Thranduil, King of Mirkwood

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Gimli hadn't stopped talking. Two weeks so far we had been riding towards Eryn Lasgalen and yet the dwarf had not run out of words. He told us many tales of Erebor and his kin. Legolas was completely oblivious to this fact and simply enjoyed the peaceful time with his friend.
"Did I tell you the time my father was chased out of a mountain by Goblins?" Gimli asked us loudly.
"Was that the time they left poor Mr Bilbo behind or another?" I asked Gimli, hoping he realised that we've heard it all.
"Oh that's my favourite! Tell it again." Legolas said to his friend. I stared straight ahead, wishing for silence to enjoy the scenery.
"Alright then! Well as you know my Father was part of the expedition to The Lonely Mountain. One night after they left Rivendell, they camped in a cave high in the Misty Mountains....." Gimli said starting his story. Theatrically waving his arms about.
One more day.
I loved my friend but Valar if he didn't stop soon I was going to throw something at him.
One more day before I could have a warm bath and a soft bed to rest in.
The hours passed by slowly, and we were now walking our horses, giving them a break from carrying riders.
"Oh I never thought I'd admit this but I much prefer riding over walking or running!" Gimli said as he stomped alongside Legolas.
"Master Dwarf, you might find that if you stopped talking, you'd have more energy for walking." I said to him, not as kindly as I would have liked.
Gimli looked surprised and shocked at my words. Legolas was trying not to laugh at his friend's predicament. Gimli started laughing, Legolas and myself joining him. I was glad he hadn't taken that as an insult.
"Aye you may be right here Callie. I do talk a lot." He said as he calmed down. My horse chose that moment to snort loudly. I blinked in surprise before starting to laugh again. The others laughed as well.
"Even the horse agrees!" Legolas said gasping for air.


A sharp horn blast rang through the forest as we approached the gates of Eryn Lasgalen.
"Open the gates! Prince Legolas has returned!" A Elven guard who was standing in front of the gates shouted. The gates swung open allowing us to ride into the Elven city.
"Welcome Home Prince Legolas. Please allow me to care for your Horse and the Lady's horse. King Thranduil awaits you." The guard said as we dismounted the horses. Gimli had departed from us, choosing to walk to Erebor when we had reached Mirkwood Forest. We had even offered him a horse but he had refused.

Legolas took my hand and lead me through the halls and passageways of his home. The Elves of Mirkwood greeted their prince as we walked past.
We soon came to the Throne Hall doors. I paused nervously, my hand slipping from Legolas'. He stopped and turned to face me.
"What is wrong?" He asked me concerned.
"Am I of correct dress to greet your father? Should I change? I should bathe first, I don't look like a Princess of Gondor." I said, brushing my riding clothes down and pulling on any crinkles.
Legolas smiled at me and put his hands on my shoulder, drawing my attention to him.
"Meleth, you look fine. I'm sure there will be a nice warm bath waiting for you to use after you meet my Adar. Come. Let us not delay it any longer." He said placing a soft kiss on my lips.
"Hannon Le Meleth Nîn. I needed your reassurance." I replied straightening my shoulders.
I followed Legolas into the Throne Hall, climbing the many steps. We stopped on a landing, above us up more steps was a beautiful Throne, wood twisted to form a lattice pattern on the back and fanning out into large, antler like prongs. Sitting on the throne with his legs folded one over the other was King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm. He was very handsome with a stern face. He had long blond hair that Legolas had inherited. On his head was an amazing crown made from sticks, twisted together, all pointing upwards. Red leaves grew from the sticks adding colour and filling out any gaps. Two sharply pointed twigs curved down his cheek bones.

Thranduil stood from his throne, sliding off a silver and red silken robe, leaving it resting on his chair. He wore a similar silver tunic that cascaded down to the floor, almost covering his silver pants. The thuds of his shiny black boots echoed as he walked down the steps slowly, taking our appearances.
"It has been over a year since I sent you to Imladris as messenger. Only to find out you joined the quest to destroy the One Ring. 3 months after you left. And you've been involved in not one, or two, but three battles against the armies of Mordor." He said coming to a stop in front of Legolas.
The Elven Prince shifted his feet and looked down at his feet.
"Forgive me Adar." He said quietly. Thranduil stood there for a moment before placing a hand on Legolas' upper arm.
"I've never been more proud of you Nîn-ion. I am relieved you are home safe." Thranduil said to his son. Legolas looked up in surprise to his father.
"Now. Is this the one you wrote about in your letter?" He asked turning to face me.
"This is Callie, Princess of Gondor, Daughter of Aragorn the King of Gondor and Arwen the Queen of Gondor, granddaughter of Lord Elrond and great granddaughter of Lady Galadriel." Legolas said introducing me.
"Yes, I've heard of the half-elf granddaughter of Elrond." Thranduil said gazing at me fiercely.
"King Thranduil, thank you for allowing me to visit your kingdom. I must say it is very beautiful here." I said bowing my head in respect.
He turned away and walked up to his throne, gracefully sitting into it.
"There is a banquet tonight to celebrate your engagement. Please go prepare." Thranduil said dismissing us with a wave of his hand. Legolas took my hand and we left the throne room.


