Trees and Dreams

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We paused to catch our breath on the grey rocks for a few moments after we left the mines of Moria. The hobbits clung to each other crying in shock. The silence in the mountains echoed the deep sadness we all felt.

Legolas stood next to me as I stared out into the wilderness beyond. Tears trailed down my face at the loss of a great friend and mentor.
"I have never experienced loss like this. I did not know the pain." Legolas whispered, his face pale with grief. I reached over and took his hand in mine, as a gesture of comfort. It was warm and soft and fitted my hand perfectly.
"It is a pain you will not soon forget. But it will ease with time." I whispered back. He laced his fingers through mine.
"I hope to the Valar you are right." Legolas said to me.

"Legolas, Callie, get them up" Ada said after a few minutes. He stood cleaning his sword, wiping the orc blood off it. Legolas let go of my hand and turned to do what was requested. I joined him, walking towards Pippin and Merry.
"Give them a moment for pity's sake! " Boromir said to Ada, his dust covered face streaked from tears. I paused waiting to hear what Ada said.
"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs. We must reach the woods of Lothlorien" Ada said to Boromir. He sheathed his sword with a metallic shing.
"Come Merry, Pippin, we must go." I said as to the two Hobbits who looked at me with a most devastated expression.
"Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Callie, get them up." Ada commands us walking towards Sam.
"On your feet Sam." He said pulling Samwise up by his tunic top.
"Frodo? Frodo!" Ada called out. Frodo had wandered off away from the group. Frodo paused, turning back to gave us. Tears dripped off of his chin. I walked over to the grieving Hobbit and crouched down to his level.
"Come Frodo, wipe your tears. We must make for safety." I said kindly placing my hand on his shoulder.

Ada jogged ahead of the group as we walked in silence. Water bubbled and gurgled next to us as it ran from a small lake in a stream down the rocks. Ada splashed through the stream and came to a stop on a rise. I joined him on the rock and we looked out and saw the forest of Lothlorien.
"Lothlorien, the place your Nana and I walked together. I have not been back since Eru Ilúvatar gifted you to us." He said.
"Long has it been since I have walked in Lothlorien, Ada. I was but a mere Elfling." I replied to him.
Ada squeezed my shoulder and walked off, following the path down the mountainside.

We ran into the Woods, away from the open fields.
It was like coming home when we entered the woods. This was the realm of my relatives. The trees seemed to whisper a welcome as I stepped through the forest. I was trailing behind the group, enjoying the familiarity.
"Stay close young Hobbits. They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods. An elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell and is never seen again." Gimli said trying to whisper. I rolled my eyes and laughed silently.
"My Sweet Child, you've come." A female voice whispered in my mind. I smiled, my Great Grandmother knew I was here. 
Boromir suddenly appeared beside me. I had been distracted by listening to the voice.
"You called Aragorn Ada." He said to me, his eyes narrowed.
I looked at him surprised.
"You heard that? I did yes. Aragorn is my father." I told him.
Legolas was stopped ahead watching our exchange carefully, ready to help me if I needed it.
"So you're a princess" Boromir said anger on his face.
"No I am not. My father is heir to the throne of Gondor not King. If he was king then yes I would be." I replied to him walking off and leaving him to walk at the back of the group. He ran after me.
"Why did you keep this information hidden" he hissed.
"Boromir, I — " I was stopped in my tracks as an arrow was pointed at my face and I was not the only one in this predicament.

"Well. Here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a Hawk and the ears of a Fox.. oh." Gimli nearly walking right into the arrow pointing at him.
We couldn't even blink without being in danger of losing our lives.

The Princess of Imladris [Legolas]Where stories live. Discover now