What's Done In The Night

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How Class 1A finds out, Bakugou has a sleepwalking problem. 



Before coming to UA, only one person knew that Bakugou Katsuki sleepwalked. That person was Midoriya Izuku. He wasn't sure exactly when it started or how Bakugou hadn't figured out it happened, but Midoriya spent most of his childhood chasing after Bakugou making sure he didn't get hurt during his nightly excursions.

Bakugou did not shy away from complaining loudly and often about how Midoriya was constantly spending the night at his house, not aware that when the other boy wasn't there, he spent most of the night wandering around his house doing chores in his sleep. It amazed Midoriya how often Bakugou woke up sleeping on the floor in random rooms of a crystal-clean house and never questioned anything.

After they hit middle school and their relationship took an even worse nosedive, Midoriya stopped spending the night. He didn't know if Bakugou still sleepwalked or if it had worsened.

Bakugou had not grown out of sleepwalking, and it had gotten worse. If going by the way Bakugou was curled tightly around Todoroki, eyes wide open, was anything to go off. Midoriya stopped in the doorway; jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Hello, Midoriya," Todoroki said passively. "I- um- I can come back later," Midoriya stuttered, stunned. He and Todoroki had a standing tradition of watching movies every Friday night, but it seemed as if the other boy was a little occupied.

"No need," Todoroki assured. "I'm not busy."

Midoriya's eyes flicked down to Bakugou clutching at Todoroki's pajama shirt. "Are you sure?"

"Oh," Todoroki said, realizing the issue. "Never mind him. He does this often."

"Does what? How often?" Midoriya finally closed the door.

"Every few nights, he'll show up, climb in bed, grab onto me, refuse to let go for an hour or two, then leave again. He never says anything and isn't harming me, so I let him."

Midoriya face palmed. "Todoroki, he's sleepwalking. Kacchan has always had a problem with it."

Todoroki glanced at the boy in his lap. "That explains a lot."

"I can take him back to his room if you want," Midoriya offered.

"Is that safe?"

"It's fine. I've done this since we were kids."

"Then, yes, I would like you to take him back to his room. We already had an activity scheduled. I would not want to cancel because of this."

"No worries. It shouldn't take long." Midoriya squatted next to the bed. "Kacchan, you can't stay here. Let's go back to your room. You can sleep there."

Bakugou grumbled, turning his face further into Todoroki's stomach.

It didn't faze Midoriya. He grabbed Bakugou under the arms and yanked him off the bed, ignoring Todoroki's startled yelp. Bakugou slept like the dead, so Midoriya wasn't worried about waking him. The Bakusquad abused this fact when Midoriya let it slip during one of his many mumbling rants.

There was a running bet in one of the many group chats over which member of the Bakusquad could sneak into Bakugou's room and get a picture of him in the most embarrassing/adorable positions. So far, Sero was winning with five photos of Bakugou hugging his pillow like a baby. No one knew how he succeeded so much. Kirishima was behind with one picture of Bakugou half lying on the floor. Mina was slightly behind Kirishima with a picture of Bakugou asleep at his desk, drool hanging from his lip. She argued she should be tied with Kirishima at least since they both had one picture, but the rest of the class pointed out Kirishima's image is more embarrassing, ergo, worth more points. Kaminari came in last with zero pictures. The one time he braved Bakugou's wrath, he tripped over the air and fell on top of the boy. It took Recovery Girl days to heal all the burns Bakugou left on Kaminari. He had since bowed out of the competition.

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