The Coronation of a King

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The creak of wooden door opening echoed off of the stone walls in my room. The sound of footsteps getting closer caught my attention.
"Meleth-Nîn." Legolas greeted me, joining me standing on the balcony. The cool, autumn breeze gently brushed past us.
"So much destruction yet the people are rejoicing. It astounds me, the positive outlook they have so soon after the war." I said to Legolas.
"They rejoice as their King has come home finally." He said leaning forward onto the stone railing. People bustled around putting up garlands and streamers in the city. Children screamed happily as they played in the streets.
Carts rattled along the cobblestone road as farmers brought in crops they had to spare, Ada making sure they were well compensated for this. The year had been a hard harvest for most.
Legolas stood upright and faced me, he nervously fidgeted with the hem of his tunic.
"What is it Meleth? Why are you anxious?" I asked him reaching out to grasp his hand in my left one. My right arm still in a sling, Ada was very adamant I was not to move it yet.
"I" He hesitated.
"I'm going back to Eryn Lasgalen after the coronation." He blurted out, looking away from me. A lump formed in my throat at his words.
"Oh" was all I could squeak out.
"I want you to come with me. I want to show my Adar the Elleth that holds my heart very close. He replied to my letter I sent him two weeks ago. He wants to meet you." He said gripping my hand in both of his.
"Oh" I said again, this time more surprised, and a little relieved.
"Of course I'll come with you! I thought for a second you were going to leave me." I said the tension in my body beginning to relax and a smile appeared on my face.
Legolas grinned at me, his dimples sending butterflies through me. He reached up with his right hand and placed it on my cheek, his thumb brushed against my lips, so lightly it was almost like air.
"I couldn't leave you, even if I was commanded too. I love you too much." Legolas said. I took a half step forward and kissed him sweetly. I loved this elf more than anything I've ever experienced.
"I love you too Legolas. Walk with me to the Healing House? I want to see if there is anything I can do for the severely injured." I asked him moving away to get my freshly stocked healing satchel.
"Absolutely My Love." He said taking my hand as we walked to the door.


A few days later I was sitting in my room trying very hard to slip into the dress provided for me to wear to the coronation. The Lady Galadriel had arrived yesterday from Lothlorien. She had brought with her cases of elvish dresses and items from my room. I was very thankful as the fashion the Gondorian women wore was not my style. A gentle knock sounded at my door.
"If you're female, enter." I said loudly into the room.
To my very big surprise, my Nana and great grandmother slipped through the door, closing it behind them.
"Nana" I whispered surprised holding my dress to my chest. Tears of happiness sprung to my eyes upon seeing her.
"Oh Nîn-iell" she laughed as she took in my predicament. Galadriel and Nana walked over and gently helped me put my dress on. Galadriel pinned the sleeves together at the shoulders, elbows and wrists for me as Nana laced the back. The sleeves of the dress hid my bandaged arm.

I turned to face my maternal figures.
"Nana you didn't sail" I said to her. She wrapped me into a gentle motherly hug avoiding my injured arm.
"I couldn't leave you and your Ada. I'd have regretted it forever." She said and placed a kiss on my forehead.
Nana and Galadriel sat me down in front of the vanity and braided my hair into traditional elvish ceremonial braids. Galadriel opened the wooden box just to the left of me. Inside sat a beautiful circlet. In the middle of the circlet was a beautiful light blue gem, to match the one on the ring Legolas gave me. From the gem branched two leafy vines in a slight upward arch. The vines were outlined by two simple thin pieces of metal both top and below.
Small pearls and dark blue almost green gems were scattered over the circlet.
Nana and Galadriel gently placed this on my head and pinned it into the braids.
"Now my child, you look stunning. Your father doesn't know I am here. Don't tell him. It is a surprise." She said kindly.
I nodded at her.
"I won't tell him Nana. You may use this room to ready yourselves for the coronation." I told the two Elven ladies.
"Come Callie, Frodo has awakened. Let me walk you there." Galadriel said to me.

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