ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪɪ - ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ & ᴠᴇʀɪᴛᴀꜱᴇʀᴜᴍ

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As I walked in to the Great Hall with Marie I felt a lot of eyes on me. It was probably because of what just happened in class, they probably despised me for what was said about Blaise.

I walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Marie who sat at my left. Another Slytherin girl named Nikcy Vale; sat on the right of me. I got in to conversation with both of the girls about the homework for potion's, which meant I didn't pay attention to whomever sat down across of me.

When he coughed I glanced at him and figured out it was Blaise who sat at the other side of the table. He smirked lazily at me and I felt bubbles of hate rising throughout my stomach. Was he here to taunt me again?! I could barely contain my anger, excused myself to the girls and walked away angrily. Luckily I found another seat at the end of the table far away from him.

My mind was so occupied with death and murder that I didn't pay attention to whom was sitting across from met this time. Great, now I sat across from Malfoy. I couldn't look for another seat either, because the lunch already magically appeared in front of us. I mentally slapped myself, this was even worse.

"What are you doing here Avery?!" Snapped Malfoy with a disgusted expression written on his face; as if he smelled something nasty. I glared at him, but he just mirrored my expression.

"Are you daft?" I said sarcastically pointing towards the food in front of us. He squinted his eyes at me and I saw him clenching his jaw.
"You're spoiling my view." He hissed between hid gritted teeth.

"Do I care? I can't see anything interesting around here anyway. Especially what's across of me. Very uninteresting." I said pointing at him with a fork.
"You should. Move!" Said a shrill voice behind me. And I involuntarily shivered as I turned around.

There was a girl behind me with black straight hair that was cut in to a bob, and black evil eyes that were currently glaring daggers at me. Pansy Parkinson.

"Pansy, go shriek somewhere yeah?" I said already annoyed with her presence.

"I always sit here." She said nasty as she was pointing at the seat that I was currently sitting at. "Across of my Drakey, so he can have the best view. ME!" she practically shouted the last word. "Why are you sitting here, are you already on to the next guy?!"

Does anybody have a flock of doxies? Cause they are more than allowed to kidnap this abomination away from me now.

"Of course I am." I said dreamily as I winked at Malfoy. He in turn gave me a hard look. "Why else would I be sitting here? I've always wondered what it would be like to snog a snail." I felt Draco's eyes spewing fire at me now, but I ignored them as usual and stifled a laugh.

It seemed Pansy wasn't as amused as I was as she suddenly pulled me backwards by my shirt and I fell off the bench. I yelped as my legs were still resting on the seat of the bench but everything else on the tiled floor, my fork still in my hand.

Pansy threw my legs off and sat in the spot I used to be sitting moments before. The students from the Ravenclaw table eyed me curiously as I was lying in the small aisle between both of our house's tables. Did I already tell you that I loved this girl so much?

I heard Malfoy laugh and hate bubbled up in my stomach. Just as I was about to take my wand out and hex that good for nothing hound-face for pushing me, Snape's face was suddenly hovering above me.

"Are you perhaps soliciting for more detention? Miss Avery?" said Snape and I felt the blood and hatred drain out of my body right away.

"No professor." I said as I scrambled to my feet. He grabbed me harshly at my shoulder and walked me to the other side of the table.

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