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"You and Daniel can stay here. There's no chance you will stay at a hotel while there's another fucking ghostface" I say to Sam, walking past and going out to the backyard. I sit on a chair, grabbing my smoke packet and lighting one up, enjoying the peace it brings me. My phone starts ringing. "Not again" i mutter answering. "Yes?" I ask. "Everyone knows your secret, Macher. Can't hide from your legacy anymore" they taunt. "If you're gonna kill me, why haven't you come do it yet?" I ask, bored. "When you're alone and nobody can hear you call for help, that's when I'll gut you, Nice and slow" they say menacingly. "You know, you really need new material" i mutter hanging up.
Finishing the smoke and walking back inside. "Hey, we're gonna go out and get dinner, are you coming?" Mindy asks. "Who's going?" I ask. "Everyone" she admits. "Nah I think I'll stay home, I'm a bit tired" i lie. "I need you to keep an eye on Danny, see if he runs off anywhere" i whisper. She nods her head before meeting back with the group in the lounge room. I walk into the kitchen grabbing a drink. "What are you planning?" I hear Tara ask behind me. "Nothing?" I say confused. "Don't be stupid, please. You don't you shouldn't be alone right now" she says, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I'll be okay, I promise" I tell her, wrapping my arms around her waist, kissing her deeply.

Everyone leaves and now it's time to get everything set up. I set hidden cameras throughout the house just incase ghostface came back. I grab my knife, one I bought incase ghostface came back and I couldn't get my gun. I go into the kitchen, leaning against the counter, twirling the knife around, waiting for the killer to show up.

My phone rings. "Hello?" I answer. "So you're all alone now? Pity. I was looking forward to killing you in front of your bitch" ghostface taunts. "You know, I'm getting tired of these games. Just come get me" I admit sighing before ending the call. Hearing the lock on the back door click over. "There we are" i mumble. I message Mindy quickly

Gf Survivour🤺😭

Call the cops to my place, trust me


Sighing I put my phone down, taking another swig of my drink. "I'm in the kitchen" i call out, the killer taking too long. Hearing heavy footsteps and Ghostface rounding the corner. "So, you gonna gut me or not?" I ask watching them tilt their head before running at me, knife raised above their head. They swipe at me, missing as I dodge them, slicing their arm, they stumble back slightly before swinging again, cutting along my bicep. I groan at the pain, trying to stay focused. They swing again missing, I jump forward bringing the knife into their stomach  pulling it out seeing no blood. "What the fuck?" I mutter confused.

The killer uses this to their advantage, plunging the knife deep into my stomach, twisting it slightly. I push them back, them pulling the knife with them. Feeling blood sputter out of my wound. I limp backwards, holding my stomach. Making my way to my room, needing the gun. The come up behind me, grabbing my hair pulling me back. "I'm not done with you yet" they mumble, the voice changer on. They swing the knife around, aiming for my abdomen again. I put my hand out instinctively, watching at the knife goes through my hand. "Oh fuck" I mumble, trying to fight them so they don't get my stomach again. As sirens ring out around us, I start feeling weak, seeing no reason to fight anymore. Ghostface drags the knife down my face, just missing my eye. Before running out the back of my house. "Fuck" I mumble, stumbling to the front door. Opening it to see cops and an ambulance waiting, sirens ringing in my ears as the world around me fades.

I wake up in a hospital bed, connected up to machines. Looking around confused I try to sit up, groaning lightly at the pain. "Miss Y/L/N please try not to move so much. I don't want your stitches to reopen" the nurse says before leaving the room. I sigh, running a hand down my face, feeling the cut. Hearing the door slam open, I open my eyes watching everyone come rushing in. "Why are you so fucking stupid" Tara says, smacking my arm with each word. "Im sorry" i rasp out. "They were prepared" i mumble. "You can't keep throwing your life on the line for everyone, y/n" she says, tears threatening. "Last year was bad enough for you all, I didn't want you to go through it again" i say, looking at my hands. "We're in this together, stupid. That's the whole point of, what was it Chad, core 6?" "Core 6" the twins say at the same time, smiling.

"Can I have the room, with Tara, please" i mutter, looking around and everyone. They all leave, Tara staying right by the bed. "I'm sorry for being stupid. I thought I could stop it before it started" I admit, feeling dumb. "You could have died, Y/n? Does that not worry you? Cause it fucking worries me? Sam comes back and you leave, how is that fair?" She yells, voice cracking as tears threaten to spill. "I'm only worried about losing you" i say barely above a whisper, my eyebrows twitching slightly as I try not to let a tear fall. "I love you" i mutter, looking up at her, feeling a tear roll down my cheek. "I love you so much that if I lose you, I might become my fathers daughter so I'm gonna fight as hard as I can, no matter if they continue to slice me up" i rasp out, feeling anger boil up inside me. "You're fucking crazy" she mutters shaking her head, a small smile present on her lips. "I'm fucking crazy like my daddy was" I admit, pulling her in for a deep kiss.

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