ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xxᴠɪɪ - ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ & ᴅᴇꜱᴏʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

53 3 0

I suddenly felt sick. I never felt like this before during my pregnancy, sometimes I was nauseous, but now I absolutely had the urge to throw up. I ran away from the table in a beeline towards the toilet and threw up the few gulps of coffee that I just ingested.

"Is she alright?" asked Narcissa and I heard Draco say something about my pregnancy and then there was laughter.

Oh making fun of me now huh?

When I felt less nauseous I hurried upstairs to put on some clothes. I pulled on a pair of maternity jeans, that my mother thankfully brought, and a purple shirt. I couldn't fit in to my regular jeans anymore so I was glad that my mother brought some maternity clothes with her. I was around thirteen or fourteen weeks pregnant and I was definitely starting to show.

I re-entered the kitchen and sat down at the table again. My mother gave me a meaningful look and I smirked.

"This hasn't happened before." I muttered. "Not like this." Draco slowly caressed my back with his hand.

"It's all part of the fun." Said my mother.

Oh joy, I feel so blessed.

"Should we do something?" asked Draco after a while. "I know it's safer to stay here..."

"What about our friends?" I asked him abruptly. "They will be caught in the crossfire of whatever that's going to transpire, do you want that on your conscience?"

"No." he said gruffly. "But if the Dark Lord gets a much as a whiff of me being here, he will kill us all."

"Not if we devise a plan." Said my mother. "You could pretend to have been working undercover for your mission like an assassin."

"That's too high a risk." I said. "We don't know if the Dark Lord thinks I'm dead or if he's furious with Draco because we found a loophole. I think the latter might be more realistic, since Lucius knows we're married."

"Yes." Said Narcissa. "I don't know if he's courageous enough to keep that information to himself since the Dark Lord is a very skilled leglimens. We don't know how the Dark Lord plans to infiltrate the castle, if he hasn't already."

We fell silent and I thought it over. My father walked inside the kitchen and smacked the Daily Prophet on the table.

"Have you seen this?" he said pointing at a picture in the paper. I looked at it and recognised Potter immediately. Undesirable No.1 was its title.

"What's Potter done now?" said Draco with a frown.

"He's sought after because of his involvement in the death of Dumbledore." Said my father raising his eyebrows.

"Why would he kill Dumbledore?" I asked incredulous.

"He didn't." sighed my father annoyed. "But the Dark Lord wants him dead either way for his own reasons. He's the most sought after wizard at the moment, and there are ten thousand galleons on his head."

"So?" I asked. "What does it have to do with us?"

"What I'm saying is that the Dark Lord's attention isn't on you at the moment. He's planning to attack Hogwarts to lure Potter out, now is the best time to hide away!"

"No!" I yelled. "I'm not going to let my friends suffer because the Dark Lord wants to kill Potter. Don't you think this is going a bit too far?"

"I agree with her." Said Narcissa. "Hurting children is unforgivable, no matter who they are."

"Narcissa!" said my father. "How can you-"

"No Hadrian." Said Narcissa as she held a hand up. "We can all agree that the Dark Lord is going too far in his ideologies, and he's obsessed by that Potter boy. A child is still a child. If you don't agree with me, why would you hide yourself here then?"

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