The Elven Healer

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The doors to Nana and Ada's room swung open with a loud creak. The baby in Nana's arms let out a loud cry as he awoke from his slumber.
Nana turned her furious gaze to the intruder who awoke her newest charge. Lord Elrond stood there, paused at the door as he realised what had happened.
"I'm not getting up to greet you AdaAdar." I said smiling at the Elven Healer. He smiled at me understanding why I wasn't getting up and strode across the room to where Nana and I were sitting by the window. Nana stood from her seat to try rock little Eldarion back to sleep.
Lord Elrond leaned down and kissed the top of my head in greeting before moving to where his daughter was standing.
"May I?" He asked her holding his arms out for his grandson. Nana happily handed over the squalling son to her Ada.
"Absolutely. You broke it. You fix it." She said firmly to him.
Ada, who had just walked into the room to see Lord Elrond, looked at the frustration on his wife's face and sighed.
"What happened?" He asked quietly as he walked over. Nana folded her arms across her chest and faced Ada.
"My Ada, woke Eldarion right after I'd got him to sleep." She grumbled tiredly. The Elfling squealed louder, more upset then before. Elrond was looking defeated as we watched him rock the child.
Ada took pity on the Elf Lord first, pushing off the wall where he was leaning and taking the baby from him.
Eldarion immediately settled and snuggled into his Ada's arms, with his little fist scrunching the tunic Ada wore.
Nana threw her hands up in defeat and slumped back into the chair.
"The both of you preferred your Ada in the first week of your life." She grumbled. I hid a smile behind my hand, staving of a giggle.
Of course, at that moment, I received a sharp and strong fist or foot straight into my stomach.
My lunch now on a one way trip back up, I stood and hurried out of the room to the washroom in Nana and Ada's suit. Elrond walked into the washroom as I was splashing my face with water from the wash bowl.
"Are you alright Nîn-siel?" He asked me, gently rubbing my back as I dried my face on a towel.
Elrond pulled the rope to alert the maid the washroom needed attending too.
"My stomach got assaulted. I am ok now." I said turning to face him. He reached down and put his hand on my wrist, checking my health with his Elf-Magic.
"You are battered and bruised but otherwise healthy. Come, let us join your parents again." He said dropping my wrist and holding the door open for me.
I walked back out, a small waddle in my gait and sat back in the chair I had been in.
Ada sent one of the guards to fetch some more food for me.
Ada, Lord Elrond and myself bid farewell to Nana and Eldarion an hour later as the Elfling needed to feed.

Ada and I made our way to the council room for the weekly status meeting. While most were accepting of my presence, there were a few that still gave me a hard time when Ada was absent.
The lords and advisors were all gathered when we walked into the room. There was a long rectangular table with chairs along all sides.
"Good afternoon" Ada said as he took his seat at the head of the table. I sat in the chair to his right, Faramir sat across from me. We were Ada's most trusted advisors and council members. The others all bowed to their King and took their seats, chairs scraping on the stone floors.
"It is good to see you Lord Faramir. What news of Ithilien?" Ada asked the Prince of Ithilien.
"Everything is well in the city. I have some letters for the Princess from the Houses of Healing regarding expansions and repairs. Outside the city, some of the new farmers are struggling with the land. Perhaps there are some seasoned farmers who could be spared to teach the new farmers in Ithilien?" Faramir questioned the council. Ada nodded, thinking about the request of Faramir's and what it would mean for Minas Tirith.
"Council members, please put forward ideas and advice." Ada stated to the room.
"Sire, I do think this will benefit the farmers of Ithilien. We must remember that there were none left after the War of the Ring. While many have been from families of farmers, they are young and need teaching." I said to Ada, using the correct addressing procedure for a council meeting.
"Why must we send our farmers? Why not send the ones from Ithilien here?" A Lord named Ingon.
"We cannot let the land be unattended to in either places. It will grow many weeds and take many years to make suitable for planting." Ada replied to Lord Ingon.
This lord always made sure to contradict my advice.
"I agree with the Princess. The farmers need to be taught. I can spare a couple of elderly retired farmers to help teach but they must not do hard work. If these new farmers can do the work and house an elderly farmer, then I will organise some men to be sent." Lord Nauthon said to Faramir. With his statement, two other Lords said the same.
"I will return to Ithilien in a weeks time. It will be ordered to the farmers that they are to house a mentor for a season." Faramir said bowing his head in thanks to the Lords.
I sat in my chair, absentmindedly rubbing my belly as the meeting continued. We disbanded as the room grew dark and hard to see in when night fell around us.
I let out a small groan as I stood from the hard wooden chair. Wincing slightly, I moved away from the table to greet my friend.
"Faramir. It is good to see you." I told the close advisor of the king.
"It is good to see you too Princess. I heard you have a little brother now." Faramir said with a smile.
"Yes I do. He is very tiny and very sweet." I replied to him. He opened the door for me and I walked out, burning pain radiating up my hips from the chair.
Legolas was standing there waiting for me so we could retire for the night.
"Faramir, it is good to see you." Legolas said echoing the words I had said earlier. Faramir grinned at this and shook his head in amusement.
"Take your wife to your rooms now Elf. She has pain. I will see you in the morning." He said turning around to go find Ada.
"He is observant." I said as Legolas frowned at me.
"Pain?" He asked as we walked off to our rooms.
"The chair is hard and hurts my hips." I told the concerned elf. He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side.
"I will fix that for you." He said firmly as we reached our rooms.
"I thought you might." I said smiling to my husband. Legolas opened the door for me, letting me hobble in first.

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