Time Means Nothing

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Bakugou and Todoroki broke up not long after graduating from UA. A few years later, they bump into each other at a Pro-Hero Christmas ball. It must be fate when they find themselves locked in a cellar, using the opportunity to discuss their still lingering feelings for each other. 



ShinKami (Mentioned)

KiriDeku (Mentioned)


"Hey, Bakugou!"

Bakugou groans, rolling over in bed and hiding his head underneath his plush pillow, attempting to escape his friend's voice. It doesn't work.

His lock clicks, and the door of his apartment opens. Bakugou doesn't move until someone cracks his bedroom door open. "I told Eijiro to give you a key for emergencies," he grumbles.

"This is an emergency," Kaminari jumps onto the bed beside Bakugou, almost landing on him.

"What could possibly be so important that you had to wake me up at," Bakugou blearily checks his phone for the time, "six in the morning on my day off?"

"This." Kaminari dangles a piece of fancy paper before Bakugou's eyes, peeking out from under his pillow.

Since Kaminari won't be leaving soon, Bakugou sits up and snatches the paper from Kaminari's hands. The paper crinkles as he unfolds it. Scanning the letter, Bakugou's brow crinkles. Whatever the contents of the letter are, it displeases him.

"Where did you get this?" he asks gruffly.

"It came in the mail. So, what do you think?"

"Think about what?"

Kaminari points to the last line on the paper. "About being my plus one for the evening."

"Don't you have an insomniac husband to drag to this instead of me?"

"Hitoshi is away on an underground mission. He isn't available."

"What about Eijiro?"

"He's taking Midoriya."

"He got invited too?"

"Yep. Midoriya did as well. I'm not surprised you didn't get an invite with your nasty personality."

He's teasing, but the jab is accurate. As far as the public knows, Dynamite is the surliest hero. He doesn't have the best reputation with the press. However, Bakugou has the largest fanbase aside from Midoriya. No one knows how he does it.

"I'm not going." Bakugou shoves the paper at Kaminari.

Kaminari drops the paper to the floor and clasps his hands together in a classic begging pose. "Please, Bakugou. I need you. I can't show up alone to an event this big. It will ruin my image."

"Your image was ruined before we graduated," Bakugou quips.

Kaminari takes a deep breath. "That was mean. But I will overlook it if you agree to be my plus one."

"You're not going to leave me alone until I say yes, are you?"

Kaminari shakes his head.

"Will he be there?" He did not need to specify who he was speaking about. All of Bakugou's close friends knew.

"Todo-" Kaminari cuts off at the sharp look Bakugou sends his way. "His name is not on the public guest list. I don't know if that means he didn't receive an invitation or hasn't RSVP'd yet."

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