ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xxxɪ - ʜᴏꜱᴛɪʟɪᴛʏ & ʜᴏꜱᴘɪᴛᴀʟɪᴛʏ

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The night was full of terrors. I kept having nightmares of masked Death Eaters trying to cut me open to kidnap my child. Every time they plunged the knife in I would wake up in a pool of sweat. Draco barely slept as he kept holding me, nursing me with wet cloths and trying to get me to sleep.

The bad thing was, that every time I closed my eyes these terrifying dreams came back. So I actually preferred to stay awake, they were just too horrible. Draco sighed as I was trying to fight sleep.

"You need to sleep." He said. "You need your rest."

"I can't." I said as a tear rolled over my cheek. "Every time I sleep they kill me and our baby."

Draco raised his eyebrows at me. He didn't understand what I was saying, I must've sounded like an idiot to him. His eyes softened at my panicked expression and he ran his hand up and down my arm.

"Just try." He said kissing me on the top of my head. "I'm here."


I was coughing my head off, it was a wet painful cough that hurt my chest. We were walking in an open field at the moment. Last night I barely slept and I had to endure the consequences of that now. I was extremely tired and my legs hurt from all the walking. I was wearing one of the fur coats to keep warm, but I kept shivering even when Draco put an additional warming charm on it. My fever hadn't subsided, but we couldn't stay in the shack either. It had cost us all morning to get out of the forest. I was actually glad that we finally managed to emerge from it, but the alternative was not great. The wind was whipping around me and my feet were frozen.

Draco had his arm around me, also wearing his coat. He supported me whenever he could, we stopped a few times along the way because I was out of breath. It felt like my throat was closing up and I had difficulty breathing.

It was in the late afternoon that I really couldn't go on any longer. My knees buckled and I almost fell if it wasn't for Draco catching me mid-fall.

"We need to stop." I said breathless. "I can't go on."

"Let's find a place." He said as he suddenly stepped in front of me. He took out his wand and flicked it at me. Before I knew what was happening he turned around and kneeled before me. "Get on, I'll carry you."

I frowned at him but he seemed persistent. I managed to get on his back and he started carrying me down the road as if I weighed nothing more than a feather. In the distance we saw a light and I felt relieved we finally found some civilization in this forsaken place. It was a long way there though, and I wondered if Draco could keep carrying me for that long. My vision started getting blurry and I closed my eyes holding on to Draco for dear life.

When we got to the farm Draco carefully set me down on my feet. I figured out that he had used a lightening charm to made my body weigh ten times lighter. It wasn't his style, he probably would've used mobilicorpus normally, but we were out here in the muggle world still. It would be a strange sight if my body was magically floating behind him.

Draco rang the doorbell and an old thin farmer opened the door. He looked extremely unfriendly and I felt my stomach drop.

"Hello, is it possible for us to stay here for the night?" asked Draco politely.

"D'ye think I'm an inn?" he said gruffly. "Get tae!" He smacked the door in our faces and I flinched. Draco's eyes were flashing dangerously.

Bloody stinking muggle farmer!

"Come on." I said bitterly before he had the chance to hex the house. "I think I'll manage for a while, maybe there's another place nearby that we can ask."

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