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"The walls.. of Moria" Gimli said in awe as we arrived at the door of mine. The silence in the area of the door was deafening. Dark night had settled overhead and no stars shone on us. The gloom of this place surrounded the fellowship dampening the mood. Unease spread the longer we waited as Gandalf tried password after password to open the door. 

Kaploosh. Kaploosh.
I sprung up from my seated position and saw Pippin was throwing stones into the black water.
Ada turned from helping Sam release the pony and fiercely told Pippin to stop disturbing the water his grip tight on Pippins wrist. He seemed to know something that the rest of us didn't and I sensed it wasn't necessarily good knowledge.

"What's the elvish word for friend?" Frodo asked Gandalf. Frodo's voice echoed off of the huge stone walls protecting the mine.
"Mellon" Gandalf answered. With a great creaking the door rumbled open.

I was sure I heard something in the water behind us but there was no movement to prove this. I drawing my bow, I watched for a few moments. Nothing stirred in the water so I turned away.

"This is no mine - it's a tomb" Boromir said into as he examines a skeleton laying on the ground.  "No!" Gimli started wailing in despair.
"Goblins" Legolas said hissed as he pulled an arrow from another skeleton. Tension mounted as we readied our weapons.
A cry echoed from Frodo suddenly. Frodo was being dragged out to the water by a huge squid like creature. Hunger was its the mind. Ada and Boromir sprinted after the hobbits out of the mine. Samwise, Merry and Pippin were bashing at any tentacles they could reach. Boromir and Ada attacked it, making it drop Frodo. Legolas joined the fight shot it in the eye with an arrow. The squid let out a guttural shriek clambered out of the water after us.
"Into the mines!" Gandalf yelled at us. We scrambled to get the small hobbits into the safety of the mine. We just managed to achieve this when the door crumbled around us and huge rocks fell onto the squid, closing our only known exit.

Miraculously, none had any major wounds. Only minor scratches.
I checked over Frodo for any wounds and applied a salve to his scratches while we waited for Gandalf to remember the path in Moria. Ada was unharmed surprisingly but Boromir had minor bleeding cuts.
"I do not need any help for my scratches Lady." Boromir grumbled. Legolas gave him a sharp look making him shrink under the gaze.
"Boromir. That water was stagnate and dirty. If you do not let me put this salve on, it will become infected and we do not have time for you to get sick from infection" I said firmly. He gave in to the help, not wanting to be the one who becomes a hindrance and also not wanting to endure the wrath of the Prince.

"Thank you Legolas." I said as I moved to sit by him. He smiled at me with a look I had only seen my father give my mother. A deep heat spread through my cheeks as a red blush graced my features. I quickly turned away from the elf to hide this embarrassing moment.
"Don't look away my Lady. The red in your cheeks makes me curious." He said surprised at the colour in my face.
"It is a gift from the human side of my heritage" I said to him still keeping my face turned.
He placed a gentle hand on my cheek.
"It is quite warm, the redness in your face" he said. I looked at him for a moment wondering how to react but he removed his hand apologising.

"Ah it is this way" Gandalf remembered the way and I stood quickly and walked away from the elf that cause my stomach to flutter one again. Gandalf lead us into a huge hall of tall pillars and archways. The magnificent structure stood almost perfect after all the years it had been abandoned.
We soon came across a small room and Gimli ran into it quickly.
In the room lay a stone tomb with an inscription at one end. Corpses of Dwarven guards lay surrounding the tomb in the room.
"Here lies Balin. Son of Fundin. Lord of Moria. It is as I feared" Gandalf said reading the inscription. Gandalfs face had grief etched into every wrinkle. His eyes glimmered with sadness.

The Princess of Imladris [Legolas]Where stories live. Discover now