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I'm awoken in the middle of the night by my phone ringing. "Miss y/l/n?" The person says, sounding worried. "That's me? What can I help you with?" I ask groggily. "You're just like your father" the voice says, becoming ghostface. "Bro just leave me alone. Why are you after me?" I ask annoyed. "Little limp dick Ethan couldn't kill you but I will" they say menacingly before hanging up. "I'm so over this shit" I mumble laying back down exasperated. As I'm falling back asleep my phone rings again, I sigh deeply before picking it up. "What?" I ask harshly. "It's Sam" the person says. "Sam?" I ask, sitting up now. "I'm coming back. I know about ghostface. I saw the news" she says sadly. "Don't come back" i mutter, kind of hurt. "I need to protect my sister" she says sassily. "I am protecting her. She doesn't need you coming back for a week just to run off again" i say harshly before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Tara mumbles rolling over. "Nobody. Just some loser" i mutter laying down, wrapping my arm tightly around her. She sighs happily, cuddling into my chest, her head resting in my neck. "go back to sleep" i whisper kissing her head. "Mm" she mumbles, kissing my neck tenderly before I hear light snores coming from her.

"Y/n, Tara wake up! This is important" Mindy yells banging on the bedroom door. "Okay okay, give us a second" I yell out, slightly annoyed. "Good morning" Tara mumbles sweetly. "Morning, Baby" I say back. Kissing her lovingly before sighing deeply. "I guess we have to get up" i say slowly getting out of bed, going to our closet to grab some underwear, bra and shorts for myself. Putting them on before grabbing a t-shirt, holding onto it. "Why are you holding it" just incase its not that important and I don't have to put it on" i mumble shrugging. She giggles lightly shaking her head before getting up and grabbing a shirt of mine and some underwear, putting them on. "What?" I ask as we walk down the stairs to the lounge room. "Um" is all Mindy says, standing there awkwardly. "Hey" Sam says turning around to face Tara and I. "This is my boyfriend, Danny" she mumbles nervously. "Are you fucking kidding?" Tara mutters annoyed. "You leave after I'm almost fucking killed. With no goodbye or anything? And come back a year later with a fucking boyfriend?" Tara yells, angry.

"I'm sorry, Tara. I should've told you. I did it to protect you. Please" Sam says, tears pricking her eyes. "Fuck you" Tara spits out, turning around and going back to our room. "I told you not to come back" i mutter shaking my head, following Tara upstairs. "Baby? Can I come in?" I ask, knocking lightly on the door. I hear a quiet "yeah" before walking in, closing the door behind me. Finding Tara sitting at the bottom of the bed, her knees to her chest. "How could she?" She asks no one. "Why did she leave? And why did she come back?" She asks, sniffling. I sigh running a hand down my face, grabbing the letter she gave me before she left. "Here" I mumble, handing it to her. Tara grabs it, eyebrows furrowed. "What's this?" She asks. "Just read it" i mumble, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"That's why she left?" She asks, staring at the note. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want to hurt you more than you already were" I say, looking at my hands. "I understand" she says, sadly. Standing up and straddling my lap. "You're too good to me" she whispers, resting her hands on my jaw. "Tara" we hear Sam say through the door. "Come in" Tara says, staying where she is. Sam opens the door looking between us subconsciously setting her jaw. "Am I interrupting?" She asks staring at us. "I mean, we were about to have sex but what's up?" Tara says innocently. My eyebrows knitting together confused at what's going on right now. "Can we talk, please?" Sam asks, ignoring what Tara said. Sighing she gets off of me "fine" she mumbles. "I'll see you later" i mumble, awkwardly walking past Sam to the lounge room where everyone is with Danny. "So, Danny right? How long have you known Sam?" I ask walking over, sitting across from him. "6 months? I think" he says confused, looking around at everyone. "Uh huh, do you know why she's here?" I ask, leaning on my elbows. "She just said her sister is in danger, I don't know" he mumbles nervous. "Right, okay" i mumble turning to Amber. "I don't trust him, keep an eye out" i whisper walking away to the kitchen.

Leaning against the counter on my phone I hear someone walk in behind me. "Can we talk, please" Sam says. "What's there to talk about?" I ask not turning around. "Y/n please, just 5 minutes. Let me explain" she says sadly. "5 minutes and that's it" i say turning around turning my phone off. "I'm sorry for leaving. It was probably a stupid decision but I thought it was what was best. To protect Tara. I didn't think about the hurt it would cause. I'm so sorry" she admits, looking at her hands. "I didn't want to be the reason we got attacked, again" she adds on, sighing. "It wasn't even about you last time, Sam. They were coming after me just like they are again. It had nothing to do with you being Billy's daughter because everyone knew that. Nobody knew that Stu is my dad" I blurt out frustrated. "What?" She asks, confused. "Shit" i mutter. "I kept a secret, my entire life. I changed my name and age so people wouldn't know. I said that Dewey was my dad" I admit looking at her. "What's your real name, Y/n?" She asks exasperated. "Y/n Macher" i whisper, looking away

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