Are We Cliche, Or In Love

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Bakugou is tired of Tsu and Uraraka pining for each other. On Valentine's Day, he and Shinsou devise a scheme to get the girls to confess to each other.



TodoIidaKami (Todoroki/Iida/Kaminari)



Tsu exits her dorm room and enters a world of pink, red, white, and gold. It looks like a unicorn vomited on the interior of the 2-A dorms. Paper hearts are strung across the hallway in rows, creating a canopy that covers the ceiling, and more paper Valentine's Day decorations litter the walls.

She isn't the only one shocked by the decorations. Momo stands in her doorway, staring around in wonder. She reaches above her head and caresses one of the paper hearts. A smile breaks out.

"Momo?" Tsu croaks out.

Momo drops her hand. "Yes?"

"Do you know who did this?"

"I do not. It is beautiful, though."

Tsu hums. She's uncomfortable knowing that someone was putting up decorations outside her dorm during the night, and she was unaware the entire time. There's no chance of the one responsible being a villain; UA has extensive security measures after the League of Villains kidnapped Bakugou, but Tsu needs better observation skills if she wishes to become a Pro-Hero.

Momo walks down the hall and stops beside Tsu. "Would you like to walk to breakfast with me?"

The common area is the best place for Tsu to find out who decorated the dorm. She won't be able to relax until she does. "Yes, I would," she says.

Momo offers Tsu her arm, and Tsu links her arm through Momo's. Momo is so sweet, caring, intelligent, and beautiful. It should be so easy for Tsu to fall in love with her. Unfortunately, Tsu has never looked at Momo in that way.

Her heart has been set on one person since her first year. Of course, Tsu went the cliche route of falling in love with her best friend. Not even gay girls are exempt from the phenomenon.

The girls step off the elevator and realize the common room didn't escape the Valentine's Day-ification.

It looks like someone set a multitude of glitter bombs off with the amount of red and pink glitter-covered hearts that hang from the ceiling or are taped to the walls. Even the floor has Valentine's Day decals. Momo's slippers step on a brown bear holding a heart that says, Be Mine, in block letters.

In the middle of all of it is Mina - no surprise - and Bakugou - big surprise. He's balancing precariously on a chair as Mina hands him one end of a tinsel garland. Sero supplies tape.

Bakugou stands on one leg, leaning to reach further on the wall. He's determined not to move the chair until he absolutely has to. He tapes the garland to the wall. "Why did I have to do this? Fucking Tape Face over there has tape."

Sero grabs Bakugou's waist, steadying him when his leg shakes from the strain. "I do, but you are better at decorating. If we did it ourselves, it would look trashy."

"You're damn right it would."

Momo hides a chuckle. Bakugou knows his friends purposefully appeal to his competitive nature to convince him to do things, and he doesn't care.

"What is going on?" Tsu asks.

Uraraka pokes her head out of the kitchen, talking over Iida, who is berating Kaminari for dropping eggs because he convinced Todoroki to cook an omelet on his palm. "Mina and Sero wanted to decorate for Valentine's Day. They didn't know how, so they made Kirishima wake Bakugou up at two in the morning to help them."

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