The New Sibling

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The dark of the night had settled over Middle Earth. I walked silently through the halls of the castle carrying a tray with the strongest wine I could find. The non elven/ immortal residents did not slumber peacefully. Instead the castle bustled with anticipation.
It has been 1 year and two weeks since the War of the Ring.
A pained cry sounded down the royal suites corridor. Ada sat with his head in his hands in front of his room he shared with my Nana.
The time had come for their second elfling to be given to them.
I placed the tray on the side table and crouched next to the King.
"Ada" I said placing my hands on his shoulders. He looked up at me, emotions flashing across his face.
"Ada she has done this before. The best elven midwives are here. Come have a drink of wine." I told him. King Elessar nodded and stood. He walked with me to the seating near the rooms that had been placed there for us.
"You are wise Nîn- iell, I am most glad you are here." He said handing me the glass of juice I'd gotten for myself.
"I am glad I am here too. I could not miss the birth of my sibling, although, I am most grateful to not be in there too. Being out here is frightening enough." I said light heartedly, cradling my bump. Ada chuckled at me.
"I can understand that my beautiful daughter." He said to me.
The child in my belly stretched and pushed against my ribs.
"Ah Valar! Must you do that little one?" I gasped. I stood and pressed against the top of my belly trying to move the offending limb. Ada grinned at me. Legolas walked up to us.
"Are you alright Meleth Nîn?" He asked me concerned.
"I am fine Legolas. Your child has decided to kick my ribs" I told him as I pressed once more on my belly. Legolas grimaced at this.
"You sound just like your Nana" Ada snorted as he pulled his smoking pipe out from his pocket.
Another cry sounded from where Nana was labouring. Legolas jumped nervously at this, and Ada took a very big sip of wine.

"It has been hours" he muttered to us. The sky started to lighten.
Nanas cries had become stronger and more pained as well as closer together. Soon they had stopped all together. Silence echoed around us.
"When you were born, it was not this long." He said rubbing his eyes.
A gut wrenching scream came from Nanas room and was soon followed by the piecing squeal of a baby.
"Congratulations Ada" I told him. A look of relief was on his face.
After a few minutes one of the midwives walked out to us.
"Your Highness, please, come meet your Son. The Queen is doing well." She said happily. Ada stood and rushed into the room.
"Come Legolas, let us go and break fast." I said standing and holding out my hand to him. He smiled his dimpled smile at me and took my hand.
The city rejoiced as bells rang announcing the safe birth of the Kings Son. After breakfast I spent the morning in my private herb garden making sure that my medicinal herbs were cared for.

