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It's been days since we left the hospital, it's eerily quiet without ghostface fucking with us. Sam told me to come stay at hers, knowing that the killer will be back to continue. Mindys been okay, she's coming around a lot which is nice, even under the circumstances.

"Y/n come on, you're getting shit" Mindy yells as I die, again, in the game we're playing. "I don't play anymore, I'm sorry" I say sassily rolling my eyes. Hearing the front door open and close, Tara comes in "hey" she mumbles out, walking straight past us to Sams room. I sigh, still hurting from what happened months ago. "You just gotta get over her, dude. Don't hold out for a bitch who broke your heart" Mindy says sincerely, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Thanks" I mumble with a tight lipped smile.

After a moment I get up, deciding to look in the kitchen for food, not finding much. "Damn" i mumble, closing the fridge and hobble my way to sams room. As I get closer I can hear her and Tara talking. I stop and listen for a moment. "You can't trust her Sam, she's deranged" Tara whisper yells. "She's literally not? I can trust her and I will. I'm not gonna leave her for my psychotic bestfriend like you did" Sam says back, sassily. "Whatever, Sam. Don't come crying when she tries to kill you" Tara replies. I try not to let it affect me. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath before knocking on her room door. "Come in" Sam yells out. I open the door slowly. "Hey, you don't have much food so I'm gonna go stop at the shops and pick some up for you" i say, smiling awkwardly. "Do you want me to come?" She asks, walking towards me. "No no, it's okay. You don't have to if you don't want to. I'll be quick" i mumble. "Okay, see you soon?" She asks, wrapping her arms around my neck. "See you soon" I say with a small smile, placing my hands gently on her hips. "Drive safe" she mumbles, leaning in connecting our lips in a tender kiss. "Always" i reply back after we pull away. Walking out of her room and back into the lounge room to see Mindy. "I'm gonna go to the shops" I inform her. "I'm coming" she says eagerly jumping up from the couch.

"I can't believe she'd say that" Mindy exclaims as we get into the car. "It is what it is, you know?" I say with a small shrug. "Dude I bet she'd get mad upset if you hook up with Sam" Mindy half jokes. "I can't do that to Sam though" i mutter, keeping my eyes on the road ahead. "You know better than me that Sam would go with it, she's just as crazy as you" she laughs. I jokingly roll my eyes, lightly smacking her arm mumbling a "whatever". Pulling into the shops parking lot and parking the car. "Come on, get out of my car" i joke, leaning over and opening the passenger door. "When she opens the door for you" Mindy jokes getting out. "You're so annoying" i mutter closing my door and locking the car before we make our way inside the grocery store.

As we're roaming the isles Mindys phone starts ringing. "Hey, Amber, What's up?" She answers. Looking at things on the shelves. "Dude, don't joke about that shit" she mutters slightly annoyed. She slowly turns to me, "it's for you" she mumbles, her hand reaching out shakily to pass me the phone. My eyebrows knitting together in confusion I grab the phone, bringing it up to my ear. "Hello?" I ask confused. "Hello, Y/n" ghostface teases. My body tensing up, heart racing. "What do you want?" I ask, trying to calm my nerves. "I know I scare you, Macher, don't try and hide it" they tsk. "I'm not scared of you" i mutter hanging up. "Fucking dickhead" i mutter handing the phone back to Mindy. All of a sudden we hear screaming. Confused we walk to the end of the isle, looking around we see Ghostface, stabbing someone as everyone else runs away. "We have to go, now" i mutter, grabbing Mindys hand and dragging her out of the shops, hoping that the killer isn't behind us. Unlocking the car and getting in, we see Ghostface standing at the shops entrance. They hold the knife up, bringing their other hand up and cleaning the blood off before walking back inside.

"Fuck me" Mindy mumbles, hand to her heart. "Me too" i mutter laughing nervously. We drive back to Sams, Tara's car no longer there. "Go get her" Mindy mumbles, getting out of my car just to get into hers, turning it on. "Stay safe" I yell out as she backs out of the driveway and drives off. I let out a deep breath, walking up to Sams front door and opening it. "You really should lock your doors, especially with a killer around" i yell out, kicking my shoes off by the door and walking further into the house. "Sam?" I call out, confused. Hearing noises upstairs, I decide to go check, make sure she's okay. I slowly make my way up the stairs, the sound getting louder and louder. "What is going on?" I mutter to myself walking down the hallway to her room. "Is that... moaning?" I ask myself, hearing the sounds more clearly now. "I'll let her do her thing" i mutter walking back down stairs to the lounge room, laying on the couch.

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