Alt ending

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Walking back towards the stairs, only now realising that everyone's left. The music is still blaring but there's no sign of life. "This is weird" i mumble to myself, slowly walking down the stairs. Suddenly the music cuts off, the house eerily quiet now. "Mindy?" I call out, confused. Slowly taking each step down, grabbing my dads gf knife from the back of my jeans, "I really don't want to keep doing this" i mutter as I look around. "Mindy where the fuck are you" i whisper out. Rounding the corner into the kitchen I bump into Chad. "Ahhhh" we yell at the same time before covering each others mouths. "Shut up" i mutter as I straight out of shirt. "You're the one that screamed like a bitch" he mumbles. "What do you mean? You screamed too" I say pushing him lightly. "Where is everyone?" I ask looking around. "I don't fucking know, if I did I'd be with them" he says in a matter of fact tone. "God, sorry, didn't know ghostface made you fucking snappy" i say throwing my hands up and rolling my eyes.

As we're bickering we hear rapid footsteps coming towards the kitchen, both of us shutting up and getting ready incase we have to fight. Me holding the knife out and Chad grabbing the closest thing to him, which happens to be a bong. "Really?" I whisper looking at him. He gives me a face before looking back towards the doorway. "Go" i mutter as we both go to swing. "Ahhhh" Chad, Mindy, and I yell. "For fuck sakes, Mindy, be careful" i mutter putting the knife away. "Me? You two almost killed me and I have to be careful??? Wooowwww" she says sassily with her arms crossed. "Is that my bong? Oh my god if you broke that" she says irritated as she snatches the piece from her twin. "Where is Tara?" I ask confused. "I don't know. Where's Sam and Amber?" Mindy replies, looking around. "Sam was upstairs, last I saw. I don't know about Amber" I say with a shrug. We hear rapid heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. Mindy running behind Chad and I, hiding. "Wow, not even gonna help" i mutter as Tara rounding the corner "y/ns ghostface we have to go, now" Tara says out of breath before even seeing me. My lips setting in a thin line awkwardly. "This is awkward" i mutter rocking on the balls of my feet. "I told you it wasn't me so many times and no one believed me" I mutter throwing my hands up in defeat. "Are you okay? Why do you still think it's me?" I ask as I search tara for injuries for any injuries. "I'm fine, they didn't get me. I thought it was you because they have your dads mask" Tara informs us, pushing me away lightly.

"What do you mean, I have his-" i cut myself off as I don't feel the mask in my back pocket. "What the hell" i mutter turning, trying to see the mask. "You might have left it in the bathroom while you were hooking up with my sister" Tara says sassily, crossing her arms. Chad and Mindy side eyeing each other. "Nice" i mutter nodding my head slowly. "Well there's only one person who it could be" i say looking around at everyone, as they look between each other confused. "Oh come on, guys, it's obviously Amber" i say in a duh tone. We hear more footsteps coming towards the kitchen, Tara hiding with Mindy. "really? You too?" Chad asks nervously. "Ambers dead. Fuck. We have to go" Sam says nervously as she rounds the corner. "What do you mean?" Tara asks, stepping out from behind Chad and I. "After you walked in on Y/n and i and she walked out. I couldn't find her so I went looking around and found Amber in the closet with stab wounds all over her. "Oh my god you killed her" Tara mutters backing away from her sister. "What no, I- it wasn't me I swear" Sam pleads running her bloody hands through her hair, anxiously. "Why would you kill Amber?" Mindy asks nervously as I step in front of Tara. "I didn't fucking kill her, you have to believe me, please" she yells stepping towards us.

"I believe you" i say with an innocent smile before plunging the knife into her stomach, letting her body drop to the floor as I pull the knife out. "Surprise" i say into the voice changer with a wicked smile as I turn around to face the rest. "Come on, baby, sit with the rest of the core 5" i say as I grab Sams arm and drag her to be with everyone else in the corner of the kitchen. "You killed Anika?" Mindy asks, her voice cracking. "Oh, no that one wasn't me" I admit. "What about me? You attacked me?" Tara asked scared. "You mean when I wasn't even in the picture?" I ask confused. "That wasn't me. I would never hurt you. I've always told you that" i say sadly before shaking that feeling away, hiding the pain. "What about at the hospital with Sam?" Chad asked confused. "You mean when I got stabbed?" I ask tilting my head menacingly. "Well, I can't lie, that was all me. I gotta throw you guys off somehow. Couldn't have you thinking it was actually me all along" i say with a shrug. "You're insane" Sam splutters out. "I sure am, we really can't hide from our legacy, Sammy" I sigh happily, biting the tip of the knife.

"Why did you kill Amber?" Tara asks, tears threatening to spill. "She ruined us. I couldn't let her get away with that" i say, taking a step towards her. "Don't touch my fucking sister" Sam rasps out. "That's a bit too late now, isn't it? I've done quite a bit more than just touch her" i tease. "Anyways" I say taking another step closer to Tara. "You and me, we were gonna get married, spend the rest of our lives together. I was content, you were content, but as soon as I saw that little fake video, I lost it" I confess. "Instead of talking to me like the adults we are, you ran off with your bestfriend" i seethe, my jaw hardening. "So I made you kill Amber? You're fucking psycho" Tara spits out, anger laced in her voice. "No, baby, I would never blame you" i say, resting my hand on her cheek. Feeling her body stiffen up. "Amber made me kill her. All those looks and things to push my buttons. Rub it in my face that you left me for her. She is the sole reason she's dead. You did nothing wrong." I say, looking into her eyes to try and show my sincerity. "So why stab me?" Sam asks, groaning a little. "Well here's the kicker, kids" I say backing away from Tara, smiling wickedly. "Amber, was ghostface first" i say feigning a shocked expression. "And your beloved sister, was in on it" i say with a fake gasp. "She made that video with Amber, to make me believe it was you" i say pointing to Tara with the knife. "Sam attacked you and Amber killed Anika" I confess. "You're lying" Mindy yells, tears streaming down her face. "But I'm not" i say, my lips setting in a thin line as I shrug. "See for yourself, bestie" i say as I throw my phone to Mindy, letting her see all the evidence.

"I swear I wasn't in on it. Please guys, you have to believe me" Sam pleads, watching them go through the phone to see messages and photos of the two of them. "I might be crazy, but I would never kill my friends" i say, venom laced in my voice as I stalk towards Sam. "You can't hide from the truth now, Samatha" I whisper, crouching down to her level. "You almost killed me" Tara yells, anger boiling in her chest. "And I would have if you didn't keep fucking fighting" Sam mutters with a laugh. "I almost had you out of the picture so I could have Y/n" Sam adds on. "But you just can't fucking die, can you?" She asks annoyed as she looks at her younger sister. "Fuck you, Sam" Tara mutters before grabbing the knife out of my hand and slicing her neck. "I- what the hell? That was gonna be my big moment" i whine looking at Tara. "Sometimes you talk too much" she says backing away. "So, do y'all believe me or?" I ask with my arms out. "This is too much to deal with right now" Mindy says before walking away, snatching the bong out of her twins hands. "Me too" Chad mumbles, following his sister. "I swear I only did it to protect you, I couldn't lose you completely" i mutter looking at Tara. "I think you need to see a therapist or something" Tara says with a small laugh. "Probably, I do have a few screws loose" i joke, tapping my head. "I will do whatever just so you can trust me again" i say, stepping towards her, taking her hands in mine. "You killed for me" she mutters, looking up at me before leaning in, kissing me deeply "Maybe crazy runs in the family" i say, as she leans her forehead against mine. "Shut up" she says with a small laugh.

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