The Seige

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"Show them no mercy for you shall receive none." Ada said in elvish to the elven warriors.
Gimli was jumping trying to see over the wall.
"What's happening out there?" He asked excitedly.
"Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?" Legolas quipped back at the dwarf. Gimli laughed at that.
"Legolas, I must go be with Ada, tonight my place is by his side." I whispered to my betrothed. Legolas looked at me a nodded.
I walked off through the lines of men and elves to Adas side. The sound of metal scraping against metal pierced the silence on the wall as Ada withdrew his sword.
The awful growling and roaring of the Uruk-hai sounded as they came to a halt in front of the walls.
The Uruk-hai started pounding their spears into the ground in union, egging on the oncoming battle.
Suddenly an arrow loosed from the ramparts and struck an orc, killing him.
"HOLD" Ada yelled to the troops. The pounding swords stopped and the enemy charged forward with screeches.
"Prepare to fire!" Ada commanded. Myself along with all the elves notched arrows.
"Release Arrows!" Ada shouted.
The arrow flew from my bow with hundreds more from other bows.
"Fire!" Shouted from where the king was standing and the men of Rohan shot their arrows at the orcs. The battle had officially started.
I kept firing my arrows into the charging troops. The orcs shot crossbow bolts back at us. Men and elves fell from the wall, dead or very injured.
"Ladders!" Ada shouted in elvish as the orcs and Uruk-hai sent ladders up the wall.
"Swords! Swords!" Ada commanded to the troops.
I tossed my bow aside and pulled my sword out.
The battle raged around me. All of us fighting for our lives and the lives of the people in the caves.
I ended up near Legolas and Gimli somehow.
"Legolas! Two already!!" Gimli gloated to the elf.
"I'm on seventeen!" He replied back.
"Weaklings. I've 25." I called back to them.
"Huh? I'll have no pointy-ear out scoring me!" Gimli raged and turned to fight.
I listened to the two male figures calling out their respective scores occasionally as I sliced my way through the orcs. The battle raged as more and more Orcs and Uruk-hai climbed up the ladders.

"Ada!" I shouted to him. When he looked at me I pointed to the causeway which had orcs marching up it covered in shields.
"Causeway!" Ada shouted to the archers. I picked up a bow and joined the archers shooting at the orcs. Many an Orc tumbled down from the causeway.
"Bring him down, Legolas! Callie!" Ada shouted at us in elvish pointing to the Uruk running with a torch to the small drain below the wall.
We fired arrow after arrow at this Uruk.
"Kill him! Kill him!" Ada called desperately.
Legolas shot the killing arrow. Unfortunately the Uruk-hai dived into the drain. The torch lit the bombs underneath blowing a massive section of the wall out. The blast sent me flying from the wall.
I cried out in pain as I hit the ground nearby. This will not be my fate. I was determined to continue fighting. I pulled myself up and grabbed my sword which had landed near me. My body aching and protesting to the movement. I raced to the incoming enemies and continued fighting.
Sarumans troops swarmed to the breach.
"Aragorn!" Gimli shouted to Ada. He leapt off the broken wall and into the troops swinging his axe.
"Gimli!" Ada yelled to the dwarf concerned for him.
Gimli ignored Ada and continued to hack at the orcs.
Ada shouted at the elves near him to fire into the oncoming breach.
"Charge!" Ada yelled once more, the legion of elves charging into the battle.
We slowly tried to push the orcs back out of the gap but more kept coming. A rattling sound caught my attention and I turned to see Legolas sliding down the stairs on a shield. I blinked for a moment completely floored at what he was doing before turning back into the battle. Ada got ahold of Gimli and pulled him out of the waterway.

"Aragorn! Fall back to the keep! Get your men out of there!" Theoden bellowed down to Aragorn.
"To the Keep!" Ada yelled to the fighting elves. He continued to slice at oncoming orcs.
"Pull back to the Keep!" He shouted again. The Elves started to retreat, myself among them.
"Haldir! To the Keep!" Ada shouted to the Marchwarden.

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