Matters of State and Wedding Planning

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I knocked lightly on the door of Ada's study.
"Come in." I heard him call out.
The door swung open, barely making a sound as I stepped into the study.
"How are you Ada?" I asked him walking over and placing a kiss on his scruffy cheek.
"I am a bit tired Nîn-iell. There is much to do and organise in Gondor. Denethor didn't do a great job." He said rubbing his eyes.
I took a seat across from him, taking in the rather large pile of papers and scrolls.
"Actually Ada, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Lord Elrond made sure I was well educated in matters of the state. I wanted to ask if I could help lessen the load for you and take on some responsibilities. It is a lot for a ranger to have dumped on him." I said to him, reaching to pour a cup of wine for the tired King. Ada smiled at me gratefully, accepting the cup.
"You never fail to surprise me. I would be happy to let you help. You are right, it is overwhelming." He said, a look of relief etched onto his weathered features. I gave him a sympathetic look, feeling sorry for him.
"It would be a massive help if you could take over the management of the healing houses of Gondor and the acquisition of supplies for them. At the moment they are paying for all their own supplies but I want to relieve that a bit. War did not come onto these people from their own ambitions." Ada said to me, his head leaning on his hand as he thought.
"Of course Ada. I would be happy too. After the wedding, I can take on more of the work." I told him agreeing to what he suggested.
"I hope my next child will be as amazing as you." Ada said standing from his chair and stretching his stiff muscles.
"Thranduil came and spoke to me about the wedding. You'd be surprised that he has made a few demands for it. Thranduil has requested that you wear a set of jewels made from pure starlight. They are an heirloom of his family. He also requested that the wedding not be overloaded with flowers and that vines are considered." Ada said to me. I looked at him in confusion and surprise.
"He approached you about this? I mean of course I'm happy for that. I hadn't even thought about decorations or jewellery." I said to Ada.
"I think he is hiding some excitement and joy for Legolas. He is putting on an air of indifference." Ada said sitting back down in his chair with a sigh.
I laughed slightly, hoping that what Ada said was true.
"I will take my leave Ada. Shall I join you here tomorrow morning to start with assisting you?" I asked him, standing from my chair. Ada smiled and nodded.
"Have a nice afternoon, I shall see you at evening meal." He said turning back to his work.


The paper rustled as I turned the page in the book I was reading. The echoing of footsteps in the hall outside my room grew ever closer. My door was already open to let the breeze waft through from the window.
"Here you are. I was hoping to find you." Nana said walking into to the room. She took a seat next to me in the sitting area. I closed my book and sat it on the table.
"Is everything alright Nana?" I asked her giving her my attention.
"Oh yes. Everything is fine. I just wanted your company. We used to spend much of the day together in Imladris before Ada stole you for education." She said smiling wistfully. Nana rubbed her stomach absentmindedly.
"Nana are you with child?" I asked narrowing my eyes as I watched.
She jumped at my question before realising what she was doing.
"I- Yes. I am. We haven't told anyone yet as I am only two months along." She said sheepishly.
"I am so happy for you and Ada. What a blessing from Eru." I said standing and walking to Nana. I leant down and wrapped her in a hug.
"I now understand why AdaAdar is here in Gondor. He won't leave your side until the child is given to you." I said to Nana walking back and taking my seat.
"You got that right. I must say it is a relief you know." She said to me smiling brightly.
"Now let us work on your wedding planning. We need to organise what the chefs will cook so they can acquire the ingredients." Nana said to me pulling a small notebook from her pocket.
Nana and I spent most of the afternoon talking about food. It honestly made me hungry.
We settled on roasted duck pies and salads for the main and lemon and raspberry cakes for the dessert. I decided to let the chef fill in any gaps like entrees and snacks. King Thranduil was providing exquisite elvish wine, he would have no less than the best.
"No more today Nana. My head spins." I said to her with a groan. Nana let out a small laugh and put away her notebook.
"Alright Nîn-iell. We only have 4 weeks to organise it now. I'll go visit the chef and give him the list." She said standing from her chair and walking out of the room. My head full from planning, I rose from my chair and went to the balcony. The cool breeze brushed against my skin refreshingly as I leaned against the balcony railing. With my eyes closed I listened to the sounds of the city. It was heartwarming to hear the happy chatter and joyful laughter from the people. The sun was beginning to set in the western sky, turning the blue into pinks and oranges. I was so grateful to be home again among my family and secretly hoped Thranduil wouldn't demand us to live in Eryn Lasgalen, however beautiful it was.
"My Lady, the evening meal will be served soon. The king has asked me to remind you as they are waiting for your arrival." A timid maid said from the doorway breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, thank you Midhel." I said to her turning from the balcony and leaving the room.
Candles lit the dark hallways as I walked to the dining hall. The light of the flames danced over the white stone walls.
"Goheno Nin. I lost track of time." I said to the four beings seated at the table. As soon as I took my seat, food was brought out.
Ada looked exhausted, staring off into nothing with his fork poised over his plate.
"Ada, this lamb is very tasty tonight. You should try it." I said to him gently gaining his attention away from his racing brain.
"Hm? Oh yes it is." He said snapping back to the present. His eyes had dark rings underneath them.
"Would you all like to accompany me on a ride out of the city tomorrow? I was planning on gathering some herbs for my healing satchel." I asked him. He needed a break from desk work and some sunshine would be beneficial to him.
"That sounds lovely Nîn-iell. I shall enjoy joining you." Ada said to me. Legolas nodded, foregoing words as he had his mouth full. Lord Elrond hummed in agreement.
"I will join you too. I would like to see more of Gondor." Thranduil commented.
"Thank you for the offer Nîn-iell, perhaps we can ask the kitchen to pack us lunch." Nana suggested.
It was soon organised that we will have a nice picnic lunch packed and ready for us by mid morning.
"Please excuse me, I am going to retire for the night. Nana was right those court ladies are very tiring." I said standing up from my chair. Legolas stood immediately after I did.
"I'll walk you to your room." He said joining me as I walked out the door.
He took my hand in his and laced his fingers through mine as we walked quietly through the halls.
"I am going to read for a little, would you like to join me by the fireplace?" I asked him opening the door to my rooms.


