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"Do we have to dress up?" Sam asks walking into her room. "Yes we do" i say with a small smile. "But why?" She whines. "Because it's Halloween?" I ask eyebrows furrowed. "But we're not kids anymore" she says, tilting her head. "Hey, watch what you say, Halloween is my favourite holiday and I will forever dress up for it" i say, grabbing my costume for the party. "But that's cause you're a dork" Sam says with a small giggle. I roll my eyes, jokingly as I start getting changed. "I'll be back, I gotta go grab something" Sam says walking out of the room. As she walks out, my phone starts ringing. "Hello, Y/n. How are you?" Ghostface asks menacingly. "I'm peachy" i say sarcastically about to hang up. "Uh uh uh, don't hang up, you haven't heard what I'm gonna say" they say. "What?" I ask harshly. "Tough crowd, I see." They mutter. "If you don't go to Mindys in your dads ghostface costume, I'm going to slice and dice your little brother and then I'll kill everyone else that you love" they say wickedly. "Fuck you" i mutter through gritted teeth. "You don't show up in that costume, I'll kill them all and you won't be able to do anything about it." The killer teases. "Okay" i mutter before hanging up.

"Alright, ready to go?" Sam asks walking back into the room. "Look at you, dressed up" i say walking over to her, placing my hands on her hips. "Yeah yeah whatever" she mumbles with a small smile dancing on her lips. "Don't you think they're gonna be a little mad at your costume, tho?" I ask, my eyes raking over her body. "They shouldn't be, I'm the sexy version of it" she jokes. "You definitely are" i mutter. "Put this one, we'll take a photo" she mutters handing me a ghostface mask. "We look so cute" she says with a smile. "We look psycho" i mumble laughing lightly. "Shut up" she says pushing me slightly. "Okay, let's go before we get there too late" she says, grabbing my hand and dragging me down stairs.

"I actually have to stop at mine first so I'll meet you there?" I ask, standing at the front door. "Okay, fine. But I'm not going in until you get there" she says, holding my face. "Yes ma'am" i mutter with a small smile. "Good" she says, leaning up to kiss me. "Maybe tonight we won't get interrupted" she whispers in my ear, biting the love before walking out the front door to her car.

Rushing out of the car, I unlock my front door, going inside to find what I came here for. "Where is it?" I ask myself throwing things around in my closet. "Top left box" I hear my father say behind me. "Fuck off" i mutter shaking my head as I reach for the box, putting on the floor infront of me. Taking the lid off, looking at what's inside. Taking a deep breath I grab my dads ghostface costume. "It's your legacy, Y/n" my dad whispers. "It's only a fucking costume" i mutter to myself, grabbing it and walking out of my house, driving off to the party.

"Hey I'm here" i say to Sam after calling her. "I see your car, I'll meet you there" she says before hanging up. Sighing I put the costume on, getting out of the car. "Wow, we really are playing psycho killer tonight" she says with a small laugh. "It's only a costume" i mutter, again. "Come on, let's go in, but you might wanna take the robe or something off before they kill you" she says laughing. "Yeah that's probably best, hey" I say laughing too. Just as we're about to open the door, Mindy does it for us. "Well, you guys definitely went with Scary this year" she mutters looking over us. "It's satire" i say not really believing my own words.

"Come on, let's go drink" Mindy says, dragging me into the house. I look back at Sam with a small smile before rounding the corner into the kitchen. "Really, Y/n" Tara and Chad ask. "I had no choice" I admit, giving them a tight lipped smile. "Here" Mindy says handing me a cup, i mutter a quick thanks before drinking it down. "Let's go get high?" I ask, grabbing a joint out of my jeans. "Onwards" she yells, pointing towards the back door. I laugh shaking my head as we walk out, sitting on a couple chairs on the back patio.

You and Sam

————————————————————————————You and Sam

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