Familiar Guests and Stunning Gifts

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The castle bustled with excitement. The wedding was only two days away now. Currently Ada, Nana and I were standing out in the courtyard seating the arrival of Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn. I was extremely excited to see them, it was always an enjoyment to spend time with my great grandparents.
The clattering of carts rolling on cobblestones grew louder as the entourage came into sight before coming to a stop at the base of the steps.
The Lady of the Wood climbed the steps, her husband gracefully walking beside her.
"Welcome to Gondor, Lord Celeborn, Lady Galadriel." Ada greeted formally. Bowing in respect to the Elder Elves.
"Thank you for inviting us, we are glad to be among family once again. Especially when such a wonderful occasion is approaching." Celeborn said back to Ada bowing his head to Ada in thanks.

"Here is where you will be staying." I said stopping in front of the guest rooms prepared for my great grandparents.
"Thank you my dear." Celeborn said patting my shoulder softly.
"You are very welcome. I am glad you're here." I said to them.
"I will come by your room later to deliver your dress and make sure it fits." Galadriel said walking over and kissing my cheek.
I left the two of them to freshen up after their travel. It had been a slow one for them, bringing much of the remaining items from Lorien as they prepared to leave it in a few years.
Thranduil was waiting for me at my rooms when I arrived to them.
"King Thranduil." I greeted him with a small bow of my head.
Opening the doors to my room, I stood aside and let the Elven king inside.
"I have something for you to wear on your wedding day." He said handing me a large flat wooden box. It had intricate carvings of stars on the top.
Carefully unhooking the latch I opening the hinged box. Inside was a necklace of delicate chains and white gemstones. Set into a design of stars and moons.
"My Lord these are the most beautiful gems I have ever seen. Thank you for the trust and honour of allowing me to wear them." I said looking up at Thranduil in awe.
"These gems belonged to my wife, Legolas' mother. I gave them to Thrór King of the dwarves to be made into the necklace you now see for my wife before she died. She never got to wear them. I have seen how much Legolas adores you and this is a way to remember his mother." He said reaching out and touching the necklace softly.

His eyes held a grief I hoped never to experience. He snatched his hand back and turned walking to the door. He paused at the door for a moment.
"I am glad Legolas found you. You will make a wonderful queen one day." He said. Thranduil left the room with a sweep of his cloak.
I gently closed the lid over the gems that seemed to shine from within and placed it on my vanity.
A deep sadness filled my heart thinking of the grieving King and how his wife never got to wear these jewels.
But I was also ever so grateful that Thranduil had provided them for me to wear.


The door to my room creaked as it swung open widely. In walked Lady Galadriel with a large fabric wrapped parcel. She laid it on the table in the centre of the room. I stood from the desk I was at were I had been working on the paperwork for Ada and walked over to her.
"Is this..?" I asked her trailing off as I reached her side.
"Yes. This is your dress. Would you like to see it?" She asked me here eyes twinkling with excitement.
"Yes please Mam!" I said itching to see it, touch it and to wear it.
With gentle and steady hands Galadriel pulled the fabric wrap away and unveiled the dress made by the elvish seamstress.  The dress was a floral lace design with the flowers starting at the top and gathering in numbers at the bottom as if they were falling down the dress. It had a shallow 'V' neckline and was made to be fitted to the waistline.
I reached out and ran my hand over the soft lace taking in the stunning needlework.
"Mam thank you. Thank you so much." I said turning and wrapping her into a hug. She laughed lightly and hugged me back.
"You're welcome Nîn-siel. I did the same thing for your Nana and her mother. The design is the same, the lace is sewn differently to suit you." She said releasing me.
She gathered the dress carefully in her arms and carried it to the changing screen.
"Come, try it on to make sure it fits perfectly." She said over her shoulder to me. I scrambled over to her with eagerness.
With her help, I untied the dress I was currently wearing. I pulled it off and hung it over the screen to protect it from crumples.
Galadriel handed me the white lace gown around the side.
I unbuttoned the back of it and with extreme caution stepped into the opening, pulling the dress up.
Galadriel helped button it up for me when I asked for her help.
She helped me gather the train and we walked to the centre of the room where the light was better. With experienced hands my great grandmother checked the fit of the dress.
"It is a perfect fit Nîn-siel." She said standing back and taking in my appearance.
"I love it so much Mam." I told her smiling widely. I felt like a one of the Valar in this dress.
"I must take it off now. I don't want to ruin it in any way." I told her leaning down to gather the extra material pooling at my feet.
Galadriel once again helped me unfasten the dress and out on my other one.
She assisted me in hanging the white gown gently in the wardrobe nearby, ready for two days time.

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