The Council Meeting

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"I offer you my protection Master Frodo" Were the only words I had said in the meeting.
The looks I received from my grandfather Lord Elrond, and my uncles Lords Elladan and Elrohir were none too pleasing. I knew that this was a dangerous mission and that the possibility of death was high.

"Your mother is going to kill me Nîn-iell" Aragorn, son of Arathorn, said to me. He had hurried to catch up to me after the meeting was disbanded. Leaves fell around us as we made our way back from the Council area. Autumn had officially arrived in Imladris. The heat of the summer had long since abandoned the valley.

"It is not her choice Ada, while Nana will be grieved she understands this." I said coming to a stop in front of the seamstress's house.
"Please excuse me Ada, I am to go to the seamstress and get my travelling clothes." I kissed him on the cheek and walked off just as Lady Arwen was walking out of the door that connected to my parents rooms.
"Aragorn, how did this happen? She is your..." her words trailed out of hearing as I entered the building where the seamstress lived.

"My Lady! Welcome! Please come in. How can I help you?" A lovely Elleth greeted me. She was always so kind.
"Mae Govannen Helethiel. I am in need of some pants and tunic tops for travelling. Are you able to assist me?" I inquired respectfully.
"You're in luck My Lady. I happened to restock some yesterday. Please come here to the mirror and let me get your measurements. I can adjust these in a few hours for a proper fit." The dark haired Elleth said. Her eyes shining warmly.
As it turns out, not much adjusting was needed to be done and I left with two pants and two tunics only two hours later. Helethiel was kind enough to give me instructions on repairs and showed me the best way to patch holes.

The evening meal was silent that night. The looming journey was heavy on our shoulders. A cooler than usual breeze chilled the air. Candle flames fluttered sending shadows dancing up the walls.
"Perhaps some music would be beneficial." Lord Elrond suggested.
Soon a melodious sound lifted the mood of the room.
"There is a melancholy blanket over this meal." Said the voice of my uncle behind me.
"Aye brother, there is. Little niece do you agree?" An identical voice echoed to my right. I knew where this was going.
"Only because we have your presence to deal with Uncles." I replied as they took seats either side of me.
"Who will I have to bother when you're gone? Surely not your mother. She ignores me." Elladan pouted picking up his goblet and slurping at his wine.
"Look at that unappreciative look she's giving you Elladan. Most disrespectful." Elrohir said doing the same thing.
"You heathens." I grumbled as the slurping continued.
"Here let me test your food for you little niece." Elrohir said snatching my plate from me.
Sniggers and chuckles erupted from around the room as my uncle made a big show of checking and tasting the food I had just put on my plate.
"Wonderful thank you. Much appreciated. No really, please, enjoy." I said sarcastically.
I knew now that they were simply trying to bring the mood up in the room. However I was the unlucky victim.. like always.
"Give her back her food brother." My Nana said with mirth in her voice.
Elrohir obliged and handed me back my plate.
The rest of the meal went smoothly. Chatter had picked up and the occupants of the hall were happier.
The music changed to a more upbeat and fun song.
"Will one of you dance with me? Surely you owe it to me." I asked my uncles. As soon as I had asked the question both of them disappeared from the table.
"That's not going to happen." Was the words that they departed with.
Ada and Nana were already dancing, the hobbits were drunkenly swaying to the music. Soon many of the dinner guests were joining in on the fun.
"My Lady would you like to dance? I noticed that your uncles abandoned you when you asked." A velvety voice asked.
I turned my head and saw the Prince of Mirkwood standing there.
"Thank you Prince Legolas. I would love too." I replied smiling. I took his warm hand and let him lead me to the where everyone was dancing.
"I hope your uncles did not give you too much of a hard time My Lady" Prince Legolas said to me. I was thanking Eru that I'd paid attention in my dancing lessons all those years ago.
"No they did not. Thank you for your concern. My uncles were only trying to lighten the mood of the room. Unfortunately that meant I was a victim." I replied as we danced.
He smiled at me and laughed.
"That is most unfortunate for you." He said.
The music wound to a close and the Prince took a step back.
"Would you join me for refreshment Lady Callie?" He asked me holding his hand out.
I placed my hand in his and nodded. When did he learn my name?
I could feel a sharp gaze on me as we sat back at the table.
Glancing to my left I saw Lord Elrond watching us interact.
"It is lovely here in Imladris as Autumn arrives. I hope it has been to your liking Prince Legolas?" I asked him, a little nervous about being watched, and a little bit awed that this beautiful elf wanted to talk to me.
"It it lovely here. It is a little colder than my home in Mirkwood but that is not a bother to me. I am a little jealous you get to live here. Everyone is friendly and welcoming. I have friends here. he last I visited Imladris, your father was only just a man." He said. His blue eyes sparkled with thought as he took a sip of wine. A stone settled in the pit of my stomach. This Prince must view me as a child and only be keeping me company as a good deed.
"I thank you for your company tonight Prince Legolas. I must retire." I said quickly. I gave a small curtesy and hurried off leaving behind a surprised and confused Elf.


The sky was shining with pinks and oranges as the sun rose from the horizon.
Lady Arwen was helping me pack my final belongings into my satchel.
"Did you have a nice time last night talking with Prince Legolas?" She asked me as she passed me my bag of medicinal herbs.
"Yes it was nice. Although I think he views me as an Elfling compared to everyone else." I commented thinking back to the night before.
"What makes you think that Nîn-iell?" Nana asked me surprised.
"He made a comment about how the last he had been in Imladris, Ada was barely a man." I said.
Nana laughed.
"Oh my dear. I know Legolas well. He does not think that. I'm sure he was trying to relate to you. As there are not many young Elleths that would be a suitable match for him." She said smiling at me as she sat on the bed. I looked at her confused for second.
"How would I be a good match Nana? I'm only a half-elf." I asked her sitting next to her.
"My child, you will be Princess of Gondor one day. Also, you are the Great Granddaughter of Lady Galadriel, Queen of Lothloríen. You would be the best match. King Thranduil will not allow just anyone to be in his Sons sight." She said patting my hand.
"We must finish packing." I commented standing up and picking up my bag of coins.
A long sigh left her cherry red lips.
"Nîn-iell, I wish you would not take this journey."
"Nana I don't know how to comfort you at this time. I do know that this feels like the right path for me." I replied closing the satchel.
I felt my sword pressed into my hands along with my bow and quiver of arrows.
"Stay with your Adar. He will always keep you safe Callie." She placed a gentle kiss on my cheek and pulled me into a hug.
"I will Nana." I answered.

She helped me gather my things and we left the room.
I was the last one to join the fellowship. With final instructions from Lord Elrond we walked out of the Last Homely House.
I looked back over my shoulder catching one last glimpse before we exited the Valley.

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