The Long Awaited Wedding

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People stood from their seats and turned to face Ada and me. Excited whispered filled the air. My grip on Ada's arm tightened significantly, searching for comfort, safety and security. Elvish Harps played sweetly in the background. I took a deep breath and started walking.
Legolas stood at the end of the isle, staring directly at me. He stared at me, love and amazement firmly graced his face. He blinked rapidly as if staving off tears.
He looked wonderful, dressed in a silver tunic and overcoat that had white embroidery along the collar and down the middle. He also wore white pants with shiny black boots. On his head was a simple crown of silver that suited him perfectly. I caught his gaze and relaxed, my grip on Ada's arm loosening a little. 
Ada and I stopped just in front of the Elven Prince. Legolas mouth was slightly agape as he stared at me in awe. He took in the beautiful dress and crown before his gaze stopped on the necklace of white gems Thranduil had provided. His eyes shone with relief and happiness at seeing the necklace resting on my body. He knew it meant Thranduil approved.
Ada released my arm and took my hand in his before giving my hand to Legolas. I walked forward and faced the elf.
"You're very handsome Meleth." I whispered very quietly. He smiled his dimpled smile at me sending butterflies through my stomach. This week away from each other may have been worth it.
"You look stunning. The most beautiful Elleth I've ever seen." He whispered back to me.
I blushed lightly at his comment and turned my attention to the White Wizard standing in front of us.
"For those of you new to elvish customs, the Eldar marry once in their immortal lives and do not make decisions lightly for their partner. Having been able to witness these two elves fall into a deep love was a privilege." Gandalf said to the silent hall of Gondorian citizens, Rohan royalty, Elvish participants and the last of the fellowship.
"Now I would invite Queen Arwen, mother to the bride, to present Prince Legolas with a gift." Gandalf said stepping aside slightly. Nana stood from her seat and approached the two of us with a broach resting on a small silk blanket of sorts.
The broach was a shaped like the flames on Ada's crown but a very small version. In the middle was a sapphire blue gem shaped like an arrow head, perfectly settled into the middle of the broach.
Nana pinned the broach onto Legolas chest directly over his heart.
"While it is tradition for the gem to be presented to the bride groom, we made this to symbol you joining our family Mellon." She said quietly as she stepped back.
"Hannon Le Arwen." Legolas said to her earnestly. Nana walked back to her seat and sat gracefully with a smile on her face. Ada put his hand over hers and whispered something to her.

"Now as it is customs for mortal men as well as elves I will not explain the exchanging of rings. Please each take the ring provided and place it on the hand of your betrothed. Speak the name of the creator as you do this." Gandalf said holding out two thin golden rings. Legolas reached picked up the smaller of the two first. He gently slipped the ring onto the fourth finger on my left hand.
"Eru Ilúvatar" Legolas said looking into my eyes.
I did the same to him, placing the larger ring on his finger.
"Eru Ilúvatar" I said back to him with a smile.
"You may seal it with a kiss." Gandalf said grinning at the two of us.
Legolas swooped forward, capturing my lips into a kiss full of love, happiness and longing. Cheers erupted in the hall from the people gathered.
I pulled away from Legolas and laughed happily.
"Congratulations." Gandalf said quietly. Legolas took my hand in his, a grin so big on his face it must of hurt.
Ada walked over to us, his face wet with tears of happiness.
"Nîn-iell. Congratulations my child." He said pulling me into a tight hug.
"Aragorn! Don't crush her dress!" Nana gasped hurrying over to pull her husband from me.
"Oh sorry." Ada said sheepishly releasing me from the hug. Thranduil walked up alongside Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn.
"Legolas." Thranduil said putting a hand on his and shoulder.
"I am happy for you Nîn-ion." He said softly, a rare smile on his face. Legolas let go of my hand and engulfed his Adar into a hug, surprising the King.
"Nîn-siel. You look stunning." Celeborn said stepping up to me.
"Thank you Dâd." I replied to the Elf Lord. He smiled and patted my cheek adoringly.
"Congratulations, my dear." Galadriel said taking on of my hands in both of hers.
An arm slid around my waist as Legolas moved back to my side.