The horses grazed on the sweet grass as the seven of us relaxed on blankets laid out. The meal had been light and tasty.
"Thank you for suggesting this Nîn-iell. It is a much needed break from all the paperwork." Ada said reaching for a handful of berries.
I was laying out the herbs and plants I had collected so I could tie them into bundles.
"Tell me, Elrond, is your granddaughter an adept healer?" Thranduil asked AdaAdar. I wisely chose not to react to his question and kept on with my task.
"She is the best student I have taught. And I have taught many. The Valar blessed her with healing elf-magic alongside her gift for sight." Elrond said to the Elf King. I smiled to myself, feeling very thankful to Elrond.
I wrapped the herbs and plants in a large cloth to contain and protect them before placing it into my satchel.
Thranduil once again presented Elrond with a question.
"Is she competent with council meetings and matters of state?" He said pouring himself a cup of wine. He sure loved his wine.
"Yes. She thinks things through clearly and carefully before making a decision or suggestion. I made sure Callie read all the books I had on the subject of council meetings and matters of state twice before attending one." Elrond said to Thranduil.
I winced as I remembered the painfully slow and monotonous books I had read.
"Not the only books you made me read twice." I muttered under my breath. Apparently I was not as quiet as I thought because Ada snorted, water squirting from his nose. Legolas was the first one to break into laughter, the rest of us quickly following. Even Thranduil was having a hard time keeping a straight face.
"Ada! You should have seen it! Oh Valar." I said gasping for breath, tears streaming down my face. I wiped my face with a napkin after I had calmed down.
"Very King like Aragorn." Nana said still giggling slightly.
"We should make our way back. There is a storm brewing to the north." Elrond said standing from the blanketed area. We all looked to the north, seeing the dark clouds far off in the distance.
Quickly, we gathered everything and stuffed it into the saddlebags on the horses before mounting them.
Nana and I rode at the front of the group.
"I bet I can get back to the city first." She said with a playful gleam in her eye.
"You underestimate me Nana!" I replied.
Nana and I took off from the group, startled yells sounded after us as our horses thundered over the ground at a fast pace. Nana looked back at me from her position ahead and laughed joyfully. I was ever so grateful to see her so happy, but she would not win easily.
"Faster Aur! We must not be an easy defeat!" I shouted to the golden horse I was riding. With a shake of his head he pushed harder as the White City came into view. Nana was the fastest horse rider I knew and she was now quite a way in front but Aur was gaining.
"You are slow Nîn-iell!" She called back to me. People of Minas Tirith started gathering on the ramparts cheering on Nana and me.
We were now neck and neck, the gates of Minas Tirith were being swung open for us.
With one last shout to her horse Nana made it through the walls of the city first. Just. People cheered for her as we slowed down to a stop.
"Well done Nana." I said jumping from Aur and giving her a hug.
"You're getting better my child, but you'll never beat me." She said laughing. The others entered the city soon after.
Stable hands came up to us and took the horses from us.
"Well done Queen Arwen!" A small boy said running up with a handful of squashed flowers for her.
"Thank you." She said kindly taking them from him.
"You know we all raced after you two but couldn't catch up." Legolas said walking over to me. I grinned at him and took his hand as we walked up to the palace.
"Nana taught me to ride. She was always the best one in Imladris." I told him.
"She taught you well." Legolas said to me smiling.

The Princess of Imladris [Legolas]Where stories live. Discover now