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Sam dragging me through the hospital, towards Mindys room. My heart beating out of my chest, my anxiety rising slowly, steadily. Feeling people stare at me, but for other reasons that the ones my minds created. "Sam I don't think I should be here" i mutter. "Shut up, she's your best friend" Sam says sternly, not even bothering to stop. With my free hand, tapping my fingers to my thumb one at a time, a nervous habit I've come to pick up. Sam turns quickly, opening a room door, showing the faces of everyone I left. Well almost everyone. "Good to see you're awake" sam jokes lightly walking over to Mindy. Me staying put in the doorway, refusing to look anywhere but my shoes. "Y/n?" I hear Mindy croak. I lift my head slowly, only looking towards her. "Hey" i rasp out. "You look like shit" she says with a bright smile. "You can't talk" i joke back, a small smile dancing on my lips. "Convenient how you show up after Mindy was attacked" I hear Amber say, accusingly. "Shut up, Amber, we were together, she couldn't have done it" Sam says, shooting daggers at the younger girl.

"Whatever" she mumbles, wrapping her arm securely around Tara's waist. "All of you get the fuck out" Mindy announces pointing to everyone in the room. "Y/n get your ass over here, right now" she says sternly, looking at me expectantly. I slowly make my way over to the hospital bed, everyone walking past me to walk out the door. "I'll be here when you guys are done" Sam says with a small smile. "Thanks" i rasp out, returning the smile.

"Why did you fucking leave" Mindy says, smacking my arm between each word. "It was better for me, for you guys" I admit, rubbing my arm. "If I left, you guys wouldn't be attacked. Ghostface called me the night I left and said that they're gonna take all that I love away from me." I confess, pacing back and forth at the end of the bed. "Y/n come on, you know better than to just up and leave" Mindy scolds. "I promise I'm not the one who attacked you" i say, walking towards her. "I know. They were short" she says with a light laugh. "I'm glad you survived" i joke. She lets out a dramatic gasp, holding her hand over her chest. "I can't believe you ever doubted me" she says feigning offence.

After a little I walk out of the room, feeling a little thirsty I walk down the hallway to a vending machine. "Always so fucking expensive" i mumble to myself, choosing a drink. "Why are you back?" I hear behind me. My heart ripping at the voice. I sigh turning around. "Sam dragged me back here" I admit, staring into the brown eyes I used to love. "Ambers right how convenient it is" she admits, crossing her arms. Hearing that from her made something switch in me. My face hardens, my eyes cold, I stalk towards her, watching her take steps back until her back hits the wall of the hallway. "What are you trying to say, Tara?" I ask menacingly, watching fear flicker in her eyes. "I think you attacked Mindy" she whispers.

"Cause I'm the killer right? At least that's what you want me to be" i say, leaning down to get closer to her face, my voice low and raspy. "Don't backpedal now, Tara. Say it with your chest" i tease, smiling wickedly. "Say; you're the killer, Y/n" i mock, my hand holding her chin, keeping her eyes on me. Her mouth opening and closing, no sound coming out. "That's what I thought" i mutter, dropping my hand and walking away. Feeling my phone ring in my pocket. I pull it out, answering. "She's lucky to make it out alive, the next one won't be" ghostface taunts. "What's your motive? Truly enlighten me" i say, looking around. "I want to watch you go crazy. Though you're already there, mumbling to yourself, seeing your dead daddy. But I want to see you snap, become the legacy that was left for you. Be the one to kill you" they admit, speaking slowly and menacingly. "Mindys girlfriend is looking pretty killable, don't you think?" Ghostface teases. "Stay the fuck away from my friends" i say through gritted teeth before hanging up. "Fuck" i mutter, running my hands through my hair

"Y/n, what's going on?" I hear Sam ask. "Anikas next. Everyone needs to stay together" i mutter looking around frantically, trying to find ghostface lurking in the shadows. "I'll go get everyone. Meet in Mindys room." She says, kissing my cheek before running off. I ignore the way that made me feel and rush into Mindys room. "Ghostface called, they're after Anika" i mutter, letting her know. "She's at home" Mindy informs me, panic laced in her voice. "Fuck" i mumble, running out of the room, sprinting down the hallway to the elevator. "Hurry up" i mutter bashing the button. It takes longer than I want it to so I rush down the stairwell, skipping steps hoping it will make it faster. I see Sam with everyone in the waiting room. "Sam, keys, now" i rush out, slightly out of breath. "What's wrong?" She asks, handing the keys. "Anika" i mutter running out of the hospital to Sams car. Turning it on and speeding off before anyone can get in.

Pulling up to Mindys place, putting the car in park before running up to the door step knocking rapidly on the front door. "Anika" I yell out, knocking harder. When she doesn't answer I run around to the backyard, looking for any open window. "Of course it's on the second floor" I say to myself before I start climbing a tree close to the house. Jumping through the window I grab the closet thing next to me for a weapon. "A trophy? Come on man" i whisper. I walk through the house slowly. "Anika" i call out, holding the trophy up. Walking out into the hallway, hearing humming downstairs. I rush down quietly finding Anika in the kitchen with headphones on. "This bitch is fucking dumb" I say to no one. Walking up to her i press pause on her phone that's sitting on the counter. "Anika" i say, watching her scream and jump, throwing whatever in her hand at me. "Ouch" i mumble holding my nose, feeling the blood start to drip down. "Y/n?" She says confused. "We have to go, now" i mutter grabbing her hand leading her towards the front door.

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