The Battle for Minas Tirith

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The city was mournful as the men captained by Faramir rode through its streets to the gate.
The people knew this was a suicidal mission.
Women threw herbs and flowers along the cobblestone road and gave them to the departing men. I had taken position near the gate to farewell the strongest of men, the men who now rode to their deaths, knowingly. The sun glinted off of their silver armour, as if saying a final farewell.
"Faramir! Faramir!" Gandalf yelled as he weaved through the crowd.
"Your fathers will has turned to madness. Do not throw away your life so rashly." Gandalf told him as he walked alongside the moving horse.
"Where does my allegiance lie if not here?" Faramir asked Gandalf.
Gandalf stopped walking alongside him.
"Your father loves you, Faramir. He will remember it before the end." Gandalf told him. Faramir looked forward, grief and hurt on his face. The big city gates creaked open for the soldiers and they rode through, three abreast. The people of the city stood lining the ramparts to watch the battle. A mournful silence settled around as the men rode in two long lines towards the city of Osgiliath. Horses whinnied and reared restlessly.
I could see Orcs standing in the city walls, preparing for the battle. Their bows and crossbows all loaded with arrows and bolts.

The haunting words of Pippin's song reached my ears as I made my way to my now familiar viewpoint.
"Home is behind, the world ahead"
The men rode, hooves thundering on the grasslands. Faramir unsheathed his sword and pointed it to the orcs.
"There are many paths to tread. Through shadow to the edge of night. Until the stars are all alight."
The Orc archers drew their bows aiming at the oncoming riders. The warriors from Gondor kicked their horses forward, breaking the lines as they all rode hard.
"Mist and shadow. Cloud and shade. All shall fade. All shall fade."
Arrows whistled through the air, striking the men. Time like this is when I wished I did not have my elvish sight or hearing.
I hung my head in sadness at the sight and turned away. The devastation of the city hung thick, suffocating. Wails of the women and grieving citizens filled the air as they saw the death of the riders.
Denethor would pay for this if he lived through this war.
My time has come to prepare the remaining soldiers for battle.
I walked back to the rooms provided to us and laid out my armour. My sword, I made sure was sharp. The armoury had plenty of arrows if I needed spare. I quickly braided my hair into a single braid down my back, making sure it was out of my face.
Taking a deep breath, I started to put my armour on. Luckily I had rested the night before so I would be able to stand watch until the battle started. Unsure of how long that will be but I didn't think it would be very far away.

Adas words rung in my mind.

"Nîn-iell, take this. I had it made for you in case we ever were separated." Ada had said as he'd pressed a ring into my hand. It was a ring with the crest of Isildur. The crest of the line of kings.
"I will see you again soon." He said gathering me into a hug. Ada told me of the path Gandalf bid him to take. The Dimholt. The road to the cursed men. It scared me, the idea of Ada walking into where the ghosts resided.

I took this ring now from the small leather satchel I had put it in and placed it on my first finger. Ada had had it made the perfect size, I hoped one day I could give this to Nana as Queen of Gondor on her coronation. My armour on and my weapons in hand I left the room. Now to find a spot to watch for the Armies of Mordor.

I chose to watch from above the gate. Tens of thousands of Orcs and men marched to a stop in front of Gondor. Trolls, goblins, Uruk-hai among them. Their chanting haunting the halls and echoing in the very bones of the people.
A horse with an injured rider dragging behind it was approaching the gates.
"Open the gate! There is a survivor!" I yelled down to the men guarding it.
"Open the gate! Quick!" A guard shouted echoing my command.
The horse walked in, dragging behind it was Faramir. Faramir had been shot by two arrows in the right side of his body. I jumped down from the wall, forgoing the stairs and ran to Faramir.
"Help me untangle him! Quick!" I shouted to the guards standing awkwardly nearby. They jumped out of their awkwardness and ran forward to help me.
"Take him to Lord Denethor and the healers." I told the guards. They gathered the fallen captain and hurried off up the winding road to the top.

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