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The past couple of years have been a little bit crazy. Sam stayed after the last attack, just not all up in Tara's face anymore. Everyone moved out but the kicker is, they got houses all down my street. We're fucking neighbours now. Sidney is still out in LA with her husband and kids, content with no more attacks. Tara and I got engaged 6 months ago, little Andre helped me do it. He's 3 now, it's crazy how fast he's grown. He thinks that Tara and I are his moms, he's not old enough to know the truth yet. I really don't want both of us to be scarred. We ended up getting a dog after bringing Andre home, wanting it to protect him and grow up with him. They've been best buds ever since.

Right now I'm sleeping peacefully, it's hard getting a good night sleep with a 3 year old around. "Mama" I hear yelled in my ear before a weight on my stomach, basically winding me. Groaning as I wake up. "What's up, Dre?" I ask, my voice raspy. "Mommy said it's your birthday today" he yells excited laying ontop of me. "Did she now? Where is mommy?" I ask stretching as I struggle to open my eyes. "She was behind me. I'll go look" he mumbles jumping off the bed, running off around the house. I sit up, eyes adjusting to the bright sun shining in. Grabbing my phone i check the time. "At least it's not 7am again" i mumble to myself seeing it's 9:30am.

"Mama I found her" he yells, running back into the room, dragging Tara behind him. "Goodmorning" i say, smiling wide, watching my fiancé walk in. "Goodmorning baby" she says, coming over kissing me deeply. "Cooties" Andre yells, trying to push us apart. We smile looking at him before grabbing him and kissing all over his face as he screams. "Stop, don't give me cooties! The other kids won't want to play with me anymore" he says, wiping him face. Tara and I laugh shaking our heads. "Okay bud" I mumble, turning my attention back to Tara. "So it's my birthday?" I ask smiling. "You're 27 now, don't go too crazy" she says smiling wide. "Why? Might put my back out?" I ask joking. "Probably" she says with a shrug laughing.

"Fuck you're old now" Mindy says walking into the lounge room, holding a present. "I can still beat your ass" I mumble rolling my eyes. "Don't put your back out" she mumbles laughing. "I'm not even old enough to do that" I reply pushing her. "Whatever" she laughs handing me the gift. "Are you gonna open it or?" She asks, dragging out the 'or'. "Obviously, stupid. Just give me a sec" i mutter side eyeing her. I unwrap it finding a box. I look at her and back at it, hoping it's not some gag gift. I open the box to find, the stab movie? I slowly turn to face her, "why?" I ask not entertained. "It's our movie. They made it about us." She says with a smile. "So like that's our peak in life? Having a movie made about us?" I ask laughing. "Basically. It just shows how cool we are" she says shrugging. "Oh but also this is your present" she says pulling out a fat blunt. "Trying have my fucked up on my birthday?" I ask smiling. "That's if your old age can handle it" she says laughing.

"Mama come quick" Andre yells running outside, our dog right behind him. "Okay okay" i say, handing the blunt to Mindy and walking back inside, or more like being dragged. "What's up, dude" I ask as he pulls me into the kitchen. Mindy coming in behind me before everyone starts singing happy birthday, Tara bringing out a cake. I look at what it says "fuck you're old now" written on top. I laugh lightly to myself reading it. "27 punches now" Mindy yells coming over to me. "Don't even try it" i mutter looking at her. "My bad" she mumbles walking back, everyone laughing. "Make a wish" Tara whispers kissing my cheek. I close my eyes, blowing out the candles. "What'd you wish for?" She asks. "Can't tell you if it won't come true" i mutter smiling. She smacks my shoulder rolling her eyes with a smile.

"I have another present for you later" Tara whispers, biting my ear before handing me a card. I open it, seeing her side and Andres side. Smiling as I read them both. At the bottom of Tara's side it says; "turn the card over" I furrow my eyebrows doing as it says, seeing two concert tickets to go see y/f/b (your favourite band/artist). "Ain't no way right now" i mumble shocked. "These are expensive as, what the hell" I say turning to her. "Just say Thankyou" she mutters smiling. "Thankyou" I say kissing her deeply.
"Come with me? As my plus one?" I ask resting my forehead against hers. "Why not Mindy?" She asks shyly. "There's nobody else I'd rather go with that you" i mumble, kissing her.

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