"This is the room that has been prepared for you." Legolas said as we stopped in front of a door. He opened the door to reveal a lovely room, the area where the wall facing the outside would have been, was sheer curtains gently waving in the breeze. The room had been decorated with flowers, vases full in many places.
"This is lovely, thank you." I said smiling happily at Legolas.
"I'm glad you like it. It has been prepared quite nicely." Legolas said walking in and pulling a perfect deep red carnation from the vase set on the table.
He walked back over and handed me the flower, smiling secretly at it.
I took the flower gently in my hand, admiring the beautiful petals.
"I love you deeply too, Legolas." I said to him looking back up into his eyes.
"You know what it means?" He asked me pulling me to him.
I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck.
"Of course, I studied under Lord Elrond for 200 years. I have learnt many things." I replied to him. Legolas didn't respond to that but smiled slightly before leaning in and kissing me, his lips felt soft and warm against mine. I relaxed in his arms as he kissed me slowly but full of love.
"Ahem." Someone said from behind me.
"Adar!" Legolas said mortified as he quickly stepped back from me.
It took a moment for me to register what was going on before I, one again, turned very red.
I winced internally as I turned to face the Elven King.
"Imagine my surprise as I was walking to your chambers to see you, Legolas, to find you were not there, instead I find you here. Are you so smitten with the Princess that you can't leave her for a few hours?" Thranduil asked with his arms behind his back.
Legolas stared at Thranduil, daring him to say more.
"I want to spend every moment with her. Awake or sleeping I want to be by her side. Forever." Legolas said firmly to his father. Eyes wide, I waited with bated breath to see how the King would react.
Thranduils mouth twitched as if he was about to smile.
"Good. Now, come with me Nîn-ion, I want to hear about your travels." Thranduil said turning and walking away. Legolas let out a shaky breath of relief. He kissed my cheek quickly before striding out of the room after his father.
The door closed with a quiet thunk as I shut it after them.
I placed the carnation on the table beside the bed and explored the room. Behind a thick, green curtain was a room that held a steaming bath.
My belongings had been brought up to the room earlier and unpacked for me.
I opened the wardrobe and selected a dress to wear for the banquet, taking it and laying it onto a small table in the washroom.
Quickly undressing from my dusty outfit I had worn on the journey, I stepped into the water. The water had had lavender and rose oils added to it, creating a sweet, relaxing scent in the air.
After washing myself thoroughly and cleaning my hair, and simply relaxing my tired muscles, I exited the bath and dried myself off with the towels provided.
The oils had left my skin extra soft and scented like flowers.
I put on the dress I had selected earlier, it's soft fabric gently floated around me as I walked back into the main room. My hair, I braided into a bun, leaving some cascading down my back in my natural ringlets.
The necklace Legolas had given me in Lothlorien matched perfectly with the sky blue colour of the dress.
After getting ready for the banquet, I sat at the desk provided and wrote a letter to Ada and Nana, detailing my experience so far on the ride to Mirkwood and meeting Thranduil. I was positive they would find it amusing. Simply because I was their daughter and I got embarrassed... again.

The sun had started to set by the time I had finished my letter and sealed it, ready to be sent. Legolas walked into the room not a minute after.
"Did you not get taught manners? Whatever happened to knocking first?" I asked him with a cheeky smile. Legolas eyes widened and he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Sorry Meleth. I was distracted by my mind and forgot." He said smiling apologetically.
I stood up from the desk and walked over to him, taking in his outfit. Legolas had dressed in a beautiful deep, almost black, blue tunic with dark brown pants.
"I'm sure I'll find it in my heart to forgive you." I said laughing slightly. He rolled his eyes at me and held his arm out to me.
"Come My Beautiful Princess, let us go to the banquet Adar had organised for us." He said in a sarcastically formal voice.
"Of course Dear Prince." I said back to him in the same way. Legolas grinned at me before we both laughed at the silliness.
"You look very handsome Meleth." I told him as I wrapped my hand around his elbow. We walked out of the room, closing the door behind us.
"I had to try and look halfway as good as you do." He replied to me grinning as he said it.
I still was not used to his complements obviously, because I blushed lightly.
We walked through the many hallways until we finally reached the Banquet Hall.
The guards swung the doors open for us, revealing the many faces of the Elves invited to the banquet.

I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves as the guards announced our presence.
"Prince Legolas and his betrothed, Princess Callie of Gondor." The guard said, his voice echoing in the silent room.

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