The Long Run

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We ran for days, not stopping for anything. No rest, no food, no break.
Hot on the trail of Merry and Pippin, and their captors. The grasslands making it softer underfoot for us. Legolas ran next to me, Ada at the head of the group and Gimli bringing up the rear.
I thanked the Valar for my elven heritage and stamina, but still wanting to finally lay down to rest at for relief and strength. Being only 249 years old, I still had less stamina than someone of Legolas' age.

Ada had stopped for a moment to gather his bearings. He was listening with his head to the rock for the sound of the Orc army. He called me over to where he was crouched.
"Put your ear to the ground and listen. Listen for the thudding of footsteps." He said to me. I did as he instructed. Through the ground I heard a deep yet faint rumble, like thunder far away.
"I hear it. They are running fast." I said to Ada raising my head from the ground. He dusted the dirt from the side of my head and stood up.
"Their pace has quickened. They must have caught our scent. Hurry!" He said to us as he turned and started running again.
"Come on Gimli!" Legolas called to him as we ran to catch the ranger.
"Three days and nights pursuit. No food. No rest. And no sign of our quarry, but what bare rock can tell." Gimli grumbled as he moved off after us.
Legolas took hold of my hand and ran with me for a while. Butterflies in my stomach distracted me and I stumbled over a small stone.
"Careful. Are you alright?" Legolas asked slowing his pace to let me get my footing again.
"Yes I am fine. I was distracted and did see the stone" I replied to him blushing slightly with embarrassment. Legolas grinned and let out a small chuckle.
"My apologies for distracting you." He said cheekily as we quickened our pace again.
With my face now bright red, I opened my to reply but did not have a chance.
"Stop your chatting and quicken your pace!" Ada snapped over his shoulder at us. He desperately wanted to save Merry and Pippin.
Legolas uttered an apology to Ada and let go of my hand. He quickly put some distance between us.
With frustration and embarrassment, I pushed ahead, falling in step with Ada.
"That was uncalled for Ada. I had tripped and Legolas was just checking on me." I hissed to him, keeping instep with him.
Ada glanced at me for a second, eyebrows furrowed in a scowl.
"That of course is why you were bright red and Legolas was laughing. We do not have time for your courtship at the moment. The Hobbits rely on us to help them." Ada said to me harshly.
"Ada!" I said mortified. I wanted to tell him that we were still running with him, but enjoying each others company but Ada spoke again.
"Do not get distracted again. Or we will leave you behind if you fall and injure yourself." He finished, his sharp tone surprising me.
"What happened to be the best gift you had ever been given?" I snapped back at him, tears welling in my eyes. He looked at me with a mixture of guilt and anger.
Ada had never spoken to me like this before. A lump formed in my throat and a pang of hurt at his words hit me deep in my chest.
I backed off and took up the position at the rear of the group. Swallowing my pain and blinking away my tears, I ran in silence. Legolas looked back at me, pity written on his face. Of course he had heard it. But he knew better than to anger Ada and stayed away for the time being.
It was moments like this when I desperately missed my Nana. Her warm smile and kind, understanding eyes came to my mind. I so much wanted to curl up in her arms and complain, and cry. She would tell me to give Ada space and time. We have had arguments before but never this harshly. That is the downfall of being alike, arguing. I decided to listen to what Nana had told me the last time I had argued with Ada before he left to keep watch for Frodo. He'd refused to let me accompany him.
"Your Ada has a lot on his mind. He has his reasons. Do not let his words upset you too long." Nana had told me when I had told her my frustrations. Although Nana had agreed about me not going with him.


Ada halted our progress as we came upon a small leaf that Galadriel had gifted to each of us to hold our cloaks. The green brooch had been stomped into the mud.
"Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall." He said.
"They may yet be alive." Legolas commented.
"Less than a day ahead of us. Come." Ada commanded. I took a deep breath and started running again.
"Come, Gimli! We're gaining on then!" Legolas called to Gimli who tumbled town the mountainside. I paused and ran back to Gimli, the dwarf accepted my hand and I pulled him to a stand. He was fine, no injury present.
"I'm wasted cross-country. We Dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances" Gimli called back to Legolas.
We reached the top of the hill and came to a stop.
"Rohan. Home of the Horse-lords" Ada stated climbing on top of a large rock. The rest of us hopped up with him to look out onto the grassy plains.
"There's something strange at work here. Something evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets its will against us." Ada said and hoped down the rock. Legolas ran ahead to a rock with a better view.
"Legolas, what do your elf-eyes see?" Ada called as he held a hand out to me to climb down the rock. I ignored his hand and hopped off the rock. Ada opened his mouth to say something to me but I turned away from him. I did not want to be reprimanded for something else. I heard Ada's sigh as I walked off.
"The Uruks turn northeast. They are taking the Hobbits to Isengard!" Legolas yelled to us.
"Saruman." Ada said to himself.

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