The loss of a friend

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"I want to ask you to stay here with your Kin but I know better." Ada said to me as he passed me a package of supplies to put in the boat.
"Glad to see you realised that Ada." I said grinning at him. He rolled his eyes at me, an amused smile lighting up his face.
"You are much alike me Nîn-iell. I just don't want to see you hurt. You mean the world to me." He said seriously stepping over and smoothing a stray hair out of my face. The look in his eyes seemed far away as if he was remembering memories from a long time ago.
"I know Ada. But I don't want to see you hurt either. I won't leave you, Ada, by your side is where my place is." I told him, looking into his weatherworn face.
His eyes softened and he smiled at me sadly.
"Nîn-iell. You are the best gift I was ever given." He said pulling me into a warm hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and relaxed into the comfort and familiarity of my Ada. The memory of curling up in his arms as he carried me to my bed as a small Elfling appeared in my mind.
"Here is some more - oh sorry." The voice of Gimli interrupted us, my memory fading quickly like smoke in the breeze.
"Thank you Gimli." Ada said releasing me from the hug and stepping back to take the package.
Carefree laughter sounded as Merry and Pippin raced to one of the boats with a parcel of food.
The three of us watching them joined in laughing at their antics.
We continued to load the boats up with our gear.
Hobbits reminded me of small children playing happily without a worry in the world.

I overheard Legolas talking to Merry and Pippin.
"Lembas! One small bite can fill a man." The Prince said to the Hobbits. He took a bite of the elvish whey bread, happiness on his face. The elf wrapped the bread up and put it back in the package. A look of surprise and guilt graced the Hobbits' features. Legolas walked off to collect something else to pack.
"How many did you eat?"
I burst out laughing nearly falling into the water near me.


We left Lothlórien a month from the day we arrived. Galadriel had given us all gifts on our departure. My main gift, the mirror, had been given to me the evening before.
She also gave me a small knife, silver and glinting. It was a straight blade that was thin but long in length. The hilt was twisted metal with a small sapphire on the very tip of the hilt.
"Use this for your courting gift to Legolas" she had whispered in my mind, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. Galadriel pulled me into a tight hug.
"I will miss you very much my dear. I will pray to the Valar you stay unharmed." Celeborn said giving me a hug after Galadriel.

We were given use of three boats to travel in until we reached the falls.
Aragorn, Frodo and Sam rode in the boat leading the group. Boromir, Merry and Pippin rode in the boat in the middle of the group. Legolas, Gimli and myself took the back position.
Something had me feeling uneasy about the forest to the right of us as we towed down the river. I turned my head to ask Legolas if he sensed it but I could already tell by the way he was carefully watching the forest.
"You sense it too?" I asked him quietly. Quietly enough that an elf would hear it but no one else would.
He looked at me with a concerned look in his blue eyes.
"Something is stalking us." He whispered back.
I reached backwards and gripped his calf in comfort. His hands were occupied by rowing.
"We must be prepared for anything." I replied to him. Turning forwards I heard a sharp intake of breath from Adas boat as we approached the huge stone statues of his Forefathers.
"Frodo. The Argonath. Long have I desired to look upon the Kings of old. My Kin" Aragorn said into the silence to his boat mates.
I looked in awe at the statues overhead. These were the people of my father.

My people.

We came to a stop at a beach on the lake that had the falls roaring in the distance.
"We cross the lake at Nightfall. Hide the boats and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the North. " Ada said as he finished unpacking his boat for the night.
I shared a glance with Legolas.
"Oh, Yes? Just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil. An impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks. And after that, it gets even better. Festering, stinking marshland. As far as the eye can see." Gimli said with unease.
"That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength Master Dwarf" Aragorn said calmly to Gimli.
Gimli bristled at that comment from Ada.
"Recover my..."

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