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"Can you stay with me? It could be like a sleep over." Tara suggests shyly. "Yeah of course. Been a hot minute since we've done a sleepover" I admit, helping clean up the rubbish. "Cool" she says, smiling wide before running upstairs.

I walk up and quickly go to Sams room. "Hey I'm gonna be in your sisters room tonight, she wanted to have a sleepover" i say, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. "Oh okay, have fun?" She says, more of a question. I walk up to her wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her close. "Goodnight" I whisper, kissing her forehead. "Goodnight" she mumbles, leaning up to bring me into a deep kiss. "Come in when you wake up?" She says, as I walk out of her bedroom. I nod my head saying one last goodnight before closing the door behind me, walking down the hallway to Tara's room.

I knock on the door, hearing a faint 'come in'. I walk in, closing the door behind me. Hopping straight into bed, Tara already there. "Ready to sleep?" I ask, putting my phone under the pillow and turning off the light. "Mhm" she mumbles, watching me. I turn around, facing her in the dark room, feeling her breath hit my face. "Y/n" she says barely above a whisper. "Yeah?" I mutter, my eyes closed. I'm about to speak again when I don't hear anything until I feel her lips on mine, kissing me deeply. Consumed in the moment, I kiss back. "Goodnight" she says after we break away for air. Rolling over like nothing happened. "Goodnight" I mumble confused, rolling the other way, staring at the wall.

Waking up feeling a weight on my chest. I open my eyes looking down, seeing someone's hair all over me. I get up as carefully as I can, trying not to wake her. Feeling her arms tighten around my stomach. "Fuck" i whisper, trying again, this time getting free. I grab my stuff, quietly heading into Sams room. Seeing she's still fast asleep I try to keep as quiet as I can, slipping into the bed behind her, loosely wrapping my arm around her waist. "Mm good morning" she mutters, smiling. "Morning" i say back, my voice raspy. "What time is it?" She asks, rolling over facing me now. "7:30" I mumble, squinting at my phone. "Do you have to get up?" She asks sadly. "Nah, I have today off too" I whisper, watching a smile grow onto her face. "Okay" she says, burying her head in my neck, kissing it before falling back asleep.

I lay in bed for a while, watching TikTok's. It's now 10am and I decide to get up. Slowly and carefully unwrapping Sam from me. I close her door behind me, making my way down stairs. "Where'd you run off to?" I hear behind me in the kitchen. Turning around I see Tara is my shirt? And maybe only that. "Um, you're sister asked me to go see her this morning when I woke up" reply nervously. "Why are you nervous?" She says, coming closer to me. "I'm not?" I say, trying to act fine. "Mhm, okay y/n" she says before grabbing a glass and filling it with water. She looks at me on last time before walking to her room, swaying her hips. "I'm going crazy" i mumble to myself, furrowing my eyebrows and going to sit on the couch. 10 minutes pass and I decide to call Mindy. "Do you wanna come to Sam & Tara's right now? They're asleep and I am so fucking bored" I admit when she answers. "Oh and stop at mine and grab a blunt for us" i add on. "Be there soon" is all she says before hanging up. I end up falling back asleep waiting for her to get here. "Time so smoke?" I hear someone whisper in my ear, my eyebrows knitting together as I open my eyes. "What?" I murmur. "Let's go smoke, nerd" Mindy says, smacking my leg. I groan getting up. Groggily following behind her to the backyard.

"Fuck I'm hungry" Mindy says walking into the kitchen, coming back with a burger and some nuggets. "Look what I found" she says, excitedly. "Nice" i say with a wonky smile. Forgetting that's Sams food. Mindy chows it down, "that was so good" she mutters leaning back, sighing happily. Not long later, a very awake Sam comes down the stairs. "Good morningggg" she sings out, coming over to see us. "Morning" Mindy and I say, feeling stoned. "How was your sleep" I ask, my voice raspy from how dry my throat is. "It was okay. Could've been better" she says suggestively, squeezing my shoulder. My eyebrows raising in surprise "oh uh yeah for sure" i spit out nervously. She laughs to herself going towards the kitchen. Not even 2 minutes later we hear her yell out "why is there no food in this fridge. WHO TOOK MY FUCKING LUNCH??". Mindy and I slowly turn our heads, locking eyes. "Run" i mouth to her. Watching fear wash over her face. Getting up and running up to Tara's room. "I'm sorry I didn't know" she yells out, panicked. I'm sat on the couch laughing my ass off, watching a hangry Sam come towards me. "Let's go get you some food" i say, standing up grabbing her hand. Walking out to my car.

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