It Started Out So Innocent

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While out on a class picnic, Bakugou is hit with a quirk that broadcasts his thoughts to all of Class A without his knowledge. The class stays silent, using the opportunity to learn what Bakugou is thinking. 

It's innocent until Bakugou's thoughts turn darker, and Tokoyami is the only one who notices. 





I'm not in handcuffs, and Nezu isn't here, but I can't help but think I must be getting expelled or arrested.

Aizawa sits against the wall, covered in his trademark yellow sleeping bag. His eye bags are worse than usual, and his eyes are drooping, but he has never terrified me more.

Most people have never had the displeasure of having Aizawa's glare turned on them. I'm not that lucky. He can't erase my quirk, but that doesn't stop him from activating his own as a scare tactic. Not that he needs it. I am plenty frightened without his quirk.

It's just us in the room, one of UA's unused classrooms. Other staff members took my classmates to different rooms to 'talk' to them, except for Bakugou. He's still with Recovery Girl. No one knows if he will live or if he can return to hero work even if he does.

I'm sure, to Bakugou, there is no distinction. If this ruined his future career as a Pro-Hero, it would be no different than death.

After what feels like an eternity, Aizawa speaks. "Tokoyami."

"Yes," I rasp. I haven't spoken in hours. Not since I screamed for help when Bakugou stepped off the roof.

"It has been a challenge putting the full story together from the bits and pieces of babbled chatter I have overheard from your panicked classmates. I want you to start from the beginning and tell me exactly what has happened these past few weeks."

I shake my head. Dark Shadow curls around my neck and hides their eyes, ashamed of our actions. "I don't think that is a good idea, Sir. Bakugou should be the one to explain."

"From what I have heard, you didn't give a shit about Bakugou's privacy before, so don't start now. Tell me the full story."

"Am I being expelled?"

"I will decide that once I know what happened."

I drop my eyes, unable to meet my teacher's disappointed stare. "It started so innocent..."


It didn't mean anything; it was just a joke.

It isn't often Bakugou is at the center of our jokes. It wasn't supposed to go this far.

Momo and Iida had organized a picnic outing at the park for the class. Kirishima and Kaminari had somehow managed to wrangle Bakugou into coming. I have no idea how they did it.

I am ashamed to say I wished they hadn't, not because of what happened later, but because I wanted to relax. I knew Bakugou would disturb the peace. I know now that if I or one of our classmates, besides the Bakusquad, had reached out and made Bakugou feel like we wanted him around, he wouldn't have done what he did.

Once we settled at the park, Iida ordered Midoriya to sit as far from Bakugou as possible on Momo's large blanket, hoping to prevent any fights. Not that it would deter them. We all know Bakugou and Midoriya can be very determined when angry. Nothing we did or said could have stopped them if they wanted to fight.

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