Giggles escaped my lips as Legolas twirled me back to himself.
"That was a bit of fun" I said as we walked off the dance floor, back to our seats. Legolas pulled my chair out for me as I sat down.
"Thank you Meleth Nîn." I said to the Elf taking a seat beside me. He leant over and kissed my cheek.
Gimli stomped over to us, quiet inebriated.
"Lad, Lass. This wine is very strong." He said hiccuping at the end. Gimli reached over the table and plucked a handful of meat from the roast and shoved it in his mouth.
"Oh Gimli, time for you to lay down." Eowyn said hurrying over and steering the dwarf away. It was late into the night and many people were drunk or on a one way trip to being drunk. Legolas, not for the first time that night, reached over and touched the necklace on my neck.
"Meleth, there will be plenty of time to admire the jewels later. For now, eat something." I said using my left hand to stop his.
"The two of you should retire to your rooms now." Gandalf said from behind us quietly.
"The guests will be leaving soon. I will announce your departure." He continued patting our shoulders with a sparkle in his eye.
"It is time for the newly wedded couple to leave. Please keep enjoying the hospitality of King Elessar and Queen Arwen." Gandalf said to the room of people. Everyone cheered loudly as Legolas took my hand in his and we walked out of the dining hall. My face was now very red from the knowing looks we received.
We walked in silence to the new suite of rooms we would now share.
We opened the doors together and stepped inside, closing them behind us.
The fire crackled and flickered in the fireplace, gently warming the room and providing light.
Legolas turned to me, pulling me in closer so we were chest to chest, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I love you. My wife." Legolas said leaning his forehead on mine.
"I love you, my husband." I whispered to him.
He closed the distance between us, pressing his lips to mine softly. Slowly he began to deepen the kiss, his lips now moving in sync with mine.
He stood back from me and took my hands into his.
"There is one more thing we must do to be officially married in the eyes of the Valar." He said with a smirk on his face. Legolas lead me to the bed and sat on it pulling me down next to him.
Legolas turned to face me before crashing his lips to mine in a fervent kiss.


I woke up to Legolas peppering kisses all over my face.
"Good morning" he said to me smiling at me, his eyes filled with love.
"Good morning my love." I replied to him, snuggling closer to the warm body at my side.
The wedding had been a month ago and today Thranduil was going back to Eryn Lasgalen.
Other guests had left sooner after the wedding.
"Come on, let's get ready for the day." I said pulling the covers back and getting up. Legolas groaned in annoyance and did the same.
I stared at his bare chest as he stretched out his muscles from sleep. No matter what, I would never tire of that view.
I changed out of my nightdress into a deep blue dress.
Legolas walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me from behind and kissing my shoulder.
"You always look so beautiful." He said with a sigh of contentment.
"Go get dressed" I told him wiggling out of his arms. The pouty look on his face made me giggle slightly.
Soon we were walking down to the courtyard. Now we were married, Legolas made sure to always be touching a part of my body when in public, for example, my hands, waist or shoulders. Now was no exception. He had an arm over my shoulders and was fiddling with the simple necklace I was wearing.
We were the last to arrive at the farewell point.
"King Thranduil, it is a shame to see you leave for Eryn Lasgalen." I said with a polite bow of my head. He bowed his head in return, foregoing a reply.
"Adar, travel safe." Legolas said stepping up to his father. Thranduil gave him a short and sweet hug. Their relationship had become better these past few weeks.
"I will see you in a years time Nîn-ion" Thranduil said to Legolas. He stepped back and mounted his large elk.
"Thank you for your hospitality." He said down to Ada and Nana.
"Of course, you are welcome any time Thranduil." Ada said with a smile to the elven king.
Thranduil turned and cantered off, down the streets. His entourage scrambled to catch up with their king.
"It is cold out here. Let us go to breakfast." Ada said and we all agreed, walking inside out of the winters air.

The Princess of Imladris [Legolas]Where stories live. Discover now