Bravery Knows No Bounds

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Kaminari encounters an unconscious pro-hero in need of rescue. He battles a villain and hypothermia to get the hero to safety.




 Kaminari swears as his foot lands in a puddle of water. He juggles the plastic bags in his arms and shakes the water off his shoe. Luckily, the soul of his shoe is thick, so the water doesn't drench his sock. He's grateful for the safety. The temperature is steadily dropping.

He eyes the puddle seeping out of the alleyway to his right. It hasn't rained recently. There isn't any reason for such a sizable pool of water unless one of the businesses on either side of the alley is flooded.

It's late. All the workers should have gone home by now. If the building has flooded, no one will know about it until morning. By then, there could be thousands of dollars worth of water damage.

His mind made up, Kaminari follows the puddle down the alley. The sight that greets him isn't what he expected. The water isn't leaking from either of the buildings. Instead, it is congregated around a figure; Kaminari isn't close enough to tell what it is.

His eyes adjust to the dark, and he sees a young woman, looking to be in her early twenties, lying prone on the grimy ground. Her eyes are closed, but her chest rises and falls. Her nose is barely above the rising water.

Kaminari drops his bags onto a dry spot. His heels kick water up as he closes the distance. He kneels next to the woman, not caring that his pants become soaked. His hands lightly skim her body, checking for obvious signs of injury, keeping his touch polite, hoping the woman won't wake up and assume the wrong thing.

He feels no breaks, so he is comfortable turning the woman onto her side. He swipes her long hair out of her face, a gasp escaping his lips.

He recognizes this woman. She is a Pro-Hero, and her name is Fire Fight. She graduated from UA a few years before Kaminari started. She works at Endeavor's agency since her quirk is fire balls.

Fire Fight's skin is cold, and blue tinges her lips. There is no telling how long she has been left wet and cold. If she doesn't already, she'll have frostbite or hypothermia soon.

Kaminari scoops the soaked hero into his arms. Whoever attacked Fire Fight is still at large - because there is no way she laid face first in a puddle and knocked herself out - but Kaminari can't focus on that right now.

His priority is getting Fire Fight to safety. There isn't a phone available for him to call an ambulance with. He left his phone charging in his room at UA. All the businesses nearby are closed, and the streets are deserted. He could return to the twenty-four general store he bought his snacks from, but it would be almost fifteen minutes of backtracking. It will be quicker and better for him to bring Fire Fight to UA, where Recovery Girl can tend to her.

He leaves his bags of snacks where they are. The Bakusquad can survive without Doritos and Pretzels for one movie night. A shadow crosses his peripheral vision as he nears the mouth of the alleyway.

He doesn't let on that he's aware of their stalker. One of Aizawa's lessons is to keep the element of surprise during a fight. If you can throw your opponent off, you can win.

Feigned ignorance doesn't work this time. A man in a plain blue skintight suit drops in front of Kaminari without a sound. Kaminari jerks to a stop. He tightens his hold on Fire Fight. This stranger has to be her attacker.

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