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"Y/n come on. I'm your mom. Don't do this" she says, crawling backwards to lean against the cabinets. "You're not my mother" i Seeth towering above her. It's like something switches in her because she grabs Stus knife, plunging it into my outer thigh. "Fucking psycho" i mutter, holding my thigh. Sidney grabbing the knife from her. "When's your baby due?" I ask, looking at her properly, seeing the bulge in her stomach. "In a couple days" she mutters, holding her belly. "Another child without a mother" i say, swinging the knife across her throat, watching panic set in as she tries to stop the blood from pouring out. I turn the group, dropping the knife. "Surprise" i mumble. "Y/n. The head" Sidney mumbles holding her gun. "Oh yeah no you're right, my bad" I mumble, grabbing it, firing multiple shots into both of their heads. "Try and come back now, fucker" I say, handing the gun back. "Anyone else want a drink?" I ask grabbing a beer from the fridge. "What the fuck just happened" Chad yells out. "Your mom" i mutter, taking a giant swig of the alcohol. "Where's Danny?" I ask looking at the group. "Dead" Sam mutters unfazed. "Okay" i mumble, going to Tara. "Are you okay?" I ask, crouching down in front of her. "I think I'm gonna need serious therapy" she mumbles, smiling. "Me and you both, baby" I admit, leaning in the kiss her. "I'm glad you're okay" she mumbles against my lips. "Get a fucking room" Mindy says, pushing me. "Shut up" I say smiling, shaking my head.

The police rushing to the scene after Kirby called them in. "Are you gonna go off killing people?" Kirby asks, sitting next to me on my driveway. "No that's fucking crazy" i mutter. "That's not for me" i add on, looking at her. I groan, getting up, limping to my car grabbing my smokes and a lighter, sitting back down next to Kirby. Holding one out for her. She takes it gratefully. I flick the lighter, us both lighting out cigarettes. "What a fucking freak show" I say, exhaling the smoke. "That's your family" she jokes, nudging me. "Hey, only biologically" i mutter rolling my eyes playfully.

Sam walks over to us, sitting beside me. "I'm gonna go check on the others" Kirby says getting up. "Hey" I say, looking at Sam. "Hey" she almost whispers back, smiling. "So Danny huh?" I say, trying not to laugh. "Shut up" she says, pushing me. We settle in a comfortable silence. "I'm sorry for leaving. It wasn't the smartest decision" she says, looking out at all the medics and cops rushing around. "It wasn't smart but it felt right at the time." I say, understandingly. Taking a puff of my cigarette, I offer it to her, watching her take it from my bloody hands. "Maybe I do have major daddy issues" she admits, smiling lightly. "There's definitely no maybe there" I say shaking my head. "I miss this" she admits, looking at me, handing the smoke back. "I've missed it too" i whisper, taking a drag. "Find me if you ever wanna take me out on that date" she says, standing up, walking away.

I butt out the smoke, straining to get up. "Please no more" i whisper looking up at the sky. I limp my way over to Sidney, watching her talk to the cops. "I'm sorry for everything" I admit, looking at my feet. "It's not your fault, Y/n. Everything's okay" she says sincerely, rubbing my bicep. "You should go home. Go be with your kids" i say, smiling lightly. "I will soon, I miss them. Will you come by sometime? They miss you" she says with a sad smile. "We'll plan something" i say, hugging her before making my way to my friends. "Dream team" i say to Mindy, holding my hand out. "Always" she says grabbing it, climbing to her feet hugging me tightly. We pull away and I turn to Amber. "Sorry I thought you were ghostface, both times" I admit, smiling. "That's okay, I probably would too" she admits laughing. "Big man, what are all those muscles for if you don't use them" i say to Chad laughing. "For the ladies" he says cockily, flexing his biceps. 

I wake up to my phone ringing on my bedside table. "Hello" I grumble, not opening my eyes. "Yes, is this Y/n Macher?" The person asks. "Y/n Riley but yes? What can I help you with?" I ask confused. "With your mothers passing there's nobody else who can take custody of her baby boy" the person says slowly. "Okayyy" I drag out confused. "With you being their only other child, would you take custody?" They ask. The phone call falls silent. "Miss Riley" the person says again. "Sure" i mutter, not knowing what else to do. "When can you come by the hospital to fill out all the paperwork?" The doctor asks, hope laced in his voice. I pull the phone away from my ear, looking at the time reading 8:45am. "Now?" I ask, sitting up. "See you soon" the doctor says ending the call.

I sit on the edge of the bed sighing deeply. Hearing movement behind me, I turn my head to see Tara waking up. "What are you doing up?" She mutters, rubbing her eyes. "I have to go pick up my brother" I admit, running a hand through my hair. "I'll come with you" she says, stretching as she gets up. "You don't have to" I say, watching her grab clothes for us both. "I want to" she says with a smile. I smile lightly, using the bedside table as leverage to get up. Hobbling my way to the bathroom behind Tara. "May as well save water" i mumble, "you're a dork" she laughs, taking her clothes off, helping me with mine.

"I'm Y/n Riley, I'm here to pick up my baby brother and do the paperwork" i say to the receptionist. "Go sit down, the doctor will be with you shortly" she says with a friendly smile. Tara helps me walk to the chairs, sitting down waiting for the doctor. After a short wait he comes into the room. "Miss Riley" he calls out, looking around. Tara and I stand up, making or way to him. "Follow me" he says, walking away. We follow him to the room he's keeping the baby. "Here he is. He's perfectly healthy, no issues. If anything does come up, just bring him back and we'll take a look" he says, handing me the paperwork, going on the computer in the room. Skipping the first part I go through the rest, filling it out.

"Name" i mumble, flipping back to the start, staring at it for what feels like forever. "Andre Riley" i mutter, writing it on the paper. Handing it to the doctor. "Here's your brother" he says with a sad smile, picking up Andre and handing him to me. Looking at his face, seeing no resemblance of either my mom or dad I smile. "Let's get you home, Dre" i mutter limping out of the room, Tara following.

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