ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪx - ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜꜱʏ & ᴘʀᴇᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ

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I draped my cloak around my shoulders without buttoning it up. I walked slowly out of the castle and stared at the sky. The weather was grey this morning.

I hoped my plan would work out as I had planned. I had to endure Pansy and Malfoy for a day, but it was so worth it. It turned Saturday in no time and before I knew it, it was ten o'clock. In about thirty minutes Weasley would meet me at the lake.

I slowly walked to the place where we were supposed to meet, and I waited for him to show up. Finally... revenge on Malfoy. This was payback for snogging Pansy in front of my face, annoy me, trying to hug me and all the awfully wonderful things he did to me with his lips.

Hold up... something went wrong in that train of thought.

I stared at the lake and I sighed, right where I stood was also the first time Malfoy saved me from Blaise. Where he had comforted me because I was upset, where he didn't care if I hated him or not. I was feeling a little forlorn as these thoughts went through my mind and it almost ruined my mood.

When Weasley showed up a flood of mischief pushed away the previous thoughts and I could hardly wait for Malfoy to arrive.

"What is the plan again?" Asked Weasley for the twentieth time. I had already explained it three times this morning when I caught him leaving the boy's lavatory. First to Weasley, then to Granger and then to the both of them. Really these people are thick-headed.

"Like I told you." I said irritated. "We'll pretend to be a couple. Then when Malfoy arrives, we will dramatically leave each other. That's all. You'll get a galleon for your cooperation. Alright with that?!"

Weasley made a nervous peep and started to look around the school grounds. It was clear he was watching to see if Malfoy was coming out of the castle yet.

Eventually Malfoy came out all by himself which surprised me. He was wearing a black suit that looked too good on him. I suddenly wasn't sure if this plan would work because I expected Pansy to cling on to him. I wanted to annoy both of them, not just Malfoy.

"Okay Weas- I mean Ronald. Show time." I said grabbing his shoulders roughly and pressing my lips against his. Weasley stiffened at my sudden action, but didn't mind as much as I thought.

I saw Malfoy coming closer and closer until he noticed me and my prisoner... eh... my kissing-victim... yeah whatever. From out of the corner of my eye I saw him Malfoy heading my way.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" He shouted when he got close enough. His eyes almost popped out of his skull and he seemed paler than usual.

I pretended to be surprised. Which was very difficult because I almost choked on my laughter. I quickly released Weasley's lips and pretended to be caught.

"H-Hi Malfoy." I said shyly. "I believe you already know Ronald?" Malfoy's face turned expressionless. Weasley looked like a dementor had just kissed him and his soul was slowly leaving his body.

"What the hell are you doing with that cheap good for nothing bas-" He started with a dirty look.

"He's my boyfriend!" I yelled pretending to be angry and pretending to defend Weasley who stood next to me like a scarecrow. Pale and unmoving.

"No he's not!" He screamed back, giving me the dirtiest look I had ever seen. "I AM!" He yelled as he poked himself with his thumb on his chest.

"No you're not." I said calmly. "You're with Pansy. Where is she?"

Malfoy didn't answer, instead he just glared at me.

"I don't like Pansy, Avery!" He yelled suddenly.

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