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I'm laying in the hospital bed high off my ass getting stitched up when the door bursts open, Sam, Mindy, and Tara are the first to arrive. Soon Chad, Ethan, Wes and Amber joining. Eyeing Amber suspiciously as she walks into the room. Sam right by my side holding my hand. "I'm so glad you're okay" she mumbles, eyes glossing over. "It's gonna take more than that to kill me. Weak ass" i mutter flexing jokingly. "What even happened?" Mindy asks, stressed. "I don't know. One minute Ambers calling me and the next it's not even her and some weirdos in my house chasing me around with my own kitchen knife" i say, throwing my hands around. "Knew I could survive a horror movie" i mumble excitedly. "Y/n that was only act one, you haven't survived yet" Amber mutters the second bit, hoping no one heard but I did. Furrowing my eyebrows I decide to ignore it. Maybe I'm tripping off the gas.

"So, I can't take you out anymore because this shit they got me on has me insane right now" I admit, looking at Sam after everyone left the room. "That's okay, I'm just glad you're still here" she says, looking all over my face. "What a story to tell my kids though" I say smiling, pointing to the cut on my face. "Shut up" she mutters laughing lightly. "Miss Y/L/N you're free to go home now" a nurse comes in and says. I nod my head saying Thankyou as I get up, grabbing my things. "You probably shouldn't be alone, right now. Might come back to get you" she admits, scared. "So you want me to stay at yours?" I ask, knowingly. Watching blush creep onto her cheeks as she nods. I laugh lightly. "Let's go to yours then" I say, holding my hand out for her.

We get home, seeing everyone's cars parked in and around the driveway. "I'm sus on Amber" I admit, as Sam turns the car off. "I know she's weird but it couldn't be her" Sam says, trying to stay positive. She stares out infront of her for a moment before turning to me. Looking all over my face before leaning over, capturing my lips between hers. I place my hand on her waist, kissing back, deeply. She turns her seatbelt off, climbing over the centre-console and straddling my lap. The kiss getting more heated, our tongues fighting for dominance. My hands resting on her ass while hers are gripping the hair on the back of my head. We pull away when our lungs are burning for air, resting our foreheads against each others. "I don't want to lose you" she mutters, taking in a shakes breath. "You won't" I admit, reassuring her.

@ Y/nIsSoCool69

@ Y/nIsSoCool69

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Liked by; Sam.Carpenter, ChadRulz69, T_Carpenter, TheBetterTwin, LaundryBoy, Livy2022, DefinitelyNotFree.Man and 438 others

Y/nIsSoCool69: Felt Cute

ChadRulz69: top ten moments before disaster
- Y/nIsSoCool69: when your mom found out she was having another one after Mindy

TheBetterTwin: fought for your life just to post the picture? SLAYYYYY
- Y/nIsSoCool69 SLAYYYYY

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"You really posted that photo on instagram?" Tara asks incredulously. "Why not? It's a pretty good photo" i say shrugging as I grab a glass filling it with water. "You could have died y/n! Why are you acting dumb?" She asks slightly raising her voice. "But I didn't Tara, not even close to it. I'm still here with barely any injuries. That should be enough. That's what you should focus on" I say, sighing deeply, running a hand through my hair. "You're so fucking annoying" she says, her voice cracking. I look up to see tears threatening to spill from her eyes. I walk over, embracing her in a tight hug. "I'm still here, T. I'm not going anywhere" i mutter feeling her sob into my chest. "Please. I don't want to lose you. I was so scared" she mumbles, sniffling. "You won't, I promise" I say, pulling back and holding out my pinky. She wraps her around mine, kissing her thumb. I do the same to mine. "See, now legally I can't go anywhere" I say smiling wide. "You're a dork" she mumbles, smiling. "Goodnight" I whisper, kissing her forehead before walking off to Sams room.

"What a day" i say to myself, taking my shirt off and going to Sams closet to grab my shorts. Going to the bathroom and getting changed, and doing my night routine. Sitting on the edge of the bed before falling back, laying down. "Rough day?" I hear Sam ask, coming and sitting on my lap. "The roughest" i mutter sighing deeply. "Good think you work out now. 16 year old you would've been pummelled" she says laughing. Smacking her leg "hey that's not nice, 16 year old me would've survived the attack too" I say, eyebrows knitted together. Sam gives me a knowing look. "Okay maybe not" i mutter rolling my eyes. "Who do you think did it?" She asks, running her fingers over my stomach and chest. "Amber is up there on my list but I don't know. Whoever it is is gonna have me shocked" I admit. "Yeah for sure" Sam agrees.

"Can I see your back?" Sam asks out of nowhere. "Sure" I mumble waiting for her to get up so I can lay down properly. Once I'm on my stomach I feel her situate herself on my ass feeling her cold fingers trace over the stitches. Wincing slightly cause it still hurts. "Sorry" she mumbles, being more gentle. "You're lucky it's more of your shoulder than anything. It could've gotten a lung" she says barely above a whisper. "Do you wanna put the wrap over it for me?" I ask, sighing softly. I feel her get up and grab the stuff the hospital gave us before coming back to the bed, sitting beside me and covering the stitches. "There" she says softly running her fingertips over it.

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