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We followed Gandalf through the forest listening to his words. He had donned a grey cloak to cover his new white robes.
"One stage of your journey is over, another begins. War has come to Rohan. We must ride to Edoras with all speed". We reached the edge of the forest and came to a halt. We were back where we had entered. The horses that the Riders of Rohan had given us were still there, casually grazing the sweet grass.
Gandalf whistled a high pitch whistle into the distance. A stunningly beautiful white horse came galloping towards us. His muscles ripped as the sunlight shone on his pearly white coat.
"That is one of The Mearas. Unless my eyes are cheated by some spell." Legolas said in awe.
The horse came to a stop in front of Gandalf and stretched his head forward to sniff Gandalfs hand.
"Shadowfax. He is the lord of all horses and has been my friend through many dangers." Gandalf said stroking the horse. We alighted our respective mounts and took off towards the city of Rohan.
We slowed to a stop with a city looming in the distance. The city was built on a hill, rising above the plains. At the very top was a large house with flags flapping in the breeze.
"Edoras and The Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Theoden, King of Rohan whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over the King is now very strong. Becareful what you say. Do not look for welcomes here." Gandalf said warning us. We rode onto the city.
A torn flag fluttered down to the grassy ground as Ada urged the horse we were riding through the gate.
"This is city is neglected." I whispered to him. He glanced at the flag one more.
The people in the city were downcast and quiet. They watched as we rode past, almost shadows instead of people.
"You'll find more cheer in a graveyard." Gimli commented. The horses were handed off to a stable hand after we dismounted and began the trick up the wide, shallow steps.
As we came up the last step to the hall the doors opened and we were greeted by a company of guards. The leader addressed us formally and firmly.
"I cannot allow you before Theoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of .... Grima Wormtongue." The knight paused before saying who gave the order, like it was painful for him. His expression a grimace of disgust at the name.
"Oh" Gandalf said agreeably and nodded to us.
We each removed our weapons and handed them to the guards. The guards blinked in surprise at the amount of weapons we had between us.
"Your staff." The leader said to Gandalf.
"Mm? Oh! You would not part an old man from his walking stick." Gandalf said as he hunched his back a little. Ada smiled secretively as Gandalf winked at us.
"My lord, Gandalf the Grey is coming." The slimy looking man whispered to the King. I looked at the advisor and recoiled at his appearance. He had greasy black hair hung in stands around his beady eyes. His skin was sickly pale and the man moved like a slithering snake. The king looked like old, dry leather, his eyes clouded and he sat slumped in his chair.
The doors slammed shut behind us and with a thunk they were locked. We were being flanked by guards who watched us intently the entire walk to the kings throne.
"He is a herald of Woe." The man whispered to the king. If you could see words spoken his would be black and like smoke that seeped into everything, staining and ruining all good.
"The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late Theoden King" Gandalf stated boldly to the King.
I felt eyes of the barbarian men raking me up and down. Legolas, sensing my discomfort, switched places with me so I was not on the end.
"He is not welcome" The slimy man advised the king.
"Mm. Why should I welcome you Gandalf stormcrow?" The king taunted weakly.
"A just question my Liege. Late is the hour I'm which this conjured chooses to appear. Lathspell, I name him. Ill news is an ill guest." The man who I guessed to be Grima Wormtongue said as he weaselled his way to us.
"Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm." Gandalf spat back to the wormy man. He brandished his staff from where it was hidden in his cloak.
"His staff. I told you to take the Wizard's staff." The worm whined to his men.
The brute men came racing forward to us with fight in their eyes.
Ada punched the first one squarely in the face. Hand to hand combat broke out. This was not my strong point but I'll be damned if I let these horrible men know this. I had elbowed one man in his stomach and nose sending him sprawling. Another one came up behind me and grabbed my braid yanking me to the ground backwards. A loud crack sounded from where my head hit the stone. I swept his feet out from under him and he fell over. The man put his arms out to stop his fall and proceeded to snap both wrists.
"Theoden, Son of Thengel.. too long have you sat in the shadows." Gandalf said as he stalked towards the king.
No more men approached us. Gimli put his foot on Grima Wormtongue who was scrambling for escape.
"I would stay still if I was you" he growled at him. I stood up and swayed. My head ringing from the hit.
Legolas, ever the observer, strode over and helped me to stay upright. He wrapped his arm around my waist and gripped my bicep with his other.
"Thank you" I whispered to him, leaning into him a bit.
"Hearken to me! I release you from the spell." Gandalf muttered with his hand outstretched to the king.
The king started laughing at this. His laughing echoed through my head making it spin. I touched the back of my neck, feeling something on it but it came away sticky. My eyes swam as I struggled to focus on my hand as I brought it to my line of sight.

The Princess of Imladris [Legolas]Where stories live. Discover now