally grins as fear travels from his hands through the man's body. He keeps enough composure to dampen the flow so the man's heart won't give out; he will only be rendered unconscious.

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