Legolas was as always the doting husband to me serving me my lunch a few hours later. I had learnt to let him fuss rather than argue with him for a year. This time a little distracted as he gave me twice the usual amount of food and forgot his own.
"Meleth, where are your thoughts?" I asked him kindly as he sat down in his seat next to me.
He looked at me, worry and fear swimming in his eyes.
"I did not know the pain you must endure when the baby is given to us." He said quietly. I smiled gently at him. Of course he wouldn't know. No elflings had been born in Mirkwood since his birth. It is not something unmarried Ellon are taught.
"Meleth Nîn, it is ok. An Elleth's body is made for this. Pain is part of it but it is not forever. I will be ok. It is a little harder for Nana as her baby is half human." I told him sweetly. He sighed and kissed my cheek.
"You know I struggle to see you hurt at all." he said. I rested my head on his shoulder and continued to pick at my lunch.
A sharp knock sounded as someone tapped on the door to our rooms. Ada walked in before I could invite the person in.
He plopped down in a seat across from us.
"You should see him! He has dark hair like Arwen and Blue eyes, but he looks like me." He said excitedly. I passed him my plate of food I couldn't finish and he happily accepted it.
"Have you a name for him yet Ada?" I asked him.
"I will let your Nana tell you. I want you to meet him!" Ada said as he shovelled food in his face.
"Go with your Ada to meet the little one. I have to finish writing the monthly update for my Adar." Legolas said kindly. He kissed my cheek then stood up from the table and left the room.
"Is Legolas alright Nîn-iell?" Ada asked me as he stood up from the table and came around to give me a hand. My 7 month sized bump starting to make it difficult to stand.
"He is fearful. Legolas was not educated on the pain and suffering of birth. To witness the cries from Nana terrified him of what my experience will be like." I told Ada as I walked beside him slowly.
"Hm. Lord Elrond arrives tomorrow. It may be good for him to talk to Legolas. Being that your child will be more elven than human your experience should be different to your Naneth." Ada replied to me as we came to a stop in front of the room he shared with Nana.
"Come let us meet your new little brother." He said and knocked on the door gently.
"Enter" Queen Arwen said to us.
We walked into the room to see Nana sitting up in bed looking refreshed, her hair still slightly damp from a bath. In her arm was a squirming bundle. Ada picked up a chair from near the fireplace and placed it next to the bed.
"Here Callie, please sit." He said happily.
"Thank you Ada." I said to him. I leant over and placed a gentle kiss on Nana's cheek before taking the seat provided to me.
"How are you feeling Nana?" I asked her softly.
"I am better now. The pain is easing quickly. I do not know how human females deal with pain and bleeding for weeks after birth." She said smiling tiredly at her little baby.
"Would you like to hold him?" She asked me.
"Most definitely Nana" I said eagerly.
Nana gently passed me the small elfling. The baby was sleeping soundly, he had dark brown hair and tanned skin. His face resembled Ada in many ways but he had Nana's nose.
Nana's deep blue eyes sparkling with joy and love as she watched her two children bonding.
"Nana he is so precious. Have you a name for him yet?" I ask her.
"Yes. He is to be called Eldarion" she told me.
"A wonderful name Nana." I said to her running a finger across the tiny face.
We sat in a comfortable silence watching the new life slumber away.
I handed my little brother back to Nana after a while of holding him, the longing in her eyes obvious she wanted him back.
The afternoon turned into night quickly. I spent most of the time caring for my Nana and baby brother. I picked up many things and helped bring the bassinet to next to the bed.
"Nana, I must go now. Legolas will be wanting to have our nightly meal." I said and stood from the chair I had sat in.
"Oh this child!" I exclaimed in pain as the baby I was carrying once again kicked my ribs and wiggled around. Nana laughed in sympathy.
"It will all be worth it Nîn-iell." She said kindly. I made sure she had everything she needed and left the rooms.
By the time I reached the room I shared with Legolas I was gritting my teeth and limping.
"Meleth! What is wrong?" Legolas asked worriedly as he rushed to my side.
"This babe of yours is trying to break my ribs. I am a little sore in my hips today. I think I may have done too much." I grumbled to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me to a chair.
"I will be resting this night. I am feeling very tired." I said to Legolas who handed me a plate of food.
"Let me ease the pain in your hips for you after you've bathed. The healers gave me an oil of Lavender that helps relax sore points in the body." Legolas said as he sat down across from me. I smiled my thanks to him. How kind and caring he was.
"You are the most adoring husband Meleth Nîn. Thank you for caring for me. How did your letter to your Adar go?" I asked him as I took a sip of water.
"I will always care for you. My letter has been finished. He wanted to know more about how you were faring. I also told him how I've been out with the farmers this past month and showing them ways to farm that help the land." Legolas said to me as he took a bite of his dinner.
"I'm sure he will be appreciative of this. I'm glad he agreed to let us do alternative years at both Gondor and Eryn Lasgalen." I said to Legolas as I put my fork down on my now empty plate. Legolas smiled at me lovingly.
"It is proving to be a useful idea. Let me call the maids to prepare a bath for you." He said and stood from the table. He left the room to find the maid.

"How are you feeling Meleth?" Legolas asked me as I put on a silken robe after my warm bath. He was reading by the fire that crackled in the room.
"Much better. Thank you." I said walking over and sitting next to him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and continued reading. The wiggling child calmed itself as Legolas gently stroked my belly absentmindedly. A relieve groan left my lips and I rested my head against his shoulder.
After a while of relaxing together Legolas put his book down. I shifted occasionally to ease pressure in my hips.
"Come Meleth, let me ease your hip pain." He said standing up. I stood and removed the robe I was wearing.
"Here, lean back against me." He said softly. I did as he asked. Legolas pressed gently around my hips and lower spine, massaging the oil of lavender into my skin.
"Meleth this feels amazing." I said to him. He kissed my neck gently happy to have been helping.
Soon I was relaxed and the pain easing.
"Thank you Meleth. Please, will you get my nightgown for me so I may rest?" I asked him, pulling the robe back up after the massage. He quickly did as I asked him. He then helped me to the bed, climbing in beside me.

I lay next to my beautiful husband on our bed. The warm covers pulled up over us, keeping the warmth in.
I had my head on his chest as he sat up reading his book. The large pile of pillows behind my back providing me comfort and support. I drifted off to sleep feeling safe and loved.

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