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Tara and I have been a bit off for the past couple months, since that day at the park. Tara's with Amber all the time and that's not a problem, like whatever. But she barely acknowledges me, pushes me away when I try to have sex. Again, that's not a problem, but she's being so standoff-ish and I don't get why.

Right now I'm sitting in the lounge room, watching Andre play with his toy cars. "Mama look, this car goes super fast" he exclaims as he drags the car around on the carpet. "Woah, dude, that's so fast" i say smiling wide.
Tara comes through the front door. "Hey" I say, a small smile on my face. "Hi" she mutters, ignoring us both, walking straight to our room. "Is mommy okay?" Andre asks sadly. "She's just tired, sweet boy" i try to reassure. I get up walking towards our room closing the door behind me.

"What's going on with you?" I ask, slightly frustrated. "Nothing" she replies, rolling her eyes. "Why are you fucking rolling your eyes at me? I'm just checking to see if you're okay" i say, my voice slightly raised. "Can't you just fuck off? I don't need you up my ass all the time" she yells back. "Right" i mutter, walking out of the room, not wanting to scream at each other with Andre in the house. I sigh calling Mindy "hey are you okay to watch Andre for a bit?" I ask. "Sure, I'll be there in 10" she replies before hanging up. I walk out to the lounge room. "Hey, Dre, Aunty Mindy is gonna come pick you up. She wants to take you out" i say, crouching in front of him. "Yay, I love Aunty" he yells happily. "Alright, go put your shoes on, she'll be here soon" i say with a small smile, watching him run away.

"Mindys here" I yell out to Andre, watching him come running towards the front door, jumping on Mindy as soon as he sees her. "I missed you" he mumbles into her neck. "I miss you too, little dude. What do you wanna do?" She asks, holding him on her hip. "Arcade!" He says with a wide smile. "Thankyou" i mouth as she walks to her car. "Let me know when you want him back" she says with a smile, getting in and driving away. Closing the door i let out a deep breath, walking towards my room to talk to Tara, only to find her getting ready. "I'm going out with Amber. I don't know when I'll be back" she mutters pushing past me. "Of course" I mumble rolling my eyes. "What was that?" She asks, turning around. "I said, of course" I repeat, frustration building up. "What? I can't hang out with my friend?" She asks sassily, crossing her arms. I run my hand down my face "I never fucking said that, T" I mumble. "Whatever. Don't wait up" she mutters walking away. Hearing the front door open and close in the distance.

Hours pass and I get a call. "Hello?" I ask, tiredly. "How's it feel? Knowing your so called fiancé is off fucking her bestfriend" the person says menacingly. "Excuse me?" I reply, eyebrows furrowed together. "Oh, you didn't know? Let me show you" they tease. Next second I get a video sent to my phone. I open it, watching Amber fuck Tara. "Does it break your little heart? Does it make you wanna kill them?" They ask, their voice changing half way through. "Fuck off" i mutter ending the call. They ring right back. "Get a fucking life" i say through gritted teeth. They laugh menacingly before hanging up.

"What are you gonna do to her? Kill her? Kill Amber?" I hear my dad say behind me. "Shut up" I mumble trying to ignore it, knowing I'm just imagining things. "You're not real" I repeat, over and over again.

It's 4am now and Tara only just comes home, I've been sitting in the lounge room, waiting. "So, you and Amber huh?" I ask, only starting ahead of me. "What?" Tara replies, kicking her shoes off. "You and Amber" i repeat, throwing my phone in front of her feet. "What's this?" She asks, slightly annoyed. "Watch it" i mutter, finally turning to look at her. "How did you get this?" She asks, not a drop of remorse in her voice. "Your bitch probably sent it to me" i mutter, venom laced in my words. "Don't call her that" she seethes, throwing the phone somewhere next to me on the couch. "Or what, Tara?" I ask, standing up, towering over her. She says quiet, her jaw clenched. "Why?" I ask, my voice calm, my eyes sad. "Amber is safe. I never know if you're gonna wake up one day and kill me" she mutters, looking away from me. "Oh" is all I can spit on. I give her a tight lipped smile, nodding my head slowly. "I get it" i say, sincerity in my voice. "Y/n i-" she tries to talk. "No, it's okay, I get it. Rather you be safe than sorry" i mutter, a sad smile on my face. I step away from her, hearing my dads voice nagging behind me. "See how she doesn't even trust you. How pathetic is that. No one's ever gonna love the killers deranged daughter" he teases. "As long as you're happy" i whisper ignoring Stus voice. taking another step away from her. "Its okay, go" i add on, walking into the kitchen, grabbing a beer before making my way out to the backyard, finding my cigarette packet left on the table. Grabbing one from the pack and lighting it. "That's right, Y/n, watch her leave you and your brother for some mediocre slut" my dad whispers.

"Can you take Andre for a while? I need to figure some shit out" i say, taking a drag from the cigarette. "Yeah of course, I'll come pick him up" Sidney says, her voice laced with pity.

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