Rain and Caves

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Day 9 of the slow ride back to Gondor and it had been raining for five days and nights. The land was thoroughly drenched and muddy. Thranduil had sent two riders ahead to find a suitable spot to camp. Water dripped off of my eyelashes every time I blinked, although I didn't mind the rain, it was good for the farmers and the land.
The scouts came into view as their horses splashed through the puddles back to the main party.
"Sire, there is a cave ahead that is big enough for shelter. It would be perfect if you would like rest." The scout said after he bowed to Thranduil.
At the sharp nod, the party moved forward, following the scouts to the cave.
"It is nice to have a break from the rain." I said to Legolas as we removed out drenched cloaks. He nodded in agreement.
"Definitely. A break is needed. Once the fire is going, we can rest in front of it." He said digging through his bag for a blanket to sit on. Thunder cracked and lighting lit up the dark sky as we sat drying by the fire. Having a handful of guards with us, I decided to try and rest for the night. Sleep took me quickly but only for a few hours. I awoke to a sky that twinkled with stars in the early morning.

The fire crackled and hissed as slightly wet logs were put onto it. I was laying on my bedroll watching the sun rise above the horizon, a clear, blue sky greeting us. I rose quietly and packed up my bedroll and blanket. A servant of Thranduil's was bustling away at the fire, cooking some breakfast for the group. Another servant was saddling the horses and making sure everything was ready to be packed.
"Good morning Lady Callie, did you rest well?" Thranduil asked me as he walked into the cave from having taken a small stroll with Legolas.
"Good morning your highness, yes I did thank you. I hope you had a restful night." I replied to the King who sat down near the fire to wait for food. Thandruil nodded in reply, choosing to forego words. That was the end of that conversation.
Legolas walked into the cave soon after, saving me from the awkward silence that filled the cave.
He sat down next to me and kissed my cheek.
"Good morning Meleth Nîn." He said smiling at me. He accepted a plate full of food and started eating.
"Good morning." I replied to him.
"It is a five day ride to Minas Tirith. I only plan to stop one more time. Please finish up and get ready to move on." Thranduil said firmly as he stood from his seat. The servant rushed forward to collect the cup and plate the king had used.
As soon as Thranduil left the cave, Legolas set down his plate and turned to face me. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in for a deep kiss. His other hand he placed on the small of my back.
"I've been dying to kiss you for many days now." Legolas said breathlessly as he pulled away.
My head spun for a moment before I registered his words.
"Why not kiss me again?" I asked him, desperately wanting him too.
Legolas grinned sending butterflies through my stomach, and did as he was asked.


The horses and Elk slowed to a trot, the sharp ring of their hooves on the cobblestone had people leaning out of their houses and gathering onto the streets of Minas Tirith.
"The princess is back!" People whispered to each other. Thranduil looked down his nose at the children, dirty from playing, that ran squealing next to his Elk. Their mothers ran after them scolding their offspring for disturbing the Elven King.
Ada and Nana were waiting for us by the White Tree sapling in the courtyard. To my surprise Lord Elrond was standing there too.
I jumped down from my horse and quickly walked to my parents.
"Ada, Nana! I missed you." I said stopping in front of them. Nana wrapped her arms around me in a soft hug. There was nothing like the embrace from a mother. Her perfume wafted gently from her neck making me feel at home once again.
"Arwen, release her, I want to see my daughter too." Ada said. I could here the happiness in his voice. Nana laughed and stepped back from the hug.
Ada pulled me into a tight hug, placing a kiss on the top of my head.
"We missed you too Nîn-iell." He said before standing back to greet Legolas and Thranduil.
"Mae Govannen King Thranduil, Prince Legolas." Ada said formally to the two Elves. Legolas grinned and stepped forward to give Ada a quick hug himself. Thranduil simply nodded before returning the greeting.
"Please join us for evening meal later. For now, I imagine you would like to be shown to your rooms to bathe and rest." Nana said gracefully to Thranduil. The Elven King walked off following the maid that stepped forward when Nana spoke. Everyone relaxed when he had left feeling more among friends.
I stepped forward to Lord Elrond.
"AdaAdar, it is wonderful to see you." I said giving the stern elf a polite hug.
"I am glad you are safe and well Nîn-siel." He replied accepting the hug.
"You must tell me about your time in Eryn Lasgalen, I enjoyed your letters but I would like to hear the words from your mouth." Nana said looping her arm in mine as we all made our way into the palace halls.
"Of course Nana, I would love to tell you about it." I agreed happily to the brunette holding my arm hostage.
"She has been anxiously awaiting your return Nîn-iell. The court ladies of Gondor have been at her side all day every day." Ada commented to us.
"Oh poor Nana. That must have been very irritating." I said to her with a small laugh.
Nana scowled at me with mock annoyance before laughing. She dragged me off down the halls leaving Ada, Legolas and Lord Elrond behind.


