Last Fifteen Minutes

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Mic takes over Aizawa's class after he is called in for a villain fight. Tension runs high when the villain incapacitates three pro heroes and sets a limit of thirty minutes for his demands to be met, or he kills them. Mic is trapped at the school, unable to get to his husband. 




Aizawa was not pleased when his nap was interrupted by his phone ringing. He was even more displeased when the purpose of the call was to inform him he's needed for a job. He ignored the curious stares of his students, who were supposed to be doing independent work, as he dialed a different number.

"Mic," Aizawa didn't give the other man time to greet him. "I have to leave now. I need you to watch my class."

"I'm on my way," Mic said immediately, no other information necessary.

"Mr. Aizawa, what's going on?" Momo asked. "Is everything alright?"

"Nothing to worry about. There is a bit of an incident and the heroes on scene need backup. I'm being brought in because they hope my quirk can help. Mic will be here to take over for me."

As he finished the sentence the door swung open. Mic leaned against the door frame panting. "I got here as soon as I could."

Aizawa grasped Mic's shoulder as he passed and squeezed three times in quick succession. Their subtle way of saying 'I love you' when in public. Mic couldn't do it back but the way his hand twitched showed Aizawa Mic wanted to.

"Be safe," Mic said instead. It was another one of their secret ways of showing affection for each other. Most people would brush it off as concern between colleagues, not as a promise to each other to never go into battle without some form of 'I love you'.

"I will," Aizawa nodded, then he was gone.

Mic took a moment to compose himself before he turned to the oddly silent class. All his years as pro heroes and watching his husband run into danger had never gotten any less nerve wracking. "Looks like you're stuck with me until Eraser gets back. So, what were you doing in class before I got here?"

Iida raised his hand ready to rattle off the exact paragraph they were in their textbooks.

Mic waved him off with a smile. "I'm just kidding! You really think we're going to do schoolwork when Eraser is out fighting a villain? No way!" Mic crossed to the desk and pulled up the most reliable news feed. He projected it on the board so everyone had a clear view. Aizawa wasn't being featured yet, but it wouldn't be long.

When possible, Mic tried to keep up with the battles Aizawa was involved with. Which wasn't often because Aizawa was an underground hero and his villain fights didn't often make their way to the light of day. "Take out your notebooks and jot down things you notice about the fight. It can be anything. Mistakes the heroes make, or the villains. Analysis on the heroes or villains. How heroes could have worked better together. Things like that. It's not mandatory, but I will give extra credit to the people who take it seriously." He gave them a stern look. "No one is allowed to copy Midoriya." He hid a chuckle when Kaminari and Sero slumped back into their seats, pouts present on their faces.

It was no surprise Bakugou, Midoriya, Iida and Yaoyorozu pulled out their notebooks prepared to take notes, or that Kaminari, Mina and Sero kicked their feet up on their desks intent on relaxing.

Mic settled himself in Aizawa's desk chair, which he never used, and prepared to be amazed at his husband's prowess. It wasn't long before Aizawa prepared on the scene. He jumped straight into battle without hesitation, his capture weapon flying around.

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