ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xʟɪ - ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀʏ & ʀᴇᴜɴɪᴏɴ

35 1 1

Draco's POV.

I couldn't see straight anymore. Bellatrix had kidnapped El?! I angrily cast the blood-poisoning curse at her, but I accidentally misspoke and purple boils started to cover her entire body. Bellatrix looked disgusted at her hands and traced her fingers along the boils on her face in horror.

I hastily uttered a depulso before she could aim her wand to hex me, and she was immediately thrown backwards. She got caught on something, and stayed there motionless as blood poured out the front of her dress. When I fully registered what had happened, I saw that she was hanging from a crumbled wall, covered in purple boils, shock still present on her face and a large metal cable protruding from out of the middle of her chest.

It was gruesome.

"Expelliarmus!" yelled someone. My head snapped to where the sound came from, it was Potter! How.. wasn't he dead? I looked at the spot where his body used to be, and it was gone. The Dark Lord managed to escape Potter's spell and the charm got misdirected.

He was confused how Potter suddenly came back to life, just like everyone else and he immediately ordered everyone to retreat. There were a lot of bodies lying in the dirt, either face down or with a look of terror still on their faces. I recognised a few students I'd seen before, one of them was that Slytherin girl, Vale. I also recognised that annoying Gryffindor, Creevey and one of the Weasley twins. They were all lying motionless in the black dirt.

"Silence!" yelled the Dark Lord to anyone who was still fighting. He carefully circled Potter who miraculously stood before him.

"This ends now Tom!" yelled Potter bravely.

Tom? Who was Tom? Was the Dark Lord's name Tom? What?
The most evil wizard in history has a stupid ordinary name like Tom?!


The Dark Lord immediately cast the killing curse as Potter nonverbally cast his disarming charm. Two light beams shot out of their wands, one green and the other red. For some reason Potter was winning and the Dark Lord's wand was flicked out of his hand and landed in Potter's empty hand.

The Dark Lord seemed transfixed for a moment before he collapsed as Potter managed to backfire his own killing curse. The Dark Lord fell face first in to the black earth, his arms and legs sprawled out around him. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath and nobody dared to move. Then everything happened all at once. There were cheers from the resistance, cries because of the losses and fear from the Death Eaters as all of them tried to apparate away from Hogwarts. They were now leaderless, and probably didn't want to end up in Azkaban.

With a rush of adrenaline I aimed my wand at the fleeing Death Eaters.

"Oh no you don't!" I yelled as I aimed my wand. "Avada Kedavra!"

"...Malfoy!" yelled someone in shock behind me for uttering an unforgivable. I thought it was perhaps McGonagall.

A green beam cast out of the tip of my wand towards the apparating Death Eaters. At first I thought I didn't even hit anyone, until one particular Death Eater with wispy blonde hair and a greyish complexion fell down backwards, his skull cracking sickeningly against a slab of stone.


I gasped as I saw him towering down. The tall man that once called himself my father, was gone. I didn't quite know how to feel about that. I wasn't sad, nor was I happy. I suppose it was a form of disappointment, that he could still stand by the Dark Lord until the very end. Even if it meant that the Dark Lord would surely kill me, his own son. I guess he was right, I wasn't his son anymore.

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