Two becomes three

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I groaned as I climbed into my bed. My whole body ached. Since the celebration for Eldarion four days ago, my body pained me constantly. False labour cause me discomfort at random points throughout the days.
"Meleth are you alright?" Legolas asked me as he climbed into the bed beside me.
"I am very tired Meleth and my body aches." I told him tiredly settling under the covers.
Legolas hummed and said something to me but I didn't register his words as I fell into a sleep.

Pain woke me from my slumber. A deep pressure spread through my abdomen and back. It eased as quickly as it came. I closed my eyes again thinking it was just another false alarm. Sleep began to welcome me when my dress became heavy and sticky with liquid.
Legolas awoke to my squirming out of the bed.
"Meleth what is wrong? Why is the bed wet?" He asked sitting up.
"Legolas will you please go get a midwife? I believe my waters have broken." I told him calmly as I removed my wet nightdress and put on a clean silk robe instead.
Legolas blinked sleepily at me for a moment before his eyes widened as he realised what I said.
"What are you doing? Get back in bed!" He panicked jumping from the bed rushing to me.
I shot him a very unamused look.
"I will not. I will sit here by the fire. Now. Go. Get. The. Midwife." I demanded him through my gritted teeth as pain and pressure swept my body again. He scrambled out the door doing as I told him, forgetting his shirt.

I leant on the table, my head on my arms as I waited for the pain to pass. A warm hand placed itself on my lower back gently massaging it.
"My sweet, beautiful, daughter. It looks as if your time has come." My Nana said kindly to me.
"Nana, what are you doing here?" I gasped through the pain. It eased off and I was able to stand upright.
"I saw Legolas bolting down the hallway shirtless and I knew what was going on. I had been on my way back from the library." She told me helping me walk to the seat by the fire.
"My bed is wet Nana." I grumbled.
"That is a discomfort you will have to put up with." She told me firmly.
Soon elven midwives came into the room and bustled around setting things up. Legolas had been locked out of the room.
My pains came quicker and stronger each time.
Nana and the midwives helped me into my bed.
"You are very calm My Lady! It looks as though your little one is ready to come out. Let us prepare for you to push." The midwife said.
The next pain was much much more intense and a cry left my mouth.
I followed the instructions given to me and pushed with each contraction.
"One more Princess!" The midwife encourage.
I pushed as one more pain took my body. A scream left my mouth as a burning sensation overcame my lower body between my hips. The baby slipped from my body and I collapsed against Nana who was bracing me from behind.
"You did it Nîn- iell. I'm so proud of you. Look you have a perfect little son." Nana whispered to me as she wiped the sweat off of my face.
"A son?" I gasped to her breathless. Another cramp pulsed through my body.
"Ah! The afterbirth is coming now." The midwife said and an awful squelching sounded as it slipped from me.
The midwives handed me a squealing baby wrapped in a blanket. I stared at the tiny face in my arms. Wispy blond hair settled on his head. His tiny nose, his perfect little mouth. Mine. He was mine.
"His head will settle into a more rounder shape in the next day or two Princess.
With the help of Nana, the midwives bathed me and changed the bedding quickly. I now sat nestled into pillows on a clean bed. Legolas burst through the doors and ran to my side.
"An Ellon? We have a son?" He asked excitedly.
"He looks just like you Meleth Nîn." I told him as I passed him the tiny bundle of Elfling.
Awe and absolute love overtook Legolas' face as he cradled his newborn son in his arms.
"Raethor, let us name him Raethor. It means Smiling Brother" Legolas said as the little babe seemingly smiled at him. Although a baby this young cannot smile.
"It is a precious name. Let us name him that." I agreed.
We sat together, soaking in the feeling of having this little baby belong to us.
"Eru has blessed us." I whispered to Legolas as I gazed down at the son in his arms.
Nana was right. The pain was worth it.

When the sun was high above its rising point, Nana brought Ada and Lord Elrond to see their newest family member.
"I'm so sorry Nîn-iell. He looks like Legolas." Ada said teasingly as he held his grandson. Legolas couldn't even be offended, he was just so elated to have his son.
"What is this sweet baby's name?" Nana asked me as she stood next to Ada, admiring him.
"He is named Raethor." I said to them as Lord Elrond took the baby in his arms.
"A fitting name for a Prince." Elrond said as he gently handed the baby back to me. Tension, that I was completely unaware of, left my body as the swaddled Elfling settled against my body.
I felt a love for this tiny elf that I'd never before felt.
Legolas sat down on the bed beside me and brushed his fingers gently over the wispy blond hair.
Nana ushered the other two in the room out, bidding farewell quietly.
"He is so perfect." Legolas whispered not to wake the baby. This brand new elf had his Ada wrapped around his tiny finger from the moment he arrived.

"Legolas, will you take him? My body is calling for rest." I asked my husband, snapping him from his loving stare at the sleeping babe.
Legolas eagerly took Raethor into his arms and moved to the chairs near the fireplace, humming softly to keep the child asleep.
I drifted into a light rest, listening to the humming fill the room melodically.


"Good morning Nana" the voice of a child echoed into my rooms. I was sitting at my table, eating a morning meal.
"Good morning Nîn-ion." I said looking up to greet the small face of the blond haired Elfling in front of me.
Raethor climbed up into a chair near me at the table.
The 8 year old Elfling, now the size of a two year old human, reached forward for a cup of water.
"I'm sorry Nana but I can't reach it, may you please assist me?" He asked me looking downcast.
"Of course I will." I said quickly passing the cup to his hands.
"Dâd has requested I join him today in his study for my lessons. Can I go?" Raethor asked me, shifting eagerly in his seat.
"Absolutely Nîn-ion." I told the Elfling in front of me. He smiled brightly, his dimples melting my heart. Raethor looked just like his Ada and Legolas was always proud of this.
Speaking of Legolas, the tall elf strode into the rooms at that moment.
He walked over, kissed my forehead and ruffled Raethor's hair adoringly.
"Everything is on track for our travels to Minas Tirith in a week." Legolas said sitting heavily into a chair next to me at the table.
"Thranduil will miss having you here this time. We have been in Eryn Lasgalen for two extra years this time." I said putting my fork on my empty plate.
"He will yes, but it is time to go back." Legolas said to me. Raethor wiggled down off of his chair.
"Please excuse me. Dâd will be expecting me". He said turning and walking out of the room on his small legs.
"Time passes too quickly." Legolas said mournfully as his son left the room.
"He is a wonderful Elfling. Just like you Meleth." I told Legolas in hopes of drawing him from his pouting.
"I want another one." Legolas said suddenly turning his head to me with excitement in his eyes.
"Let Raethor grow more first Meleth. He is still only small, we have all the time of this world." I said to the elf standing from the table.
"For now, let us enjoy the Elfling Eru has blessed us with. Come, let us walk together this morning through the city." I said holding my hand out to the handsome elf still sitting at the table.
Legolas smiled at me lovingly and stood.
"That sounds like a nice idea Meleth-Nîn." He said taking my hand in his.
The peacefulness of a land free of evil set happiness in the minds of everyone. Kingdoms were thriving and grew rapidly.
"I love you Legolas." I said to my husband as we stopped at a window to look out over the bustling Elven city.
"And I you Callie." He said wrapping his arms around me from behind and placing his chin on my shoulder.

I had hope that this war free age would last for a long time, even when the last of the elves had sailed to Valinor.

The Princess of Imladris [Legolas]Where stories live. Discover now