ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xᴠɪ - ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ & ᴛᴜʀᴍᴏɪʟ

70 4 0

He really asked me!

"Yes I will." I said with a grin. "Yes I want to marry you in this bloody arranged marriage, how can I refuse?" Malfoy burst out in laughter and I grinned at him.

He got something out of his back pocket and I saw that it was a very old ring box. He opened it and took out something that I couldn't see. "Give me your hand." He said and I immediately did. He slipped a beautiful antique ring onto my ring finger. It was a delicate silver ring with a beautiful sparkling emerald surrounded by smaller diamonds.

"Oh.. M-Draco." I said almost calling him by his last name. "This is gorgeous."

"Mother sent it a while ago." He simply said as he got up. "It's an old family heirloom."

"There's something on the inside." I said as I carefully studied it. "It's an engraving, it says 'Sanctimonia Vincet Semper' what does that mean?"

"It means purity will always conquer." He said. "It's on our family crest."

"It's beautiful." I said as I stared at the glittering ring.

"Beautiful girls deserve beautiful things." He mumbled and I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed me in my neck.

"There you are!" yelled someone suddenly and I turned my head to where the sound was coming from. It turned out to be Granger with her friends Potter and Weasel.

"Yes?" I said not interested in talking to her. Malfoy quickly let me go when he saw them approaching us and that disappointed me a little.

Granger seemed very angry for some reason and strode over with her wand out. "You didn't keep to our agreement." She snapped as she pointed her wand at me.

"Agreement?" asked Malfoy surprised but I rolled my eyes.

"You quite misbehaved on your date with Ron here." She said raising her eyebrows threateningly as she pushed her wand against my throat. "We never agreed on snogging!"

Weasel looked a little uncomfortable and Potter looked like he didn't even wanted to be here in the first place. Malfoy smacked Granger's hand away from me and turned me around to face him. "What is this filthy mudblood talking about?!" he said glaring at me.

I sighed. "It's from that time we went to Hogsmeade." I said unbothered by the entire thing as I turned back around and raised my eyebrows at the golden trio. Malfoy seemed deep in thought until he realised what I was talking about. Then he frowned and turned me around again. "Why exactly did you do that?" he questioned.

"What do you think?" I answered as I wiggled my eyebrows but Malfoy didn't seem to understand as he narrowed his eyes. "It was to annoy you and make you a little jealous." I said with a chuckle. "Why else? You don't honestly think I'm attracted to that over there?"

Weasel suddenly looked as if I had sold his house from under him, and Granger was even more enraged than she already was. "Even so!" yelled Granger. "We didn't agree on snogging! Apologise!"

"Granger honestly, who cares? I'm with Draco now, I'm not even interested." I said showing her my sparkling ring. "You can have him for all that I care."

Granger's eyes widened, Weasel looked like he'd eaten a slug, and Potter nearly had a stroke. Malfoy smirked at that last observation.

"Too much to handle, Potter?" he snapped and I stifled a laugh.

"You're going to marry that piece of crap?!" yelled Potter but it wasn't clear who he was talking to.

"Mind your language, Potter!" sneered Malfoy as he put his hands in his pockets and intimidatingly strode towards him. "Didn't your mother teach you manners?" he snapped sarcastically, raising his eyebrows. "Oh hang on, no she never did."

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