The Hobbits of Isengard

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We rode in silence weaving through Fangorn Forest listening to the groaning of the Trees talking. Soon we were coming upon Isengard. A shout of joy drew our attention from the forest to the two small beings in the distance.
Sitting on a broken wall, we saw Merry and Pippin smoking pipes, drinking and eating. They were having the time of their lives. Quite content.
Pippin laughed in excitement as he shoved more food into his mouth.
"Welcome, my lords and lady to Isengard!" Merry greeted us drunkenly.
"You young rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on and now we find you feasting and and smoking!" Gimli said indignantly. Ada, Legolas and I all had grins on our faces at seeing the two troublemakers.
"We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well-earned comforts." Pippin said to Gimli with a look of importance.
Merry took a large draw from his pipe and let the smoke blow from his mouth, smacking his lips in delight. Gimli looked longingly at the smoke, his mouth agape.
"The salted pork is particularly good." Pippin continued.
"Salted pork?" Gimli said with a look of want on his face.
"Huh. Hobbits." Gandalf muttered to himself with annoyance.
"They sure know how to make the best out of nothing." I said to the wizard who nodded in agreement.
"We're under orders, from Treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard." Merry said to the group of us.

Gandalf led us through the flooded area to where Treebeard was waiting. Ents stood around listening to the conversation. The horses splashed through the water, expertly dodging anything hidden, like rocks or logs.
"Young Master Gandalf. I'm glad you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone I can master. But there is a wizard to manage here, locked in his tower." Treebeard told Gandalf in a slow, raspy deep voice.
"And there Saruman must remain, under your guard Treebeard." Gandalf told the Ent.
"Well, let's just have his head and be done with it." Gimli stated.
"No." Gandalf said. Putting to bed all our ideas of how to dispose of the other white wizard.
"He has no power anymore." Gandalf mused.
"The filth of Saruman is washing away. Trees will come back to live here. Young trees. Wild trees." Treebeard said to the group. The idea of an overrun tower of vines and many trees sprung to my mind making me smile.
A loud splash alerted our attention. Pippin had jumped from the horse he was sharing with Ada and was making his way to something.
"Pippin!" Ada called as Pippin splashed through the water. The water was well up to Pippins waist making it a difficult task.
Pippin picked up a dark round ball from the water. The middle of it seemed to glow orange.
Gandalf rode up behind him.
"Bless my Bark." Treebeard said horrified.
"Peregrin Took! I'll take that, my lad. Quickly now." Gandalf commanded Pippin sharply.
Pippin handed it to Gandalf who wrapped it in his robes quickly and rode away. The young Hobbit stood watching, disappointment clear.

We left Isengard and rode back to Edoras.
That evening Theoden held a banquet in honour of the fallen.
"Tonight we remember those who gave their blood go defend this country. Hail the victorious dead." Theoden said to the hall.
He raised his cup in toast.
"Hail" the room echoed as the men and women who fought raised their cups and took a drink. I also raise mine, thinking of all the live lost in the battle.
The banquet was bustling with celebrations.
I was sitting quietly watching the people enjoy their night. Eomer walked over to me and sat down.
"Lady Callie, I want to thank you for helping the People of Rohan. With the efforts of yourself, Lord Aragorn, Prince Legolas and the dwarf, Gimli we managed to defeat the army of Saruman." He said to me.
I turned to face the man sitting next to me.
"Lord Eomer, we wouldn't have left your people to suffer. Thank you for your kind words." I said bowing my head respectfully to him. He hummed and walked off to get more mead.

Eowyn walked up to Ada with a cup.
"Be thou well Aragorn" she said in elvish. Ada took the cup from her and drink from it, he seemed confused by the gesture.
Eowyn smiled happily at him, love in her eyes. Ada bowed his head to her and walked off.
Theoden walked over to Eowyn.
"I am happy for you. He is an honourable man." He told her.
"You are both honourable men." Eowyn replied to Theoden.
"It was not Theoden of Rohan who led our people to victory. Ah, don't listen to me. You are young. Tonight is for you." He told her.
I stood and made my way to Ada and Gandalf.
Gandalf was clapping along to the song Merry and Pippin were singing while they were dancing on a table.
"No news of Frodo?" Ada asked Gandalf.
"Nothing." Gandalf replied.
"We have time. Everyday Frodo moves closer to Mordor." Ada reassured Gandalf.
"Do we know that?" Gandalf doubted.
"What does your heart tell you?" Ada replied.
"That Frodo is alive. Yes. Yes, he's alive." Gandalf said in response.

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