But... We're Gay P1

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Due to a freak quirk accident, Kirishima and Bakugou end up with a biological kid. The two students are left to raise a kid while juggling being a hero course student and the general chaos that Class 1A radiates.





Kirishima is pissed - well and truly pissed. All he wanted was a nice, relaxing date with his boyfriend, without his nosy classmates interfering, but the universe can't even give him that.

He keeps one eye on the fallen leaves crunching under his feet as he chases a villain down a beaten park trail. He'd look ridiculous if he tripped and let her get away because he was too stupid to pay attention to where he was running.

Bakugou should be on the other side of the park, chasing her accomplice. The stupid villain duo thought it was a bright idea to kidnap children in broad daylight. Society's villains are becoming dumber by the day.

The villain is less than five feet in front of Kirishima. He's gaining on her and she knows it. She stops running and drops into a fighting stance, not moving until Kirishima gets closer. Kirishima hits his hero pose with a smirk. He's been training with Bakugou recently. There's no way this villain's quirk can break through his hardening.

The villain throws him for a loop when, instead of fighting, she claps her hands together. A glowing ball of sparking light appears between her hands when she parts them. She thrusts the ball at Kirishima before he processes what's happening. Acting instinctively, he snatches the ball out of the air, tightening his fingers reflexively.

He takes a moment to study the ball. It looks like light, but it has weight, almost like a tennis ball. Unless the police need it for evidence Kirishima will bring it back to UA for his teachers to look over. His attention isn't off the villain for more than a few seconds, but she's gone when he looks up.

He sighs, dejected, and walks back the way he came. There's no point in going after the girl. She could be anywhere in the park by now. He tucks the ball under his arm to keep it away from prying civilians. Surely, someone will want to poke around with it when his back is turned.

Kirishima debates whether he should visit Recovery Girl when he and Bakugou get back to UA. The villain's quirk didn't seem to do anything to him upon contact, but its effects might show up later. He doesn't want to deal with the paperwork involved with a quirk accident, so he won't say anything unless something out of the ordinary happens.

By the time he emerges from the trees near the parking lot, Bakugou already has his villain tied up. He shoves a strip from the bottom of the villain's shirt into her mouth to stop her angry tirade. It isn't his fault she and her partner chose to kidnap kids in the middle of the day at a busy park. It's not like he planned to give chase to villains on a weekend.

He leaves the villain tied up as he joins a group of policemen to give his statement. Kirishima hangs his head as he approaches. He's such an idiot for losing his villain. He's a hero student. He should be better than this.

"Bakugou, are you hurt?" he asks, stopping a foot behind Bakugou.

Bakugou's attention switches from the police to Kirishima. "No, are you?"

"No." Kirishima doesn't meet Bakugou's eyes.

"Where's the villain?"

"She got away."

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