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Everyone's relaxing, enjoying the calm before the storm. Sam and I are laying in bed when she turns to me "I see my dead dad sometimes" she admits, nonchalantly. "Sorry, what?" I ask, shocked at what she just said. "You see your dead dad. Like hallucinations?" I ask, trying to clarify. "Yeah" she says calmly. "Babe you got severe daddy issues" i joke. "No I don't" she protests, smacking my stomach.

"Y/n help!" I hear Tara scream, hearing things get thrashed around and her screaming. I jump off the bed, grabbing the gun before bursting out of Sams room. "Tara where are you?" I yell out, checking my surroundings. Hearing choked sobs down in the kitchen I run down, hiding the gun in the back of my jeans again. Seeing ghostface standing over Tara, about to plunge the knife into her back, again. "Hey fuck face" I yell out, making the killer pause and look up at me. "Waiting for you to gut me like a pig" I tease, they get off of Tara, stalking their way towards me. The killer swings their knife towards me, missing as I dodge it. They swing again, slashing my arm. I wrap my arms around their waist, tackling them to the ground. Straddling their waist, holding their arms so they don't try and stab me. "Let's see who's under the mask" i mutter, struggling with them. Grabbing the mask I pull it off, seeing Ethan. "I watched you get carved up" i mumble shocked. Ethan uses that to his advantage, pushing me off of him. Amber comes running into the kitchen, seeing Ethan now ontop of me, trying to stab me.

"Amber, help" i mutter, using all my strength to stop Ethan. She stares at us for a moment before grabbing a pan and swinging it over his head, knocking him to the ground. I go to kick him but he manages to take a swipe at me, stabbing my thigh. "You son of a bitch" I groan, bent over. He takes that as an advantage, running away to somewhere in the house. I take my shirt off, wrapping it tightly around my leg to stop the bleeding. "I told you im not the killer" she mumbles rolling her eyes. "There's always too" i correct eyeing her. She holds her hand out for me, helping me up. "Thanks" I mumble, wincing. I stumble my way upstairs, where everyone else is. Pushing myself into Sams room finding everyone huddled up in there. "It's Ethan. He's ghostface" i say out of breath, holding onto my knees for support. "Ambers not the killer" i say, as she walks in. "There's always two" Sidney corrects. I look at Amber knowingly. "That's what I said" I mumble proudly.

The lights shut off, leaving us in the dark. "Fuck me" Sidney and I mumble at the same time. We look at each other before pulling out our guns. We make our way out of the room, Sam following close behind us. Putting my phone flash on, lighting the way. We check our surroundings, walking down to the cellar to turn the power back on. "I'll keep lookout" i mumble, opening the door for them. They walk down to do the power. The house is dead silent until my phone starts ringing. I answer it "why are you hiding" I ask, looking around. "Wouldn't it suck if you're little whore girlfriend was to get carved up?" They ask, teasingly. "You're not very good at it" I admit, walking around. "You shouldn't be alone when there's two killers on the loose" they say, laughing lightly. "I'm getting bored of this" i say hearing them stutter as I hang up. The power turns back on, Chad and Mindy trying to sneak around. "Ambers with Tara" Mindy says. "Look out" I yell, seeing ghostface come up behind them. Chad throwing himself in front of mindy. Getting stabbed in the stomach a couple times before being thrown to the ground. "Chad" she yells out, tears pricking her eyes. "Your turn" ghostface says tilting their head. They run towards Mindy, swinging and missing. They swing again, stabbing her waist. "Oh fuck" she mutters, sliding down the wall.

The cellar door opens, Ethan standing behind Sidney and Sam, holding the knife to their backs. "One wrong move and I'll slit your throat" he says smiling devilishly. Sam holding her stomach, wincing in pain. I go to step towards them. "Uh uh uh. Don't move" he says, waving the knife around. "Take off the mask, baby" he yells wickedly. The other ghostface taking off the mask "surprise" Liv says holding up the voice changer. "Miss me?" she asks tilting her head. Grabbing Mindy and Chad, dragging them into the kitchen. "This is crazy" Mindy slurs. Soon after Liv has Amber and Tara walking into the kitchen. "Don't be stupid" Sidney says knowingly. "When am I ever" I ask tilting my head. Ethan pushes them into the kitchen. Tying everyone's hands up.

"You know, I don't get how both sisters are in love with you?" Ethan says, tilting his head, swinging his knife around. I look to my side, seeing Liv walk closer to him, smiling menacingly. "I'm hot, talented and cool? What's not to love" I say, watching the frustration build on his face. "You know, I always wanted to stick something in Tara and tonight I did, over and over again" he says, walking over to her, using the knife to lift her head. "Fuck you" she spits out, tears spilling from her eyes.

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