"Have you organised the seamstress to visit you yet your Highness?" One of the court ladies asked me as I joined Nana in her daily activities. It was almost lunch time and I was exhausted. These ladies talked happily about dull subjects. For example, the colour of the season for fashion, hairstyles, jewellery, eligible bachelors. Valar I find a quiet nook and sit in silence.
"No Lady Lhaindes. I have only been back for one day." I replied politely, hiding the annoyance.
"Surely you will want to see her soon! A Gondorian wedding dress can take awhile to make." Lady Lhaindes insisted leaning forward towards me.
"I will not be wearing a Gondorian wedding dress Lady Lhaindes. The Lady Galadriel of Lothlorien has had an elvish seamstress make me one. It will arrive in a week." I said back, standing from my chair. The court ladies gasped in shock at my comment.
"But you're a Princess of Gondor now. Shouldn't you adapt our fashion?" Another lady spoke up.
"Forgive me for not wanting poofy dresses. I have spent over 200 years living among other elves. My clothing is what I prefer to wear and I can guarantee you, the Queen feels the same way." I said icily to the ladies.
"Come Nana, it is time for midday meal with Ada." I said turning to the other Elf. Nana rose and walked out of the room, bidding goodbye to the ladies.
"Valar Nana. Sorry but you're on your own with those leeches." I told her as we made our way through the hallways.
"Leeches?" Nana questioned me hiding a smile.
"They suck the life out of you." I replied to her, reaching to open the door to the private dining hall.
Nana shook her head at me with an amused smile.
"That they do Nîn-iell. But now that you're back, we can pretend they don't exist. Soon Eowyn will be joining us here as Faramir asked for her hand in marriage. At least that one more intelligent lady." Nana said as we sat down at the table. Ada was sitting there listening intently to our conversation.
"Nana, there is always that lady there to gossip with." I said with a straight face, looking at Ada. Nana started to laugh as Ada looked at us offended.
Legolas chose that moment to stride into the room. He took in the scene before him, Nana and me laughing and Ada pouting. He sighed and chose to sit near Ada.
"Ada I want to talk to you about something later. Is there a moment after midday meal I can visit you in your office?" I asked him after awhile.
"I do have a meeting with some of the Lords, can I send for you when I am free?" He asked me as Thranduil walked into the room.
"Of course Ada." I replied. Now that everyone was at the table, the kitchen staff served the food.
"King Thranduil, how has your day been?" I asked him, trying to make small talk. He looked at me expressionless before answering.
"I have spent the day writing letters to my advisors in Eryn Lasgalen. I am to meet with Lord Elrond later. " He said with an air of importance. Unsure how to reply to this, I gave him a polite smile before returning to my food.
The meal ended quickly, Ada the first to leave. Thranduil rose and exited the dining hall shortly after.
"Callie, will you accompany me on a walk?" Legolas asked me as a servant cleared our plates.
"Excuse me Nana." I said as I stood up to go with him. Nana nodded smiling at us before deciding to leave the room herself.

Legolas opened the door for me and we left the dining hall.
He put an arm around my waist as usual as we walked in comfortable silence through the palace. Soon we came to a small courtyard with plants and trees.
"I found this earlier today and wanted to show it to you." He said smiling happily, his eyes shining as the autumn sun shone down.
"It's lovely. I'm glad you found it." I told him, walking away from his side to admire the changing leaves of the trees.
"I can imagine how beautiful this place will be in summer." He observed trailing behind me. I stopped and waited for him to join me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled at him.
"There will be many a summer we can visit it." I said to him looking into his blue eyes.
He leaned in to kiss me but at the last minute I slipped out of his grasp and walked over to a beautiful flowering Dahlia.
Two strong arms wrapped around my stomach and pulled me away.
I gasped in surprise before laughing lightly.
"You tease." Legolas said spinning me around to face him. I realised I was trapped between the handsome elf and a tree.
There was no way I was getting out of this one. Legolas moved one hand from around my back and pulled my head closer to his.
He rested his forehead on mine for a moment before crashing his lips down, catching me into a fierce kiss. My legs felt a little like jelly as he deepened the kiss. He pulled away, panting slightly.
"Why did you stop?" I asked him breathlessly. Legolas looked at me for a moment, before leaning in, this time for a slow, sweet kiss.
"I love you and I can't wait to marry you." He whispered to me before stepping back from me.
"I love you too Legolas." I said smiling brightly. A guard chose that moment to walk into the courtyard.
"Princess, the King has sent for you." He said with a short bow.
"Thank you." I said to the guard. He left the courtyard as quickly as he appeared.
"I will see you at dinner Meleth-Nîn." I said to Legolas before making my way back into the palace.

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