Four Overprotective Boyfriends

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A boy from the support class won't stop harassing Mina, so in a panic, she tells him she's dating all four people in the Bakusquad. He doesn't take her warning seriously and discovers how overprotective the Bakusquad is.


BakuMina (Fake)

KiriMina (Fake)

KamiMina (Fake)

SeroMina (Fake)




Bakugou sighs as Mina throws his arm over her shoulders and cuddles into his side for the fourth time that day. The squad likes to use him as a heater, but it isn't even cold out. "Raccoon Eyes, what the fuck are you doing?"

Mina laughs loudly. "Katsuki, you're so funny!"

The Bakusquad bristles at the use of Bakugou's first name. It is well known that only Kirishima can get away with it without Bakugou blowing him to high heaven.

Mina whispers to Bakugou before he explodes her. "I'm sorry, but this support class kid has been following me around for days. He won't leave me alone and keeps hitting on me. I told him I was uninterested, but it didn't stop him. I panicked and told him that I was in a relationship. That plan backfired because he asked with whom."

"You first thought was me?" Bakugou asks, shocked.

"Yes and no. I told him I was dating the entire Bakusquad."

"What the fuck?"

"I tried to tell him to back off because I have four overprotective guy best friends, but that didn't deter him. I finally said I have four overprotective boyfriends. It worked because I haven't seen him since. Please play along. He made me Mineta-level uncomfortable."

Bakugou wraps an arm around Mina's waist and pulls her into his side. "Of course, Raccoon Eyes. No one deserves to be in a situation like that. Have you talked to the rest of the squad?"

"Yes. They were waiting for your reaction."

As if he summoned them, Kirishima appears behind Mina at the table and wraps his arms around them. "How are my babies doing?"

"I'm not a fucking baby."

"I'm doing good?"

Kirishima's eyes flit to Bakugou's arm around Mina. She nods. Now that he has permission, he picks up Mina, takes her place, and settles her in his lap.

Bakugou grumbles at the intrusion. Kirishima laces their fingers together.

"I see we're not officially dating Alien Queen." Kaminari swings his legs over the other side of the bench.

"How is Shinsou taking it?" Kirishima asks.

Kaminari shrugs. "He's fine with it. I told him it was only for show. I don't have feelings for Mina - sorry, babe."

"No problem, love."

"Shinsou doesn't care if I ho around. As long as I tell him." Kaminari wiggles his eyebrows. "If you ever need a good fuck with no strings attached, hit me up."

"If I want a go fuck I'll go to anyone but you," Bakugou retorts.

"Ouch, Bakubro, that one hurt. I'll have you know I'm an amazing fuck. Come over tonight, and I'll prove it."

Bakugou scoffs. Kirishima leans across the table. "I'll be there. You better back up your words."

"If you don't believe me, ask Todoroki." Kaminari enjoys watching his friends' mouths drop.

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