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It's been months since Tara and I ended. I haven't seen or spoken to any of our friends, moved out in the middle of the night, changed my number. The house abandoned with memories of Tara and I. My life has been quiet, calm almost. Sidney sends me updates of Andre every now and then, letting me know how he's getting on but it's just me and Milo now. And the ghost of my psychotic father but we try to ignore that.
I haven't heard from ghostface at all, it's been radio silent from them, I guess they got what they wanted.

I'm out walking through the isles of this sketchy bodega, grabbing small grocery items I need. Keeping my hood on and my head down. Walking to the cashier, giving him my items and paying quickly before rushing out, bumping into someone on my way. "Hey Watch out" they say sassily. Freezing as I hear their voice. "My bad" i mutter, my voice rough. Leaving as quickly as I can, i probably look like a junky to people around me. Walking down the street to my car, placing the bags in the backseat. "You really thought I wouldn't recognise you?" The person asks now being behind me. I stay silent, starring into the car window, not wanting to turn around. "Y/n" they say sternly. I sigh heavily turning around slowly. "Hey, Sam" i mutter finally taking my hood off, looking at her face. "Somehow you look better and worse at the same time" she mumbles, eyes raking over my face. "Thanks" I say with a tight lip smile. "Everyone's staring at you, whispering about you" I hear my father say, hearing light whispers in the background. "I-I gotta go" i mutter rushing to get into the drivers seat, turning the car on and speeding off, not sparing Sam a second glance.

"It must be nice, seeing her again? Looking at her face. She's beautiful" I hear my dad say. Looking in the rear view seeing him sitting smiling in the backseat. "Leave me alone" i mutter, turning on the radio, blasting it.
Pulling up in my driveway. Parking the car and getting out, taking everything inside. I'm unpacking all the food in the kitchen when I hear a knock at my door, nervously, I grab a knife, slowly making my way to it. Opening it slowly only to find Sam standing there with a soft smile on her face. "You can't get away from me that easily, Y/n" she jokes, pushing past me to walk inside. "Nice place" she comments, looking over the minimum decorations I have. "Thanks" i mutter, watching her every move. "So are you gonna put the knife away or?" She asks, a teasing smile tugging on her lips.

Clearing my throat I walk back into the kitchen, putting the knife back in the rack before walking to the fridge grabbing two beers, opening them and handing one to Sam. "How's everything?" She asks, sincerity in her voice. "Quiet" i say trying to keep my eyes locked on her and not the hallucination of my dead dad behind her. "What are you doing here?" I ask, tearing my eyes away to look at the beer bottle in my hand. "You left with no goodbye or anything and months later we bump into each other? Gotta take that as some sort of a sign" she says, smiling lightly as she takes a sip of the drink. "I'm sorry" I mumble, not daring to look up at her. Sam sighs deeply. "Y/n" she says, walking towards me.

"What my sister did to you, wasn't right, no matter what shitty excuse she used" she assures, placing her hand on my own. "She thinks I'm gonna kill her one day" i mutter shaking my head pulling away. "And are you?" She asks, taking a step towards me again. "Never. I'm not my dad" i mutter, my jaw clenching subconsciously. "Exactly, we're not like our dads, Y/n, no matter what anybody thinks" she confesses, her hand coming up to rest on my cheek. Closing my eyes, leaning into the touch, letting out a heavy breath. "You can be crazy together. The perfect couple" I hear my dad say. "I'm not fucking crazy" i seethe pulling away from Sam. "I didn't say you were, y/n" Sam says cautiously. "Oh come on, Y/n, are you still in denial? You can't help what you are. You're a killer, you're psycho. You're legacy is ghostface, accept it" my dad laughs. "Shut up" I yell, throwing my beer at my dad, his ghost fading away as the bottle flies through him and smashes into the wall.

"What's going on, Y/n?" Sam asks, both hands on my cheeks, forcing me to look into her eyes. My heavy breathing slowing. "My fucking dead dad won't leave me alone" i mutter closing my eyes. "I'm not crazy, I swear" i add on, fighting the tear that wants to fall. The silence is broken by Sams phone ringing. "You should answer that" i mutter pulling away. She sighs deeply, picking her phone up off of the island, answering it, "what's up?" She asks. "What do you mean? Is she okay? We'll be right there. Thankyou, Anika" Sam says, her voice laced with panic. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned. "Anika says Mindy got attacked by ghostface" she says, tears welling up in her eyes. "Ghostface is back?" I ask, my heart beating rapidly.

Basically how your scars look

———————————————————————————Basically how your scars look

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