Journey to Helms Deep

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Legolas walked me back to my room after the meeting was adjourned.
"This colour looked beautiful you Callie." He said to me regarding the dress I had been lended.
"I will make sure it is always available for you." He said distantly, lost in thought.
I blushed deeply as Ada walked past us and raised an eyebrow at this comment.
This elf was going to kill me. Comments like this set my heart on fire.
"Hush Legolas" I said to him, turning away to hide my face that matched my dress. Legolas laughed at my predicament. He put an arm around my waist and spun me to face him.
"Don't hide" he said with an amused expression on his face.

My eyes locked onto his, lost in the moment. My breath sped up a little and the tingling butterflies erupted in my stomach as Legolas gently pulled me closer to him.
He bent his head closer to mine, almost touching his forehead to mine. I could feel his warm breath tingled against my lips.
Legolas jumped back suddenly as a troop of guards clashed down the hallway making their way to the barracks to get their gear.
My face went the reddest it had ever been.
I grabbed the handle to the door behind me.
"Wait here" I said to him and I entered the room.
I heard his breathy chuckle as I closed the door quickly.
I gathered myself and walked over to where my items were resting, on a small table.
Spotting what I needed, I grabbed it and went back to the door, opening it to reveal Legolas.
He was leaning on the doorframe, his arms crossed against his chest and his ankles crossed over each other.
"I have something for you" I told him. I passed him the leather wrapped gift.
His face lit up when he unwrapped it.
"This is a beautiful piece of craftsmanship" he said admiring the knife I had presented him.
"It is my courting gift to you" I replied to him.
My words registered on his face and his head shot up, his eyes meeting mine.
He knew what it meant.
This gift meant I was ready to take the courting to the next part.
Normally this is where the male would organise a proposal and meeting with the parents. However, due to the nature of our situation, this would have to wait until the war was over.
Legolas took two steps forward, placed the knife on the little bookcase near the door and pulled me in close to him. His hand rested on my cheek as his eyes flicked between my lips and eyes.
I honestly thought my legs would give out if he wasn't holding me close. Just as he leaned in closer Gimli came stomping down the hallway. We shot apart once again. Rhaich
"Where is that blasted Elf. Oh Legolas! I need some assistance. The maid put my axe too high for me to reach". Gimli grumbled.
Legolas hesitated for a moment then hugged me.
"I will see you later" he said and walked off with Gimli. Legolas stopped in his tracks and ran back.
"I forgot this, thank you Callie." He said grabbing the knife from the bookcase.
"Come on Lad" Gimli yelled down the hallway. Legolas left and ran back to the dwarf.
"Stupid dwarf" I grumbled as I closed the door to my room.

"By order of the King. The city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep. Do not burden yourselves with treasures. Take only what provisions you need." The Guard captain Hama commanded to the citizens.

"Helms deep! They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight." Gandalf Said with an angry tone to his voice. Gandalf, Ada, Legolas, Gimli and I were walking behind him to the stables. All of our belonging in our hands.
Considering they were only weapons and my healing satchel.
"Who will defend them if not their king?" He continued.
"He's only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helms deep has saved them in the past." Ada replied trying to calm Gandalf down.
"There is no way out of that ravine. Theoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he's leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre. Theoden has a strong will, but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan. He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. The defences have to hold." Gandalf said directly to Ada.
"They will hold." Ada said nodding to Gandalf.
Gandalf turn away.
"The Grey Pilgrim. That's what they used to call me. Three hundred lives of men I've walked this Earth and now, I have no time. With luck, my search will not be in vain. Look to my coming, at first light, on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east." Gandalf finished and mounted Shadowfax.
Ada opened the gate to the stall where the horse was housed.
"Go" he told Gandalf.
Gandalf sighed and urged Shadowfax to go. He took off at canter and left the stables, making his way out of the city. Legolas, Gimli and I jumped out of his way quickly.

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